
Chapter 621

Chapter 621
In the early morning, a ray of sunlight shines through the window of the cabin, and Yi Tian realizes that the chat between the two has passed overnight.

The information he got from Shi Ningjun really shocked him, and similarly, he also showed anxiety when he was told the news from his side.

After thinking for a long time, Shi Ningjun said helplessly: "Unexpectedly, the old master still deliberately wants to do a dying struggle, but I can't blame him for this matter. If it were different, I would never have the patience and perseverance to hold back It took thousands of years to wait for such an opportunity.”

Yi Tian sneered and said, "Grandfather, don't want to be fooled, are you going to inform Qian Lingyuan in advance?"

Shi Ningjun showed distress and said: "Actually, I should be on the side of the master, but things have changed so I have to re-evaluate the gains and losses."

"What variable?"

"Ling Feng and his father," Shi Ningjun said with a blink of an eye, "Tian Yunzi has never made a mistake in divination in his life, and I believe in his words. I believe it will never happen if he can have some relationship with the lucky person It's a bad thing."

"Then if I join hands with He Weiming to deal with Qian Lingyuan, which side will you be on?" Yi Tian joked with a smile.

Shining Jun showed hesitation and thought for a while before saying: "Master's attitude towards people has changed in the past hundred years, and the Qianling Sect has gradually become more and more domineering. If the sect resists at all, they will directly encircle and suppress Miezong, although they can dominate for a while, but they will cause a deep disaster, you must know the example of your Zhongzhou Lihuo sect destroying the Qiankun Yuhuo sect and Dari Yaoyang sect in front of you."

Yi Tian nodded in agreement and said, "Anyone who conquers people with strength is a 'tyrant', and a person who conquers people with virtue is a 'king'. I think that the end of Lihuozong's dominance of this world more than 3000 years ago is obvious to all. We also need Learn from the experience of the predecessors to prevent this from happening again, or if I want to subdue that Lu Jinyuan and his ilk by myself, it would be a piece of cake."

"You're right, it's hard to believe that you are a hundred times stronger than the master," Shi Ningjun added up after hearing this, and then continued: "Then I'll try to gamble, Tian Yunzi It is my old friend, I believe what he said, I can ignore the fact that you and He Weiming joined forces, and I can even give you appropriate news at critical times."

In this way, the two reached an agreement in private. Anyway, it is enough to cooperate with each other in the open. As for what Yi Tian wants to do, Shi Ningjun doesn't care about it. In the end, he just made a request that Yi Tian will take good care of Shi Qianwei in the future.

Nodding slightly in response, Xia Yitian didn't make a clear statement, and everyone knew it well.

Finally, Shi Ningjun left a jade slip before leaving, and informed him: "Qianwei is in retreat at this time, and Ling Feng is on an appointment to attend the Snow Palace to recruit relatives. I still have something to go back to Master Zongmen, if you have time, you might as well go and see it," he got up and disappeared into the cabin.

After a night of chatting, Yi Tian suddenly became a little nervous. He reached out to pick up the jade slip in front of him, immersed his consciousness in it, and scanned it before he knew the cause and effect of this matter.

The Snow Palace is located at the northern edge of the Zhongzhou Continent, and further north is the area under the jurisdiction of the Northern Rat Soul Eater.This time, Fairy Haoyue, the lord of the Snow Palace, specially invited Jindan Junjie from various sects in Zhongzhou to the banquet.

Those who said they were going to the banquet but received invitations didn’t have that in their minds. I heard that several Yuanying Patriarchs from Zhongzhou had come forward to propose marriage to Fairy Haoyue and his disciple Ye Xuanshuang. .

In the face of many pressures, Fairy Haoyue made a delineation and directly delineated the scope of the invitation. Jindan monks with a cultivation base of less than 200 years or Nascent Soul monks with a bone age of 400 years were on the invitation list.

But looking at Zhongzhou, there are not many Nascent Soul cultivators under the age of four hundred, and even if there are real people, they will not come to this muddy water.

After seeing the jade slips, Yi Tian also felt his scalp numb, thinking he should take it easy.According to the above description, I am a contestant who completely meets the requirements, but if I expose myself to the world in an instant, then the next thing I have to do will definitely bring a lot of trouble.

But if you don't go, you can't do it. Although Shi Ningjun didn't say it clearly, it is only natural to throw this burden on himself. Besides, Yi Tian also wants to meet Shi Lingfeng to see what is so special about him.

The jade slip in his hand is a token, and Shi Ningjun also mentioned in his letter that as long as he hands the jade slip to Shi Lingfeng, he will know that he has found a helper.

Taking out the map of Zhongzhou and looking carefully, Yi Tian found that he is now in the west of Zhongzhou, and it will take about [-] or [-] days to reach Pinggu City in the northwest.Departing from Pinggu City, flying straight north and passing Xueling Mountain, they arrived at the North Ridge Snowfield, where the Snow Palace is located.

Counting the distance from Qingling Mountain to Snow Palace, the distance is about four to five thousand miles. It would take a few days to fly there like myself, but the Snow Palace event will be held in half a year, so it’s too early to go by myself. They may not be accepted.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian had no choice but to temporarily give up and turn his attention to the direction of Pinggu City. Before going to Xuegong, it is better to go to this city for a walk.By the way, you can also inquire about the news about the banquet in the Snow Palace. It is reported that there is only this Pinggu City that can make some supplies before going to the Snow Palace. .

The jade slip mentioned that he was allowed to act secretly after arriving at Snow Palace, but Yi Tian wanted to try his luck in Pinggu City first to see if he could intercept the group of Qianlingzong.

Later, he took out the jade talisman and sent a few messages with his teacher Qianwei. The previous texts were all casual greetings, but in the end, he revealed the fact that Shi Ningjun came to find him, and also emphasized the entrustment. Going to Snow Palace to support Shi Ling Feng.

As for Shi Qianwei's reaction, I couldn't guess it myself, but the communication also revealed a little bit of blame for Shi Lingfeng's matter.

In the next few days, Yi Tian stayed alone in the cabin and raised his glass to enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides of the strait from time to time. During this time, when he learned that Shi Qianwei had given birth to a child without telling him, it was difficult to calm down.After thinking back a little on the seven sufferings in the world and the cause and effect mentioned in the Prajna Suffering Zen, Yi Tian also pays attention to his own state of mind cultivation from time to time. It is not difficult to find that there have been subtle changes in his mentality during this period of time. sense of responsibility.

In this way, empathizing with others made my Dao heart a little more stable.After discovering such a change in his body, Yi Tian was overjoyed, so he took out the Prajna Kuchan again and began to study it slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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