
Chapter 620 Chatting 2

Chapter 620 Chatting II

Just now Shi Ningjun explained Yi Tian's background with a single word, but the atmosphere in the cabin became a little heavy for a while.Immediately, the two stopped talking and just kept picking up the wine glasses in front of them to drink.

Every time, Yi Tian poured wine for the other party and then made a gesture of invitation, and Shi Ningjun stretched out his hand to raise the wine glass and drank it slowly, not at all afraid that the wine would be weird.

After more than ten times of drinking, the two of them were not drunk. After refining the spiritual power in the wine, Shi Ning Jun burped and said: "I'm enough, you can do it yourself, Boy Yi," and later seemed to be talking to himself. Yu said: "My biggest wish in this life is to see Qianwei can form a Taoist partner to continue the blood of the master's family."

Yi Tian put down the jug in his hand and said calmly: "I heard that a young talent from the Yougu family of Qianlingzong once had a marriage contract with Shi Qianwei, but I don't know what happened afterwards?"

Speaking of which, Shi Ningjun's originally squinted eyes suddenly opened, stared straight at Yi Tian, ​​and then said with great meaning: "About 200 years ago, Gu Canglang of the Gu family and my granddaughter Qianwei joined hands in Xihuang. As a result, she died halfway, and Qianwei had to return alone afterward."

Yi Tian said indifferently: "This is also the shallowness of Gu Canglang's source of blessings, but Shi Qianwei has become a widow. It's God's will."

Shi Ningjun also sighed and said: "Yes, this is all unexpected, but fortunately, Qianwei gave birth to a son shortly after returning to the sect. I was afraid that the Gu family would not be able to take care of him, so I directly gave him the surname of Qianwei. His name is Ling Feng, and he stayed in the ancestral land of my master's family, and now he can be regarded as the best among individuals, and his cultivation has reached the early stage of Jindan."

At that moment, Yi Tian's heart shook and he felt a little panicked. The Shi Lingfeng that Shi Ningjun said was very suspicious, and it could almost be said that he had nothing to do with him.

But at this time, the other party brought up this matter for no reason, nine out of ten are trying to test himself, Yi Tian replied with a calm face at this time: "So congratulations, Master Daoist, for getting a great-great-grandson."

Shi Ningjun glanced at Yi Tian and then opened his mouth to burst out an astonishing news: "Daoyou, you know that since then, the Jindan monks and ancient masters of the Gu family have often come to visit Qianwei's troubles, until decades later when he went I went to Xihuang once and never came back again, so this troublesome matter has come to an end."

"It seems that the ancient masters, as Jindan monks, went to find the Foundation Establishment monks, it's too unreasonable," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"Oh, boy Yi, how did you know that Qianwei was still a foundation cultivator at that time?" Shi Ningjun asked with a smile on his face: "Could it be that you have learned about Qianlingzong many years ago?"

Self-knowledge Shi Yitian is also holding his mouth open and talking nonsense: "I used to be friends with Xiao Linhang from Zhongzhou Tianyunmen, and from him, I know some of Zhongzhou's major sects and the most potential disciples under their sects. "

"Boy Yi, do you know that the ancient master came to force Qianwei to hand over the child many times while I was retreating, guess what happened?" Shi Ningjun asked with a mysterious smile.

Yi Tian didn't dare to reveal too much when he saw it, but just said lightly: "I'm a little interested in the development of this story, and you don't have to be a teacher and a friend to speak directly."

Shi Ningjun did not shy away from telling the follow-up of this matter one by one. It turned out that Shi Qianwei carried Ling Feng to the Gu family and confessed to her relatives with blood, but the result was eye-popping.

Shi Lingfeng was incompatible with the blood of the Gu family, and then Gu Shidu detained Shi Qianwei and the child together in a rage. If I leave, I'm afraid Qianlingzong will lose one Nascent Soul cultivator now.

Afterwards, Shi Qianwei's reputation was ruined, and on the inside face of Qianlingzong, those senior brothers kept silent but talked about who the child's biological father was behind their backs.It wasn't until Shi Qianwei formed the golden elixir that the rumors inside the sect stopped, and no one dared to mention it after the broken elixir became a baby.

Ning Jun, the kung fu master with a cup of tea, explained the cause and effect, then took a sip from the wine glass on the table and said: "I went to Tianyunzi, the master of Tianyunmen a hundred years ago, and asked him Calculate the hexagram for the child and find out who his biological father is," he stopped and looked at Yi Tian with a smile on his face.

Being looked at by the other party, Yi Tian hastily coughed lightly, and many thoughts flashed through his mind. Since he has found Tian Yunzi, he must be able to find himself here.Think about the ups and downs that Shi Qianwei suffered from the suspicion of her fellow disciples back then, and practiced under pressure until she succeeded in forming alchemy, which is difficult to explain to outsiders.

No wonder she seemed hesitant to speak the last time they met in southern Xinjiang, maybe it was because she wanted to talk to herself about this matter.

Looking at Xiang Shi Ning Jun's eyes, Yi Tian felt in his heart that his father-in-law looked at his son-in-law, but he firmly believed in his heart that even if Tian Yunzi knew about it, he would not break this point.After making up his mind, he replied: "Teacher and friend continue, I will listen carefully."

The smile on Shi Ningjun's face flashed away and turned into a solemn expression: "Tian Yunzi told me that the child's luck is inherited from his father, and he is a person with great luck. After repeated questioning, he said I didn’t reveal half of it, so I had no choice but to let this matter go.”

After hearing this, Yi Tian slowly let go of the worry in his heart this time, but before he came back to his senses, he heard Shi Ningjun ask coldly: "I heard that Daoist Yi also traveled to the Western Wilderness many years ago."

"Well, what else is there, I forgot, this person is too old to remember some things," Yi Tian replied like this.But in the blink of an eye, a glimmer of light flashed in Shi Ningjun's eyes, which meant that it was only because I believed you.

Now that everyone knew that Yi Tian didn't want to offend anyone anymore, they had no choice but to succumb later and said, "I'm about the same age as Shi Qianwei, so it shouldn't be too much to call you grandpa."

Shi Ningjun, on the other hand, acted as if he had expected that your kid was quite sensible, and then said with a smile: "So this old man can afford it."

Faced with such an opponent's posture, Yi Tian didn't dare to be commensurate with his peers anymore. It would be too long to get involved in this matter, so he directly changed the subject and revealed a little bit of the information provided by He Weiming to Shi Ningjun.

The latter couldn't help sighing after hearing it, and replied later: "I know what you said, and even Qianwei also understands it. But this is also a helpless move, who told the Qianling family to suffer from generation to generation? Such a curse is why he made such a bad move."

Yi Tian asked puzzledly: "Is this just a problem of the Qianling Clan itself? Could it be that your master's family, as a branch of the Qianling Clan, has no influence at all?"

Shi Ningjun raised his head and closed his eyes for a while before continuing, "It's still related to you at this time, but the source of it is in Naming King and Holy Master Luo Que." Then he slowly revealed the secret, and heard Yi Tian frowned.

Qian Lingzi's biggest advantage as a human race is that he is easy to reproduce offspring, while Na Luo Que is good at casting spells. After the two fought in this world, Qian Lingzi repeatedly gained the upper hand but failed to destroy Luo Que. kill.And the latter also cleverly cast a curse to make it difficult for the members of the Qianling clan to break through the Heavenly Moat of Transformation God, so Qian Lingzi used the excuse of lack of spiritual energy to train spirit slaves to make wedding dresses for his nephews in future generations.

(End of this chapter)

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