
Chapter 625

Chapter 625
Such a big commotion in the Dongtianfudi area of ​​Pinggu City alarmed all the deacons of the Tianli Sect in the area. Not long after the robbery, a Jindan monk led a team to the gate of Yitian Dongfu to question his sin.

Knowing that this matter cannot be avoided, Yi Tian was not afraid of it, and faced it directly after opening the restriction.In the end, after a fight, a fine of 20 Lingshi was paid and the matter was settled hastily after promising not to set an example.

The deacons of Tianlijiao were more polite from the beginning to the end, and did not mention the impact of the weapon robbery on Pinggu City. Instead, they praised Yi Tian's weapon refining skills from time to time.

I just mentioned at the end that there was too much commotion this time, and the city lord hoped that if there was a next time, he could directly contact the deacon on duty, and they would help choose a good place for the spiritual weapon to cross the catastrophe.

In this regard, Yi Tian also understands that no matter where someone has a skill, he will be treated courteously, even if he is pretending to be in the early stage of Golden Core, the other party will not look down on him because of this.

After finishing the matter here, Yi Tian went straight out of the cave and walked towards the location of Julingtong. Along the way, he found that there were more spiritual senses staring at him, but as long as he stayed in Pinggu City, he was not afraid of trouble.

After coming to Julingtong, Lianyue was directly summoned to mention the repair of the spiritual weapon, but this time Lianyue did not receive it in person, but asked the shopkeeper of Julingtong to come forward to collect the spiritual weapon.

An hour later, Yi Tian received two storage bracelets, and after a little inspection with his spiritual sense, he found that one of them was filled with Xuegong special products, but the materials were limited to level five.The other is full of spirit stones, roughly estimated at no less than 200 million.Although there was a little disdain in his heart, he pretended to be satisfied on his face.

Not long after, the shopkeeper chatted enthusiastically, and even invited him to join Julingtong as an enshrinement.Yi Tian neither agreed nor refused to this, but turned around and said that he still needs to think carefully.

After leaving Julingtong, Yi Tian walked on the street and obviously noticed that the consciousness that was staring at him before seemed to be a little less, especially the consciousness that was comparable to that of a Nascent Soul cultivator had disappeared without knowing it.

Secretly thinking about how to get rid of their surveillance without leaving any traces, suddenly he realized that the Spirit Moon Blade seemed to have left Pinggu City and was flying towards the northeast.

The person holding the spiritual energy at this speed is undoubtedly a Nascent Soul cultivator, but it is a pity that no matter what his cultivation level is, as long as his spiritual sense is not stronger than his own, he will not be able to detect the tracking mark of the spiritual weapon.

Suddenly, three rays of light flew out from several private houses in Pinggu City, rushed into the air under the eyes of the monks in the city who did not shy away from it, and then chased towards the snow field in the northeast.

Yi Tian frowned when he saw it. The strength of the spiritual pressure fluctuations in the three escaping lights proved that they were all monks in the early stage of Yuanying. It goes without saying.

Immediately, he hurried back to the area of ​​the Paradise of the Heavenly Paradise, told the deacon that he needed to retreat for a period of time, and after returning to his cave, he opened the cave door and entered it.

After finishing these foreshadowings, Yi Tian quietly cast a concealment spell to let go of the restricted corner of the cave door and slipped out.After leaving Pinggu City, he directly activated the secret technique to lock the position of the spirit moon blade, and then used the escape technique to chase after it.

In order not to reveal his identity, Yi Tian specially changed his clothes and put on a mask, so that even the spiritual consciousness of monk Yuanying could not detect his true face.Then he took out a gray stealth cloak and put it on to cover up his spiritual power fluctuations, so that only those monks with extremely sensitive spiritual sense could discover his whereabouts.

After dozens of miles north of Pinggu City, it has entered the range of the snow field. The further you fly, the faster the temperature of the surrounding environment will drop. For Yi Tian, ​​who majors in fire-type exercises, the impact on the exercises will be greater. big.

After flying for less than half an hour, he found that there seemed to be spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from [-] miles ahead, and the secret technique tracking found that he was also quickly approaching the position of the spirit moon blade.Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth, it seems that Lian Yue is in trouble, it's no wonder that it is not easy to fight three against one, and guess she still has a burden around her.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian's spiritual power circulated rapidly, and then his escape speed suddenly doubled, more than flying towards the origin of the spiritual pressure fluctuation.

After a while, I saw several people fighting fiercely in the air in the distance, and quietly used the Qingling method to observe, and saw three early Yuanying monks surrounding Lianyue and Lianyue in the middle.

But what Yi Tian finds incredible is that Lianyue showed great power and held the Lingyue Blade she had just repaired in her hand, protecting her apprentice with one enemy and three, and faintly dragging the battle into a stalemate.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian found out the problem. In this snowy environment, monk Xuegong's skills are really extraordinary when they are performed in a favorable location.It's just that the spiritual power consumption is huge in the case of one-on-three, and the three besieged monks seem to have seen through this point, so they try to besiege and not attack as much as possible, trying to consume Lian Yue's spiritual power, as long as her spiritual power is exhausted. It was the three of them swarming up.

After slowing down, the spiritual power of his body was restrained, Yi Tian made seals on his chest one after another, and performed invisibility. After that, he quietly approached the battle circle in front of him under the cover of the stealth cloak.

Shaoqing heard Lianyue's cry in front of him and said: "Three Friends of Suihan, you three Xue Palace traitors are actually helping the king to do evil. Aren't you afraid that the Grand Palace Master will kill you in one fell swoop in the future, and extract your marrow to refine your soul?"

Yi Tian glanced at the clothes of the three monks with patterns of pine, bamboo and plum painted on them, and on the other side of the clothes was the symbol of Xuegong, but a bright red cross was drawn on the symbol.

He only heard the monk with the plum blossom mark laughing and said: "Lianyue, you have achieved such strength in only a hundred years since you became a Nascent Soul. I think it's probably because of the power of the Lingyue Blade in your hand."

At this time, the other bamboo said disdainfully: "Lianyue, do you still think that you are the second palace master of Xue Palace who is aloof? Today, if you are planted in our hands, you must let you survive or die, so that you can relieve me for a hundred years. I only hate in my heart."

As for the boss of Suihan's three friends, he shouted in a deep voice: "Second brother and third brother, don't waste time, we will fight quickly before that bitch Haoyue arrives. Only by capturing her is eligible to negotiate with Haoyue, don't forget The purpose of our trip."

After hearing this, the other two showed solemn expressions, and then the power of the moves in their hands also increased, hitting the protective shield that Lian Yue propped up in the middle with a 'buzzing' sound.

What puzzles Yi Tian the most is that Zhao Lianyue can run away if she can't beat her, but the female cultivator next to her must stay.But she didn't leave, that only shows one problem, the importance of this woman is far above her own safety.

Suddenly, Boss Dasong stopped the attack and shouted to the void not far away: "Who is sneaky and doesn't show up quickly."

Yi Tian was stunned for a moment and suddenly felt troublesome, but before he could move anything, he saw a cloud of black mist appearing three miles in front of him, and after the black mist dispersed, a three-foot figure appeared, which turned out to be a child-like figure upon closer inspection. The cultivator in question just has the immature appearance of a boy without a face.

At this time, Lian Yue blurted out: "Boy Demon Sword, you old fellow dare to play Xue Gong's idea."

(End of this chapter)

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