
Chapter 622

Chapter 622
Pinggu City is a medium-sized comprehension fair located in the northwest of Zhongzhou. It really can't be called a city. It was just a trading center where casual cultivators gathered.Since the influence of Tianli Sect slowly entered, this place was gradually integrated, and the original loose state disappeared and replaced by the orderly appearance under the auspices of Tianli Sect.

However, where there are many people, there will be differences of interest. The major sects in Zhongzhou also sent deacons and elders to Pinggu City to set up a station to open shops to earn spirit stones.

In this regard, the high-ranking monks of Tianli Sect had no choice but to give [-]% of their property to outside forces. It was only because of the precious material called cryolite that was abundant in the snowy mountains in the north that attracted the attention of all the monks with gold and water attributes. .

Because of the blockade of the Snow Palace, thousands of miles within the Zongmen territory were forcibly set up as restricted areas, so casual cultivators in Zhongzhou could only fight the autumn wind around it, and if they were lucky, they could even dig some raw cryolite ore.

It has been two or three days since Yi Tian arrived in Pinggu City. He wandered around the city when he had nothing to do on weekdays. When he was free, he went directly to the station directly managed by Tianli Sect and rented a high-end cave.

Anyway, the people from Qianlingzong haven’t come yet. If I arrived, it’s better to make preparations and inquire about the situation here, so I restrained my aura and suppressed it in the early stage of Jindan, and then procured materials wantonly in Pinggu City to inquire. intelligence.

Although there are stations of various sects here, if you want to get first-hand information, you still have to start with Tianli Sect.When he entered the city, he heard that there were two Nascent Soul monks from the Tianli Sect stationed here, and Yi Tian was quite scruples about this.

Although I am not afraid of them, I don't want to make more troubles, so I try to avoid contact with Tianli Sect in order to avoid being targeted. Unless there are some unavoidable things, I will reluctantly deal with them.

Walking on the streets of Pinggu City, I had already memorized the locations of all the shops here, and found a shop named 'Julingtong' easily.

I learned from other people that if you want to buy and sell high-level spiritual weapons or inquire about information in Pinggu City, this is the place to go, and if you are willing to pay the price, you can even inquire about various secrets about Xuegong.Julingtong is essentially a side industry of Tianli Sect, but with Tianli Sect as the backstage, all parties will more or less give some face.

As soon as he walked into the store, a guy with a foundation and cultivation came up to him and asked respectfully, "Do you want to buy something or collect information, senior?"

Yi Tian said unhurriedly: "I have some fifth-level spiritual weapons to sell, and I also need to inquire about information by the way."

After hearing this, the guy nodded and replied, "This way, please," and then led the way and led Yi Tian to the back hall of Julingtong.

Not long after I came to the aisle in the back courtyard, I found that there happened to be a clerk in front of me, leading two middle-stage Jindan female cultivators walking towards me slowly. These two people were dressed in palace costumes and covered their faces with white veils. The beautiful woman who got it was just an attitude that strangers should not enter.

As soon as Yi Tian intersected with them, he felt a piercing chill coming from him. After looking away, he found that it was coming from the woman in purple clothes on the left. At that moment, he couldn't help but run a little exercise in his body to offset that part of the chill. .

Suddenly the female cultivator in purple stopped in her tracks and turned her head to look at it. Yi Tian noticed that the other party frowned and turned around slowly.

Seeing this, the guy next to him showed a bit of surprise on his face and hurriedly said: "Do the two seniors know each other?"

The female cultivator in purple said lightly: "No," she turned her head and continued walking forward.Yi Tian also twitched his mouth and said inwardly: "It should be a person from Xuegong. It seems that he is a monk in the early stage of Yuanying. It is interesting to come to Pinggu City at this time." As if nothing had happened, he continued to walk inside.

Later, he came to a wing room, and Yi Tian slowly buried it under the sign of the waiter, only to see a mid-Golden Core stage monk dressed as a shopkeeper sitting at a table of eight immortals and waiting.

Yi Tian didn't go around and went directly to show it, and took out two fifth-level spiritual weapons and put them on the table, saying: "I want to sell these three spiritual weapons, and I want a detailed information about Snow Palace."

The shopkeeper glanced at the three spiritual weapons with his spiritual sense, and then a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and then signaled Yi Tian to wait for a while, then picked up the spiritual weapons and looked at them carefully.

Yi Tian was not in a hurry, so he sat down on the right side and waited quietly. After a while, the shopkeeper sighed softly and said, "You should be a craftsman, right? .As for the information of Xuegong, it can be directly deducted from this price, I wonder what level of information you need?"

"Is there anything special about it? I wonder if there are any categories to choose from?" Yi Tian asked back.

Immediately, the shopkeeper listed the price of Julingtong's sale news one by one, and Yi Tian stared and scolded in his heart: "Tianli Sect is really black, and the price offered by such a little information can match the price of the spiritual weapon in hand."

But the shopkeeper looked like an old god was there. Seeing Yi Tian's hesitation, he said slowly: "Fellow Daoist, I don't know that there is a grand event in the Snow Palace now, so the number of monks who come to look for news is gradually increasing. The information is divided into grades, grades, and grades, ranging from properties to the situation of the monks in Xuegong and even the information about Miss Xuanshuang."

Yi Tian looked at the shopkeeper's appearance and realized that the other party had mistakenly thought that he was also a monk who was going to the Snow Palace to attend the banquet, so he sat on the ground and raised the price.Even though there were a hundred reluctances in his heart, he still replied lightly on his face: "Then let's share the most complete one, and deduct as many spirit stones as you want."

"Fellow Daoist, wait a moment," the shopkeeper picked up the spiritual weapon on the table and walked out, leaving Yi Tian in the room.

After waiting for half an hour, I heard a light knock on the door, and then the shopkeeper opened the door and came in with three jade slips in his hand. Seeing Yi Tian, ​​he opened his mouth and said, "Friend Daoist, you have been waiting for a long time. I have collected the most complete information about the Snow Palace, which can be said to cover all the information except for a few Nascent Soul monks and the Palace Master, and the rest of the spirit stones are also brought to you." The jade slips and a storage bag filled with spirit stones were gently placed on the table.

"That's really hard work," Yi Tianyi stretched out his hand and put away the three jade slips. Let's taste these things slowly after returning to the temporary cave later.

Reaching out to pick up the storage bag, he scanned it with his spiritual sense and found that there were only 10 yuan of spiritual stones left in it, so Yi Tian's face changed and he said in a deep voice: "It seems that the information is a bit expensive to buy. The price of my two fifth-level spiritual weapons is no less than a million spirit stones."

The shopkeeper hastily echoed: "Fellow Daoist, please calm down. The whole set of Snow Palace information has also been fired to around a million spirit stones. Fellow Daoist is skilled in crafting weapons. I don't know if you would like to leave the communication method. If there is a chance, we would like to ask you to do it for us." .”

(End of this chapter)

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