
Chapter 615

Chapter 615
Two monks from the Acacia Sect managed to find a deserted relic of the Royal Beast Temple. During the battle, they killed a red jade python at the top of the fifth level before they could harvest the results, and were disturbed by Yi Tian.

At this time, Black and White Shuangsha saw that the opposite cultivator suddenly summoned the spiritual pet, his expression changed, and his eyes stared vigilantly.After seeing clearly that the spirit beast in front of him was only at the top of the fourth level, his face softened a little.

Bai Jinglian looked at the Chiyan horse carefully before she said: "Friend Daoist, this nightmare beast is so handsome, it looks like it will be promoted to the fifth level soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that Fan Juyang also turned his eyes to Chi Yanju, looked at him with his spiritual sense, then raised his head and laughed loudly: "This fellow Taoist just offended me, please forgive me."

Yi Tian sneered in his heart again and again, it seemed that the two of them had taken a fancy to his spiritual pet, but the appearance was too obvious for people to see their intentions.Immediately his face darkened and he said: "Xia Yitian, this beast has already signed a spirit beast contract with me, just take a look at it."

After hearing this, Bai Jinglian said with a bit of regret on her face: "It turns out that this is the case. It seems that this beast has been carefully cultivated by fellow Taoists for a period of time. This is the first time I have seen such a nightmare beast. Look at it." It looks a bit congenital, but it seems to have taken precious materials to make up for the foundation."

As soon as Yi Tian said this, a gleam of light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and he turned his head to look at the red flame horse beside him. A cluster of red flames wrapped its four hooves and walked around on the ground, leaving a string of flame footprints. At this time, it seemed I was a little excited and seemed to see delicious food, but I was afraid to go forward because of the two people in front of me.

Being able to see through the situation of the Chiyan horse at a glance, it seems that Bai Jinglian in front of me must be a bit superior in raising spiritual pets, and after thinking about it for a while, she asked: "Friend Bai, do you know why my Chiyan horse is not summoned?" escape without permission?"

Bai Jinglian frowned after looking at the Chiyan Horse, and said, "Your Taoist seems to have made a mistake in raising spiritual pets. As far as I know, nightmare beasts like the Molten Land, and they are also very picky about things, such as this one in front of you." A red jade python matches its attributes, but it suits its appetite."

Yi Tian's face flashed unnaturally: "I have never treated my spiritual pet badly. According to the record in the Beast Control Art, I have been fed enough food every time, but why I have been unwilling to advance for a long time."

Bai Jinglian walked forward slowly and signaled that she wanted to take a closer look at Chi Yanju, and Yi Tian made a gesture of invitation when he saw it.Later, I saw Bai Jinglian looking around the Chiyan horse, and then stretched out a pair of slender jade hands to caress the horse's head.

What puzzled Yi Tian was that Chi Yanju didn't seem to reject the close contact with strangers at all. After reading it, he felt a little jealous in his heart.

Not long after, Bai Jinglian turned around and said: "Fellow Daoists just use the breeding method of ordinary spirit beasts to feed nightmare beasts. You must know that the best way to make these spirit pets advance quickly is to allow them to gallop freely. The precious material and elixir fed in the body can be fully volatilized, and the second reason is that it needs to exercise its muscles and bones frequently. You must know that raising a thousand-mile horse in a stable in the mortal world will not be worthy of the name if its vigor is exhausted after a long time."

Listening to what he said, Yi Tian fell into deep thought, recalling that he hadn't taken good care of his spiritual pet in these years.Needless to say, the fat dog had fought against the enemy with him before. As for the red flame horse, it was just blindly raised in captivity without real careful care.

This is another high opinion of Bai Jinglian in front of her. I didn't expect her to be so accomplished in nurturing spirit beasts as a monk at the early stage of Jindan. If it wasn't for Hao Ji's face, she would really want to kidnap people directly.

After thinking about it for a while, his expression calmed down a little, and he said, "Since Fellow Daoist Bai has such an opinion, I wonder if you can write down your experience in raising spirit beasts, as for the reward, you will definitely be satisfied."

Bai Jinglian was taken aback for a moment after hearing this, and then a little smile appeared on her face, and she was about to reply when Fan Juyang interjected, "I don't know what Yi Daoyou plans to give in exchange for this animal breeding handbook, you know it's a one-off sale, you can You have to prepare some big money."

Being interrupted by him like this, Bai Jinglian also frowned and showed disgust for a moment, and then echoed: "What my senior brother said is, fellow daoist, you know that my animal breeding handbook is not easy to come by, and some of it is the experience of seniors. Half of the records are my animal breeding experience, other than that, there is no other branch."

Yi Tian was not annoyed when he heard this and said indifferently: "I have a general article on raising beasts in the Temple of the Beast, which can roughly raise spirit beasts to level six. I wonder if you are interested?"

After hearing this, Bai Jinglian didn't reply directly, but turned her head away, but started a voice transmission with Fan Juyang in private, so blatantly ventilating under her nose, Yi Tian was also amused for a while.

With a little trickery, he could overhear the conversation between the two clearly, but half a moment later, his brows were inadvertently frowned. From the conversation between the two, it is not difficult to find that there are still some differences between them on this matter.

Bai Jinglian didn't want to get the Beast Controlling Art because she had one herself. Although she could only raise the spiritual pet to level five, it was enough for her.

As for Fan Juyang's proposal, Yi Tian deeply despised it. The request made by this person was nothing more than spiritual weapons and precious materials, but the number was quite large.Although it's really a drop in the bucket for my wealth today, no one would feel good about being slaughtered like a winner.

Shaoqing saw Bai Jinglian nodded helplessly, then turned around and said: "Your kindness is appreciated by you, but you also know the value of this letter, we will entrust you with the chicken that lays the golden eggs." In any case, there must be a panacea or spiritual weapon of equal value in exchange."

Yi Tian sneered in his heart and said inwardly: "The two of them have roughly understood their calculations. If it wasn't for the rush to train Chi Yanju to the fifth level so that he can pull the cart, why would I still talk nonsense with them earnestly, but this is not so easy to take advantage of. .”

After thinking about it, he smiled and said: "Friend Daoist, I know that this letter is of great significance to me. So how about exchanging three five-level spiritual weapons?" He took out a spirit sword, a brocade handkerchief and a five-inch copper bell from the ring.

Bai Jinglian showed hesitation on her face, but the hesitation in her eyes disappeared in a flash when she saw the three spiritual weapons.

As for Fan Juyang on the other side, his brows were raised at this time. After scanning the three spiritual weapons in the morning, he found that the lowest grades were all intermediate grade five.Among them is a fifth-level top-level spiritual weapon, but the style looks familiar.

At this time, Yi Tian saw Bai Jinglian staring at the copper bell with fascination, and for a while, a strange look appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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