
Chapter 609 Alertness

Chapter 609 Alertness
Feng Renhan and Lin Xun were stunned by the sudden situation on the scene, and Lin Jianxin was instantly killed in the second move.

The most puzzling thing is that the cyan sword pill broke through Lin Jianxin's defensive spell without any resistance, and the strange thing is that the sixth-level defensive spiritual weapon went out of control at the last moment.

At this time, Yi Tianyi stretched out his hand to put away the Taiyuan Sword together with the 'Five Elements Exquisite Umbrella' and the 'Great Five Elements Sword Box', and then flew forward to shine a spot on the head of the remaining avatar carrier, instantly turning a Zhang Fulu was pasted on his forehead.

The body shrunk rapidly after a flash of inspiration in the air, and after three breaths, it turned into a thousand-year-old Scrophulariaceae with a snow-white body and a green leaf on its head.The items on his body fell down one after another, and Yi Tian put it away smoothly. When he turned around, the blue light flashed across the Scrophulariaceae again, and suddenly found a turquoise spiritual baby body sleeping soundly.

It turns out that Qian Lingyuan found the Wood Lingying, but this treasure was obviously ripened and then used to refine it into a clone carrier. The Scrophulariaceae is its original body. If there is no physical help, the Lingying will want to It's hard to grow fast.

He took out a jade box casually and put the Millennium Scrophulariaceae into it. After closing the lid and pasting the seal talisman on the outside, Yi Tian was relieved.

Turning around, the corner of his eyes caught Lin Xunzheng turning his head and scrambling away, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, Yi Tian turned into a bloody light and chased after him in an instant.

After the first ten breaths after the fire escape, he stopped Lin Xun on the way to escape. A red palm quietly stretched out and directly penetrated Lin Xun's chest and set his whole body on fire.After Yi Tian took off the storage ring on Lin Xun's body, he burned his body into a ball of residue.

After doing this, Yi Tian glanced at Feng Renhan who was not far away, and slowly flew forward, took out half of Lin Xun's belongings and threw them directly to him.

Feng Renhan stretched out his hand to catch it and said, "Being able to get acquainted with senior once and have a drink together is considered a blessing from heaven, but this property is absolutely unacceptable."

"This is considered a hush money," Yi Tian said indifferently: "I see that you are also a kind-hearted person, so this is why I am moved to love talents. This storage ring contains the general outline of Qianlingyao Sword Art and the first two styles , it is my kindness for you to give Tiandaozong to Du Ziheng."

Feng Renhan said with a bitter expression: "Senior, this is trying to drag my Heavenly Dao Sect into the water. I'm afraid that the Sect Master of Qianling Sect will know sooner or later that such a big thing happened in this formation relic."

Yi Tian spat and said disdainfully: "I'm afraid that old boy Qian Lingyuan has already sensed that his avatar has been destroyed at this time, but it's a pity that the cultivation around here is restricted and he can't find out the truth for a while."

"If Qian Lingyuan came here to investigate the situation, how should I deal with this junior?" Feng Renhan asked cautiously.

"Don't worry, I just killed his avatar soul, I'm afraid he is still suffering from the pain of tearing his soul in Qianlingzong at this time. Before it's too late, you should rush back to the exit, and take advantage of the people who are being pursued by Qianlingzong. Hurry back to the sect before you arrive," Yi Tianman said nonchalantly.

Faced with such rhetoric, Feng Renhan didn't dare to say any more. He picked up the storage ring and immediately turned around and flew towards the exit with all his strength.

After he left, Yi Tian's complexion sank and he took out the imprint array card, making seals with both hands and mobilized again. This time, he was searching for the trace of the demon cultivator. I believe he has already gone away after wasting this time.

I can't help thinking that there is only one exit in this world, is it really necessary to block people at the exit?Afterwards, this proposal was directly rejected. It would not be a good thing if there was a big fight at the exit to attract the attention of others.

Half a quarter of an hour later, a black figure gradually appeared on the jade tablet. At this time, lava spewed out from time to time. It seems that the magician must have gone to somewhere underground, so the tracking mark could not be sensed intermittently.

After taking out Lin Jianxin's relics and looking them up, Yi Tian found three valuable jade slips among them, one of which was a complete set of Qianlingyao swordsmanship. So far, he was finally able to learn all the three masters of Yaojian.

Another Jade Slip Letter recorded the Zhongzhou ruins that Qian Lingyuan's avatar had explored separately over the past hundred years. It also mentioned that several space seals left by the Li Huo Sect had not yet appeared.

But what interests Yi Tian the most is that the handbook also mentions that Asura's mighty Luo Que and Qian Lingzi may be sealed in these spaces and cannot escape.

And the mission of Qianlingzong for thousands of years is to try every means to find the place where Qianlingzi's real body is sealed. As long as he is allowed to escape, Tianlan Continent will be the leader of his Qianlingzong family.

After reading this, Yi Tian suddenly felt cold sweat dripping down his back. According to the above description, if Qian Lingzi got out of trouble, the worst would be at the early stage of transformation. It would be a piece of cake for such an old monster to deal with him.If Qian Lingzong is allowed to take the lead, then the idea of ​​regaining Li Huozong will have to be forgotten, and what will be faced by then is endless robbery.

In this way, there is not much time left for him. Fortunately, he got the news after killing Qian Lingyuan's clone, otherwise he would still be kept in the dark by Qian Lingyuan's lofty ideals.

And the last jade slip turned out to be the interrogation record with He Weiming, which mentioned that He Weiming would also send a clone to the ruins of the Yushou Temple to investigate many suspicious things in it.

Since it was said so in the biography of the jade slips, He Weiming's avatar must also be mixed in it, but Yi Tian broke the casserole and didn't find anything suspicious.Unless it's the demon cultivator, but it's unlikely after thinking about it, how could He Weiming's dignified Qianling sect Yuanying late-stage monk refine a demon cultivator clone.

Moreover, the magic cultivator searching for the power of the magic source to practice will have a certain impact on the body. Although He Weiming seemed to be quite prejudiced against himself during the battle against demons in Lanyunjian last time, he did not find any clues at that time. .

This time Lin Jianxin made a special trip to get the core of the sixth-level spirit beast, and there is still a communication jade talisman between him and He Weiming.After Yi Tian took out the jade talisman, he couldn't help thinking in his mind.After thinking about it for a while, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he wrote a message in the jade talisman, then changed hands, activated the jade talisman and sent it out.

Half an hour later, Yi Tian actually found that in the mirror image displayed on the tracking array card in his hand, the demon cultivator seemed to have received something, and when he looked closely, it was really the jade talisman he sent just now.

So far, his face was no longer relaxed, since he confirmed the existence of the opponent, he might as well take this opportunity to kill them together.

After tidying up these things, Yi Tian took out Lin Jianxin's clothes and put them on directly. In the next operation of the Imperial Beast Temple Ruins, there is no need to hide his head and show his tail, as long as he acts under the banner of the other party.

And I also thought of how to plot against He Weiming's clone.

(End of this chapter)

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