
Chapter 624 New Moon

Chapter 624 New Moon
After discussing with Lianyue, Yi Tian put away the crescent blade and hurried out of the shop through the back door of Julingtong.The two parties reached an agreement that Yi Tian would be responsible for refining and repairing, and all the materials would be processed and collected by themselves.

But as soon as Yi Tian walked out of the back door of Julingtong, he immediately found himself locked by three or four strands of spiritual consciousness. The other party seemed to be a monk hiding around the shop. Judging from the strength of his spiritual consciousness, his cultivation base was about the appearance of the late Golden Core. One of them turned out to be that of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

After a haze flashed in his heart, Yi Tian walked on the street in a big way and began to wander around to collect materials.I knew early on that there was something wrong with this matter. The people from Xuegong ran all the way to Pinggu City to find a refiner to repair the spirit weapon itself.

After returning to his temporary cave and closing the prohibition, Yi Tiancai found that the divine sense that had locked him had been completely cut off. Fortunately, the prohibition of these caves can still block their peeping.After doing a detailed analysis, Yi Tian came to the conclusion that these people who spy on him are definitely not from the side of Tianli Sect, but besides that, he doesn't know that there are other forces that may spy on him.

It is possible to go to Qianlingzong and Fozong to see the other major sects, but we can let it go for now.Since the other party didn't want to offend Tianli Cult, it seemed that he would not be disturbed for the time being.

He took out this crescent blade spirit weapon and placed it in front of him, and scanned it with his divine sense, only to find that the place where the original end was disconnected was cut off alive by someone with an extremely sharp spirit weapon.

Judging from the traces of the fracture, it is estimated that it should be thousands of years old. From this point of view, this spiritual weapon is probably the natal spiritual weapon of the former Yuanying monk in Xuegong. It was originally at least a sixth-level peak or even a seventh-level spiritual weapon. It's just that it cannot be restored after being damaged and has been passed down to be used by Lianyue as an ordinary spiritual weapon today.

As for the traces left after inspection of the rolled-up place on the blade, it should be within a hundred years, which means that the person who manipulated it again sacrificed it to fight with others within a hundred years. It looks like it has dropped to level five.

The spirit pattern on it was almost worn out, Yi Tian took out the inscription pen and slowly engraved part of it, and then picked it up for inspection.But after watching for a long time, the expression on his face became more and more solemn, and there were hundreds of inscriptions in his mind, even if there were many inscriptions in the spirit world.

But the inscription fragments in front of him didn't belong to any of them, so Yi Tian had to stop what he was doing and began to meditate.Logically speaking, Xuegong's spirit weapon should be based on the attribute of ice water, so these inscriptions must also be inscribed in conjunction with the attribute of the spirit weapon.

When he was helpless, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind. The Sun Moon Tong Huilun who taught him the spiritual world back then must ask him to verify the spiritual knowledge broadcast. Maybe there will be a turning point.

After thinking about it, I first opened a sound-proof barrier and then took out the spiritual energy. Later, Ashura appeared behind him holding the sun, moon and brilliance wheel with both hands, pouring spiritual power into it and starting to summon the spirit. After ten breaths, I saw a spirit The body rose slowly from the sun, moon and brilliance wheel and then converged into a small human form, and then Ming Yaohui's lazy voice sounded: "Why did you encounter any trouble again?".

Yi Tian took out the fragmented image of the inscription and put it in front of Ming Yaohui and said, "Do you recognize this inscription?"

"Is this a remnant picture of the new moon? I didn't expect you to be able to get such a thing. It seems that you are in trouble."

The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched: "Can you teach me the whole set of inscriptions?"

Ming Yaohui replied: "It's possible, but I will continue to cultivate afterwards, and don't use the Sun and Moon Tonghui Wheel unless necessary."

"make a deal."

Three months later, on a full moon night, a cloud suddenly rose above the high-level Fudi Cave Mansion in Pinggu City and covered the moonlight in the sky, covering a radius of about twenty miles.

A monk from the Tianli Sect reported to be on duty long ago, and most of the monks accused the monks in the cave of being unkind and chose to carry out the tribulation at this time.

Some knowledgeable monks came out and said something fair, proving that this is not a monk's crossing a catastrophe, but a tool catastrophe. It is obvious that someone is refining a high-level spiritual weapon, and now it is the critical moment for the weapon to be released.

This move implicated most of the monks in Pinggu City, and the monks near the high-level blessed land broke through and ran far away. No one wanted to be implicated.

The thunderstorm in the sky gathered for a long time and did not fall, making everyone on the ground feel itchy to watch. Not long after, they saw that the restriction outside a certain cave on the mountain was opened.Then a white aura flew out from the entrance of the cave and floated directly in mid-air. The robbery cloud in the sky seemed to have found its target, and the white thunder suddenly fell and struck at the white light.

Afterwards, successive thunderbolts struck down from top to bottom. At this time, Yi Tian was sitting in the cave and did not help to cross the catastrophe.There was a bit of complacency on his face, this 'Spirit Moon Blade' looked like it had been promoted to the sixth level under his own repairs.

At the same time, I also want to see how powerful my newly learned spiritual world inscription 'New Moon' is blessed to this Spirit Moon Blade.After all the thunder disasters fell that day, the spirit weapon in the air was not taken back directly, but floated there as if quietly waiting for something.

It was not until the thundercloud dissipated that the full moon poked its head out from behind the clouds again, and the silvery white moonlight sprinkled on the earth to illuminate the night.Suddenly, the spiritual weapon in the white light was fixed in the air under the moonlight, and after a long time, all the surrounding sun essence was absorbed, and then the crescent-like spiritual weapon slowly appeared in the white light. .

The brightness of the white light gradually increased. From a distance, it seemed that two moons, one big and one small, appeared in the sky.

After ten breaths, the white light circled down from mid-air with a 'swish' and flew directly into a certain cave.

After a farce, the monks in the four weeks rushed back to their cave one after another, reopened the restriction and began to retreat and practice.

As for the spiritual artifact just now that was overlooked by others, many monks secretly remembered the cave, and what's more, they had already started to search for information at the registration office of the Paradise of the Paradise.

At this time, Yi Tian was sitting in the cave mansion, looking at the Lingyue Blade in front of him in a daze. There was some soft moonlight brilliance on this spiritual weapon, which made people feel the coldness above it.

After sitting cross-legged in the cave for an hour, Yi Tian suddenly frowned after finishing breath adjustment, and realized in his spiritual sense that someone seemed to be coming towards his cave. Sooner or later, someone would stare at him after making such a big noise in this time. , It doesn't matter so much at the moment, after putting away the Lingyue Blade, he got up and walked out slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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