
Chapter 623 Contact

Chapter 623 Contact
After leaving the Julingtong shop, Yi Tian couldn't help showing a little sneer on his face. It seems that they also watched people order the menu, although they took advantage of it this time.On the other hand, he left behind the Jade Talisman of Communication, thinking in his heart that if he had the chance, he would have to find the place back.

After returning to the temporary cave, Yi Tian closed the cave door and opened the restriction in the cave, then sat cross-legged in the main hall, took out the three jade slips, put them on his forehead, and quickly passed them through with his spiritual thoughts.

After a long time, he sighed softly and began to estimate in his heart. These three pieces of jade slips respectively listed the information of the snowfield. The first one focused on the materials and treasures produced in the snowfield, but they were busy thousands of miles away in the snowfield. The main specialty products are controlled by monk Xuegong, and there are very few precious materials that can be exiled to the outside world.

The second jade slip is a map of the snow field. From this, it can be seen that the core area is only a large circle with a range of about a thousand miles, and the word "Thousand Li Snow Palace" is marked in the middle.

Seeing this, the corners of Yi Tian's mouth twitched a few times, and he couldn't stop thinking that the banning strategy implemented by Fairy Haoyue, the lord of the Snow Palace, was so good that no outsiders could find out the reality within thousands of miles of her sect.

As for the third jade slips, all the information about outstanding disciples in the Snow Palace is recorded. After reading these, Yi Tiancai learned that the female cultivator who was called to propose a marriage in the Snow Palace this time was named 'Xuan Shuang' and belonged to Fairy Haoyue. apprentice.

Coincidentally, people from the Snow Palace lived in secluded places and no one knew about Jane's birth. Who would have thought that Xuanshuang met disciples from several major sects when he went out, and after the two sides cooperated several times, people saw the origin of their masters.

No wonder some of these people are also the direct descendants of Yuanying Patriarch, and then they came to propose marriage. As for who it is, there is no detailed record on the jade slip.It simply stated that Fairy Haoyue was forced to send out invitations to invite disciples from famous and righteous schools in Zhongzhou to the banquet.

After reading these contents, I found that the description of the internal personnel of Snow Palace is also vague. Among the foundation disciples, there are some records that only Xuanshuang is the only monk in the golden core period, and the situation of the top monks is even more outrageous. It only says Fairy Haoyue's cultivation in the middle stage of Yuanying.

Throwing this jade slip aside casually, Yi Tian showed a bit of anger on his face. Just such a little news actually costs nearly a million spirit stones.

Just as he was thinking about it, his spiritual sense suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some movement in the storage ring. After taking it out, he found that there was a message on the communication jade tablet left in Julingtong. After taking it out and reading it carefully, his face turned pale. It's showing a little joy.

I didn't expect the other party to find him so quickly. I guessed that something must have taken a fancy to those two spiritual weapons, so I didn't waste any time and got up and walked out of the cave to the Julingtong shop.

When I came here for the second time, I found that the shopkeeper was already waiting at the door. When he saw someone coming, he hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist is indeed a trustworthy person, please follow me." Follow the VIP passage on one side and go directly through the lobby to the backyard.

Yi Tian stared at the scene in front of him, and was taken aback. It's strange. Could it be that the other party treated him so politely because he saw his identity, and he didn't say much at the moment, followed the shopkeeper into the backyard.

Not long after, they came to a courtyard in the depths of the store, and then the shopkeeper passed the door lightly, and then motioned for him to enter alone.

After entering the inner courtyard, the white light in front of Yi Tian's eyes flashed, and he found that it was like a winter situation, and the pavilions and pavilions were covered with a thick layer of frost.There was only one room in the courtyard, no one was around, and a female voice came from behind the door, "Fellow Daoist, please talk outside."

Yi Tian used his spiritual sense to peek into the room, there should be two people, and seeing the fluctuation of spiritual pressure, it should be the female cultivator he met before.However, after performing the full set of the show, he hesitated and said: "I don't know which fellow Taoist invites you, but please make it clear that I don't want to associate with people who hide their heads and show their tails."

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw the door slowly opened and walked out. A woman in a yellow shirt wearing a veil looked at herself for a while before saying: "You are not a small monk, you can make my master look down on you. blessings?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian didn't get angry, but talked eloquently: "Since you have something to ask, why do you hide your head and show your tail? Besides, we are all Jindan monks. If you like it, let's talk a little more. If you don't like it, you don't need to talk too much." In other words, the main road faces the sky and each side goes to the other side.”

After speaking, he saw a purple-shirted female cultivator with a veil slowly walking out of the door, Yi Tian immediately locked her with his spiritual sense, and after a glance, he secretly said in his heart: "That's right, the skills are like Xuegong's." Nascent Soul cultivator, but definitely not Haoyue himself. This person's cultivation base is less than a hundred years old in the early Yuan Ying period. Even though he tried his best to control his own cultivation level, he still couldn't completely restrain his spiritual power from leaking out because of his special skills. It was discovered by monks of the same rank."

The female cultivator was also slightly taken aback when she saw Yi Tian's appearance, and then looked up and down.After a few breaths, he stretched out his hand and took out a spiritual weapon and said slowly: "Dare to ask if this spiritual weapon is refined by you?"

Yi Tian glanced at the spiritual weapon in the female cultivator's hand, and Yi Tian was determined at the moment. Basically, the other party didn't see his disguise. In this case, it's better to find out the truth first.Nodding his head, he said, "Xia Yitian is a fifth-level craftsman. I don't know how to call you, what advice can I give you?"

After hearing this, the purple-shirted female cultivator replied softly: "Old man Lianyue, this is the little disciple Jiangxue, who recently bought a spiritual weapon from the shopkeeper of Julingtong. The characteristics of the fifth-level material have been brought to the extreme, so I would like to meet myself."

Yi Tian glanced at the woman named Jiangxue whose cultivation base is about in the middle stage of Jindan, no wonder she would have such an attitude towards him, and then frowned and said: "Fellow Daoist Lianyue, I'm afraid your purpose is not limited to this. Please specify any requirements."

Lian Yue was also polite and took out a crescent blade and handed it over. After taking the crescent blade, Yi Tian's eyelids twitched. This thing seemed to be a fifth-level high-level spiritual weapon, but in fact it was at least a sixth-level spiritual weapon.

Part of the crescent blade has been curled and one end is partially incomplete, it seems that it has been hit hard.

Seeing Yi Tian's troubled expression, Lian Yue asked slowly, "How did Fellow Daoist Yi observe it? Can this thing be repaired?"

To be honest, it is easy to repair with my own skills, but now it is a different matter to pretend to be a fifth-level monk in the early stage of Jindan.After thinking for a while, Yi Tian shook his head and directly refused: "Fellow Daoist Lianyue has something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"But it doesn't matter," Lian Yue replied bluntly.

"This item is obviously a damaged high-level spiritual weapon. It is not difficult to repair it, but it is not easy to restore the original level. Our art of refining is about reputation. If the signboard is smashed, it will be difficult. As for the foothold, I think your Excellency should invite someone else to be wise," Yi Tian handed over the spirit weapon after speaking.

Unexpectedly, Lian Yue replied with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Yi is a hundred times better than those who try to catch fame and fame. As long as you can repair this thing to the sixth level, I have my own way to raise it to a higher level. ""

(End of this chapter)

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