
Chapter 611 Fighting Swords

Chapter 611 Fighting Swords
The sudden attack of the demon cultivator stunned Yi Tian, ​​but fortunately, he had already prepared his hands for the attack due to his mental calculations and intentions.I saw Yi Tian raised his right hand and sacrificed the Taiyuan sword in his hand, and with a flick of his hand, he followed the trend with a move that would defeat the sword light in the future.

Then with a solemn expression on his face, he opened his mouth and said sharply: "Brother, is this trying to test my skills?"

The demon cultivator raised his head and laughed loudly: "The Holy Son of the King of Ming is indeed a master of art and bold, he dared to come to this ruins to investigate for himself."

Yi Tian replied indifferently: "Brother, don't talk nonsense, my avatar is just shaped according to the appearance of King Ming Shengzi."

The demon cultivator glanced disdainfully and then said: "Holy Son, don't pretend anymore, although Qian Lingyuan and I are from the same sect, but in the sect, they maintain that they are the authentic descendants of the sect, and my sect has long been in the same situation. When we meet each other on weekdays, at most, we only talk perfunctorily as Senior Brother, but behind the scenes, we always make troubles, how could he be so respectful as the Holy Son and set up a trick to lure me into the bait."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian felt a chill in his heart. It turns out that the two of them still have this problem, and he didn't take their relationship into account after all his calculations.

He turned his head and looked at the demon cultivator, who didn't show any trace of fear on his face. He secretly thought that something was wrong. He was afraid that he had exposed his trick early in the morning. If he dared to come like this, he had nothing to fear.

Sure enough, Jiang is old and hot, and He Weiming's reputation in Zhongzhou is not as loud as that of Qian Lingyuan, but he can deal with things quickly and decisively, which is definitely much better than Qian Lingyuan.

Slowly put away the Taiyuan sword, and then Yi Tian asked: "This is not the first time we have met, fellow Daoist, is it? The last time I met in the ruins of the Demon Dragon Cult's main altar was probably your body."

He Weiming's avatar spat and said: "I don't know what the main body is doing, but seeing you look like you should meet him."

"It seems that this avatar of yours seems to have derived its own consciousness and wants to replace it, should we talk about it next," Yi Tian induced sequentially.

He Weiming sneered and replied: "You can talk, but you have to test whether you are qualified to talk." After speaking, the spirit sword in his hand made another move, this time the sword light was mixed with traces of black lightning , with a shake of his hand, he attacked Yi Tian again.

Yi Tian was unscathed by his sneak attack just now, and now he should be prepared even more when he comes here.As soon as his spiritual sense detected the opponent's hand, Yi Tian directly cast the escape technique, flew into the air with a dodge, then quickly knotted his hands in front of his chest, pointed at the ground below and shouted: "Eight-door golden lock array, seal it. "

Immediately, formation patterns suddenly appeared on the ground with the valley as the center, and within three breaths, the world and the three miles around the area were sealed.

A little later, I saw the black sword light piercing the air and stabbing towards his back with the sound of 'Zla', Yi Tian's face sank and he raised Taiyuan's sword again. up.

Seeing this, He Weiming showed a clear expression and said: "I didn't expect the Holy Son to file a case of my Qianlingzong's suppressing stunt to such an extent. I am afraid that only the old man and Qianlingyuan are in the sect. Only the main body can stabilize you."

Yi Tian didn't take it seriously and said: "Fellow Daoist He has won the prize. Just now, Lin Jianxin lost in the sword fight with Zai. Wouldn't Fellow Daoist put himself in his own shoes and think about it?"

He Weiming scanned the surrounding area with his spiritual sense, only to see that the space created by the big formation has completely sealed off this place.There are only a handful of auras that can be mobilized with a single shot, and they can only rely on their own spiritual power to maintain spells.

After sighing, He Weiming slowly opened his mouth and said, "The Holy Son wants to talk about it, and it won't be too late for you to take the next two moves."

Yi Tian frowned after hearing this, and didn't know where He Weiming's self-confidence came from. Even in danger, he could still be so calm and composed. This ability to nourish qi was not a bit better than Chengfu's. point.

He secretly thought in his heart not to convince the other party, it seems that this matter is really difficult, so he simply sacrificed the Taiyuan sword and held it in his hand to wait for it to see what tricks the other party would use.

He Weiming didn't get angry when he saw Yi Tian's ignorance, but slowly swung the spirit sword in his hand. The sword he used just now was a shocking sword. Although it was only [-]% of the power of the original body, it was so easy for the opponent to resolve it. It really moved He Weiming a little.

At this time, Yi Tian's face in the air did not have the slightest relaxed expression, but became more and more dignified. The sword Qi Huasi that He Weiming used now was obviously much better than Qian Lingyuan's.

A layman watching the excitement, an insider looking at the doorway, don't look at the moves in the opponent's hand, but the whole sword move is mixed into one, and the tens of thousands of sword threads are condensed into a sword light again.Yi Tian secretly groaned in his heart. Compared with the meteor-like appearance before, this unsettled move was not as powerful as the one before, but the power of the move was not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Knowing that he would not be able to pass this level without some real kung fu, Yi Tian then sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword and used the sword Qi Huasi, and also followed He Weiming's example to break it into pieces.There was still a little bit of golden light in the cyan sword thread, and then it became brighter and brighter, covering all the original cyan sword energy.

He Weiming, who was below, was also surprised at this time, and blurted out: "I didn't expect that the Holy Son of King Ming would take a break from the Buddhist secret art. You must know that Prajna Kuzen is the most profound skill in the world. Xiaocheng can also greatly increase the power of his moves. But I don’t know what other changes will happen after you integrate this exercise into Yaojian, let the old man verify it.”

Yi Tian replied indifferently: "You Daoist He really has bright eyes, and he is much better than Qian Lingyuan, but I don't know how the skill at hand is?"

"Then try it," He Weiming said, and took the lead to control the long-settling sword Qi Huasi in his hand and waved it into the air.

And Yi Tian was not to be outdone, and with a flick of the Taiyuan sword in his hand, the same move was sacrificed, and the beam of golden light sword thread was robbed head-on.

Compared with the previous fight against Lin Jianxin, the momentum of the sword fight with He Weiming was much smaller, but Yi Tian secretly felt a little uneasy for no reason.

The comparison between the two sides is not only the understanding of moves, but also the manipulation of skills and the operation of spiritual power. Yi Tian thinks that he must be inferior to the opponent in terms of understanding of moves, and the control of skills is almost the same, but with the help of formations, the operation of spiritual power must be is stronger than the opponent.

In the midair, two black and yellow sword lights slammed together fiercely, squeezing the surrounding air into several visible air vortices, and a vacuum was temporarily formed in the area where the two sides fought, until the sword It slowly disappeared after three breaths of energy were exhausted.

He Weiming, who was standing on the ground at this time, twitched his mouth and said: "The Holy Son of King Ming really lives up to his reputation. It is really amazing to be able to use the three masters of Yaojian of our sect to such an extent. This old man admires him."

Faced with such compliments from the opponent, Yi Tian was so sullen that he didn't say a word. In fact, he knew in his heart that under the favorable conditions of formation control, the two sides' moves were evenly matched, which meant that the opponent was superior to him.

Even if it's the sword qi Huasi used by everyone who is at the peak of Jindan's late stage cultivation base, if it wasn't for the shreds of Buddha power that he refined after resting in the prajna bitter meditation to restrain the opponent's black devil energy, I'm afraid it would be really difficult. On the whole, he still lost half the chip.

After accepting the move, Yi Tian asked in a deep voice: "Yaojian Sanjue is still one move away"

"No need to compare, the Holy Son is fully qualified to continue talking with the old man," He Weiming said after putting away the spirit sword.

(End of this chapter)

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