
Chapter 610

Chapter 610
The two late Nascent Soul cultivators of the Qianling Sect each have avatars, and both of them must have passed through each other in private.Although Qian Lingyuan and He Weiming have their own affairs during the trip to the ruins of the Royal Beast Temple like this, they still maintain contact with each other.

Fortunately, this space was set up by the powerful ancestors of the Lihuo Sect to suppress the cultivation of those who entered it below the Nascent Soul stage. It was originally for the disciples to conduct trials and animal breeding experiments.Now it has helped Yi Tian a lot, if he killed Lin Jianxin directly outside, Qian Lingyuan would know it immediately.

But here it is very different. Although Qian Lingyuan could detect that a clone's divine sense was destroyed, he couldn't find the exact person who did it.As for the formation space, Yi Tian felt that he had the advantage of the home ground. After killing Lin Jianxin, he had tried to use many spells, among which only the skills passed down by Li Huozong received the least restrictions.

To put it bluntly, it is tantamount to opening a back door for myself with this formation relic, so I am really sorry for the good intentions of my ancestors if I don't make good use of it.

From Lin Jianxin's relics, it is known that this time he came to check whether there is a hidden entrance to the confined space here. Although the possibility of finding it is not high, it will always feel a little grudge if he misses it.

At this time, He Weiming's avatar came to collect the bones of high-level monsters that had been buried here in the Lihuo Sect's Royal Beast Temple. He wanted to find some bones that provided magic power.

But what Yi Tian couldn't figure out the most was how the great cultivator of the Qianlingzong Yuanying in the late stage of He Weiming would switch to the way of magic. He didn't see any problems when he saw his body in the last battle against demons.

But this time, he took the opportunity to touch his bottom, and there was another thing that made Yi Tian feel lingering fear. He didn't know who the magic cultivator he met when he was in the main altar of the Demon Dragon Cult.This person's cultivation base is obviously in the late stage of Nascent Soul, but he turned around and left after meeting him for some reason.

After throwing away these questions, Yi Tian directly took out a few black lacquered spirit stones, and later slashed at the head and neck of the pterosaur on the ground with a sword light.Seeing that the monster was already dead, he crushed the few pieces of spirit stones and injected the spirit power directly from the wound.

Less than ten breaths later, the pterosaur's wings were faintly lit up black, and Yi Tian smiled with satisfaction after seeing it.Didn't the magic cultivator come here to seek the source of magic power, so I hope that I can attract the other party to take the bait by then.

When dealing with Lin Jianxin just now, Yi Tian played tricks, the spiritual weapons used by the other party were all refined by himself, it was really his destiny.

Yi Tian has applied this to the engraved artifacts since he practiced the spirit world text, but all the spiritual artifacts that have been refined by himself will have secret doors. no problem.

But at the critical moment, as long as you activate the spirit world text on the original spirit weapon, you can instantly regain control of the spirit weapon.So when I dealt with Lin Jianxin just now, I limited myself to three moves. In fact, I brought up such a bet to divert his attention, and I didn't want to let him go from the bottom of my heart.

However, he didn't dare to show off such tricks in front of Feng Renhan, after all, this kid didn't see the clue now, but it's hard to guarantee that he won't think about other things in the future.Moreover, giving him the whole set of Qianlingyao swordsmanship was also an attempt to pull Tiandaozong into the water. Presumably he will rush back to the sect to hand it over to Yu Xiang or Du Ziheng after he has obtained this secret technique.

Pulling these two people in to muddy the water, I can benefit from it. Thinking about it, Yi Tian showed a smug smile. The bait he cast this time is enough, and he is not afraid that the two big fish of Tiandaozong will not take the bait.

Later, he put the body of the pterosaur into the storage bracelet, and then slowly flew towards the northwest.After flying about two or three hundred miles, Yi Tian chose a valley ruins and stopped.

The traces of the fight there just now are too obvious, if the demon cultivator sees it, it will definitely arouse vigilance.But now this valley is a good place to set up an ambush, and there are still some remnants of the beast temple.

After the cloud head slowly fell, Yi Tian directly found an open space, took out the body of the pterosaur and threw it on the ground, and then performed a few tricks of Yao Swordsmanship out of thin air to leave some sharp sword energy in the air. After doing this, there will be Stretch out your left hand, and a formation plate is now in your hand.

Then Yi Tian slowly flew into mid-air with his right hand to form a seal, and from time to time he injected Taoist formulas into the formation disk, and instantly the formation disk was fully activated, and a little bit of starlight appeared.He muttered something in his mouth: "The eight-door golden lock array is launched," and saw eight light spots flying out of the array plate and shooting towards the depths of the surrounding valleys and jungles.

In a blink of an eye, these light spots disappeared into the ground, and after nodding in satisfaction, he gently pressed the array on his left hand towards the ground under his feet.

Hearing the sound of '噗嗤', the whole array plate fell directly into the ground, leaving no traces after it was completed. If he wanted to deal with that demon cultivator himself, he was not completely sure, and it was the right way to plan early.

About three or four hours later, after a black light flashed across the sky, Yi Tian looked up and saw the ray of light flying straight towards him, applauding secretly in his heart.

Then he stood up slowly, walked to the corpse of the sixth-level pterosaur, and waited. After a while, the black light flew over here, hovered above his head for a while, and then slowly landed.

When Yi Tian saw it, he said indifferently: "Senior brother came just in time. Junior brother found a sixth-level pterosaur here, and happened to see that there seemed to be a hidden magic source in its body, so I hurriedly sent a message to inform it."

After hearing this, the demon cultivator turned his head to look at the dead pterosaur, and said with a smile on his face: "It really is a spirit beast that has been demonized, and the younger brother has helped me a lot this time." Then he walked straight towards the pterosaur.

After seeing the wings on the corpse, the demon cultivator directly took out a spirit sword, swiped it a few times towards the wings, and then cut off the most blackened part.

Then he looked at the rest of the pterosaur's body and shook his head, "It's strange that the devilish energy is only concentrated on the wings of this monster. I wonder if Junior Brother can give me the inner alchemy as well?"

Yi Tian smiled and nodded and replied: "But of course I will give you all of my requests," he raised his right hand and threw a jade box directly to the other party.

After the demon repaired the jade box, he opened it and saw a black and transparent two-inch demon pill in the middle.After sweeping with his spiritual sense, a satisfied smile appeared on his face and said: "This is really a great favor from my junior brother. The body of this pterosaur is full of treasures. Why don't I take it apart to see if the internal organs are still intact?" Is there any demonized part?"

After speaking, regardless of Yi Tian's opinion, he directly raised the spirit sword in his hand and started to dismember the pterosaur's abdomen.

Before Yi Tian could respond, he suddenly felt an ominous feeling in his heart, and saw that the spirit sword in the demon cultivator's hand turned into a black light and stabbed towards his direction after he let go.

(End of this chapter)

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