
Chapter 616 Tricks

Chapter 616 Tricks
These big sects in Zhongzhou have their own characteristics. For example, Qianling Sect and Tiandao Sect are famous for their outstanding combat power, while the Hehuan Sect is the most powerful in its illusion and divine sense.

In this way, Yi Tian selectively took out three spiritual weapons according to the characteristics of the two of them early in the morning, namely the Liangyi Pair of Swords, the Mandarin Duck Brocade and the imitation Acacia Bell.The first two pieces are one attack and one defense, while the third one can greatly enhance the effect of its illusion.

To say that the fake of the Hehuan bell was the preparatory work I did in advance when I was figuring out how to restore the genuine product in Hao Ji's hand in my spare time.The first time I saw the Hehuan Bell, I secretly analyzed the spirit pattern and structure of this thing.

In addition to the fact that the material is the first-class and hard-to-find item in the world, the inscriptions on it, as well as the inscription technique and spirit ink must be specially prepared.I knew that Hao Ji would not gather these materials immediately, so I put this aside in advance.

Since Qibaozhai got the information about the Zhongzhou sect, Yi Tian has focused on the situation of the Hehuan sect. The disciples of the sect are all pairs of Taoist couples, and they are usually a combination of handsome men and beautiful women.

It is also mentioned in the information that the acacia bell in Haoji's hand is the secret treasure of her sect. Combined with the Acacia sect's dream return method, it can make monks of the same level fall into an illusion and cannot extricate themselves. It is the strongest illusion in Zhongzhou.

But looking back, it's no wonder that it's no wonder that what people are holding is obviously a spiritual weapon handed down from the upper spirit world, so how could the illusion performed by it not be powerful.But now the acacia bell was popped out of a hole, it's hard to imagine how it was broken.

Looking at the faces of the two people in front of him, Yi Tian secretly paid attention, especially that Bai Jinglian.At this moment, a trace of surprise flashed across her face, and she asked: "You Daoist Yi, I don't know what the magical function of this copper bell is, I would like to hear about it."

Seeing that the fish took the bait, Yi Tian stopped being a fool and talked directly: "This thing is called a phantom sound bell. The person who controls it can disturb people's minds just by injecting spiritual power into it and shaking it a little. Even if the opponent's cultivation base is higher than your own, you can easily let people know."

Hearing this explanation, Bai Jinglian showed joy and hurriedly took out a jade slip letter and said, "Fellow Taoist really has a heart, so let's exchange it as soon as possible." After speaking, she gently pushed the jade slip letter forward In front of Yi Tian, ​​he completely ignored Fan Juyang's reaction.

As a result, after the jade slip, Yi Tian also gently handed over the three spiritual weapons in his hand, and everyone took what they needed for a while, and there was harmony on the face.

After receiving the encounter, Yi Tian immersed his spiritual consciousness into it and searched it, and found that most of the first part of it described the animal breeding experience of the seniors of the Lihuo Zong Yushou Temple, and the latter part included Bai Jinglian's sentiments.

Although it looks a little uneven compared with the previous level, it is indeed exactly what I need.Most of Bai Jinglian's experience refers to the raising process of those auxiliary spirit pets. Although there is no exact method of raising nightmare beasts, the methods described in it make her eyes shine.

The seniors of Wuwei Yushou Temple mainly kept aggressive spirit pets, but the description of auxiliary spirit pets was not exhaustive.But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, Li Huozong's skills are originally biased towards attack, so most of the breeding of spirit beasts is to strengthen one's own skills.

After confirming the handwriting on the jade slips, Yi Tian glanced at the red flame horse, and saw that it was still staring at the red jade python's corpse, with a smile in his heart, but with a bit of hesitation on his face, he asked: "Both Fellow Daoist, I also know that you have spent a lot of effort in slaughtering the python, but if you can share some of the python meat, I will be grateful, as for the reward, how about using spirit stones at a low price?"

After hearing this, Bai Jinglian didn't think it mattered, anyway, it was a good deal to exchange the three spiritual weapons with the letter.Fan Juyang on the side put away the spirit sword and said with a big grin: "I see that you seem to be a craftsman, fellow Taoist. We only take the inner alchemy for this red jade python, and we will share all the other materials with you." How about exchanging it for a fifth-level spiritual weapon."

"Thank you fellow daoist for your generosity, so please take the inner alchemy," Yi Tian replied indifferently.

With a smile on the corner of Fan Juyang's mouth, he raised his knife and slashed at the top of the red jade python's head. Shaoqing reached out and took out a blood-red two-inch red inner alchemy.At this time, Chi Yanju stood aside with a bit of greed in his eyes, but he kept panting heavily, but without Yi Tian's intervention, he could only stare there.

After tidying up, Fan Juyang raised his hand and sent the red jade python directly over. Yi Tian gently reached out to catch it, took out a short knife, and quickly manipulated it in the air to dismember it.

After a while, the whole red jade python was decomposed into more than ten kilograms of python meat, a complete spine, a piece of snake skin and a python tendon.After throwing the python meat directly to the Chi Yanju, Yi Tian took out the snake skin and lit it with his right hand, and then directly sacrificed it.

Chi Yanju didn't care so much and chewed the snake meat directly, ignoring the opinions of the people around him, while Bai Jinglian and Fan Juyang looked at Yi Tian in surprise.

I saw that the white spine slowly revealed a dark golden light under the burning of the red flame, and later Yi Tian took out an inscription pen and wrote on it.

Not long after, a white light was seen, and the spine was slightly tempered by the real fire and turned into a white bone whip.Later, Yi Tian directly pushed the bone whip to Fan Juyang and said, "Fellow Daoist, let's see if this thing is worth it."

Fan Juyang stretched out his hand and held the white bone whip in his hand, then flicked it lightly, and there were several thunder-like sounds in the air.After injecting the spiritual power, he struck hard at the stone on the ground on one side, and after a flash of white light, the three-foot-large stone was smashed to pieces.

After the dust cleared and Fan Juyang's figure was revealed, he was full of praise with a bone whip in his hand and said, "Friendly Dao means that the spirit weapon refined from the treasures of the fifth-level monsters is really amazing, but I don't know that fellow Daoists have such skills." You should be a well-known master craftsman in Zhongzhou, how come I have never heard of your name?"

This time it was Yi Tian's turn to smile helplessly, Fan Juyang in front of him looked bad enough, how could it be an unknown person who could refine spirit weapons like this.It's just that his reputation is passed on by word of mouth among Nascent Soul cultivators, but little is known about him in the Golden Core Realm.

After doing all this, Yi Tian didn't want to cause any more trouble, so he put away the red jade python meat on the ground and patted Chi Yanju, ready to say goodbye and leave.Suddenly seeing a glint of gloom in Fan Juyang's eyes, he sneered in his heart. It seems that the two of them got a little spiritual weapon and then they saw a fortune. If the other party dared to do something directly, I wouldn't mind killing them directly.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound not far from the ruins, Fan Juyang and Bai Jinglian's expressions changed suddenly, and they said in unison: "Go, the male snake is back."

(End of this chapter)

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