
Chapter 626

Chapter 626
Suddenly, a child-like monk appeared in the void of the vast snowfield, instantly breaking the siege of the three of Song, Zhumei, but the three of them did not withdraw from the encirclement and still surrounded Lian Yue. I believe that as long as Lian Yue is a little too much The move will usher in a thunderous blow from the three of them.

At this time, the three friends of Suihan glanced at the Demon Sword Boy in front of them, and they couldn't help showing a little jealousy. Later, the boss Song asked in a deep voice: "We have nothing to do with Demon Sword Boy, and today is Xuegong's housework, don't you?" Want to get involved too?"

Devil Sword Boy glanced at Lian Yue in the formation and said: "I saw the fairy trapped, so I came to help." The words were righteous, but there was a hint of obscenity in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Lianyue spat and said: "Who doesn't know that you Devil Sword boy is sinister and vicious, I'm afraid that it is fake to solve my troubles, and the dirty things in your heart are true."

Demon Sword Boy looked up to the sky and laughed loudly after hearing this: "Fairy Lianyue really has a savage temper, but I like it very much. As long as you agree to be my Taoist partner, I will help you out of trouble, and I will return you later." How about going to the Snow Palace in person to accompany Fairy Haoyue."

Before finishing speaking, Lian Yuezi gritted her teeth and yelled coldly: "Who doesn't know the personality of your Demon Sword boy, all of your previous Taoist companions have become playthings in the furnace, and finally ended up losing their cultivation base."

After being told the truth, Demon Sword Boy was not annoyed and turned to Sui Han's three friends and said, "How about we cooperate with you three, and after capturing this girl, what if I only want the person by her side?"

The three friends of Suihan snorted coldly at the same time, and the second child Zhu opened his mouth and said: "If you want to get something ready-made, you have to ask our brothers if you agree?"

At this time, the boss Song also said: "What my second child said is exactly what we mean. If you want to get ready-made ones, you have to pay a corresponding price."

I saw Demon Sword Boy's lips move a few times and chatted with Sui Han's three friends privately through voice transmission. After the four of them seemed to have reached an agreement, the boss let go and said: "We want the old ones to be caught by the young ones. Take what you need, and do it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Demon Sword boy directly took out a gray spirit sword, poured spiritual power into it quickly, then turned the spirit sword into a thin thread and stretched it quietly toward the center. Go, for a while the four spells concentrated at the same time, and the silver-white protective cover suddenly made a 'bang bang' sound.

Originally, Lian Yue could still wait for an opportunity to fight back under the siege of the three, but the whole situation became more serious after the addition of Demon Sword Boy.Under the attack of one more person, Lian Yue had no choice but to defend with all her strength and open the protective cover to the maximum.

But even after such a blow, the white halo kept flickering, I'm afraid it would be difficult to sustain the second combined blow.

Just as the four of them were getting excited, Devil Sword Boy suddenly frowned and shouted: "Who is that?" Before he finished speaking, he saw a series of fireballs suddenly appear from the void, and then rapidly enlarged in his pupils, rushing towards him. over here.

Demon Sword Boy hastily raised his hand to sacrifice the pitch-black spirit sword in his hand, a gray sword light flashed and directly defeated the oncoming fireballs one by one.

At the same time, the three friends of Suihan also noticed that something was wrong, and at the same time, many strings of fireballs flew towards them, startling the two of them.Over the snow field, hundreds of fireballs were detonated one after another, and the heat wave emitted melted the snow within a radius of one mile.

Suddenly a scream came from Old Monster Mei's mouth, and a sharp sword thread lightly passed over his body, dismembering his body.After his Nascent Soul escaped from his body, a big hand suddenly appeared from behind and grabbed it.

Zhu Laoguai's expression changed drastically after sweeping his spiritual thoughts, and he opened his mouth and shouted sharply: "Magic Sword Boy is you?"

Old Ghost Song received it in a deep voice: "It's not Demon Sword Boy. How long have you been watching from the sidelines? Who are you?"

Old monster Zhu shouted: "You dare to hurt my junior brother, you don't want to live anymore."

A monk in a gray cloak and a mask suddenly appeared at the place where Old Monster Mei was standing.With a flip of his hand, he reached out and took out a jade bottle, stuffed the spirit body of the Nascent Soul into it, put the cap on the bottle and put a seal on it, and put it away.

After doing this, he turned his head and said to the old monster Zhu of Sui Han's three friends: "You really have no eyesight, that boy with magic sword is much better than you, and now he is thinking of a way out."

As soon as the words were finished, Shochiku and Shochiku scanned the Devil Sword boy not far away with their spiritual thoughts, and saw that he was on full alert with the spirit sword across his chest ready to go, and he would use his evasion technique as soon as he had the opportunity to charge his feet. Just ready to slip away.

When the situation on the scene was reversed in an instant, Fairy Lianyue was startled at first, and then said happily: "This fellow Taoist is very grateful for your help, please help me out, my Snow Palace will definitely reward you a lot afterward."

A thick sound transmission sounded in Lianyue's ear: "You hold on to the three friends of Suihan first, and I will take down the Devil Sword Boy first." The way back was cut off.

At the same time, Lian Yue kept controlling the Lingyue Blade to transform into a crescent moon blade mixed with the power of wind and snow, and even attacked Songzhu.

Devil Sword Boy was about to say something with a solemn expression at this time, but saw the other party attack directly, so he sacrificed the spirit sword in his hand and turned it into a thin sword thread to meet it.

Just now when the four of them shot at the same time, Yi Tian saw the magic sword boy's tricks in his eyes, and after looking carefully, he found that his tricks contained some flavor of turning sword into silk in the three masters of Yaojian.It's just that the tricks are not only similar in appearance, but also have a three-pointed spirit in it.

I couldn't help but think of this person's background, so when I made a move, I left three points of strength. Thousands of blue sword wires in the sky intertwined with the gray sword wire in front of me in an instant, making a "ZZZZ" sound.

When the Demon Sword boy saw it, his face was shocked, but he shouted strangely: "You are the master of Qianling, Ning Jun. If you kill me, aren't you afraid that people from the Zhengxing League will come to your door?"

"I'm afraid I won't make a move," Yi Tian spat lightly on the Taiyuan Sword in his hand and shook the thousands of sword threads again, smashing the gray sword threads into pieces in an instant.

The spirit sword in Demon Sword Boy's hand burst instantly, and he blushed and swallowed the blood in his stomach again, but there was an unbelievable look on his face and he said: "It's not Shi Ningjun, you compare He is much stronger, are you He Weiming or Qian Lingyuan?"

As soon as the words came out, the faces of the two old monsters, Songzhu, also showed unusually ugly faces. After they stopped, they hurriedly gathered together and looked at the gray-robed man in front of them with fear, but their spiritual sense was full. Blocked by the cloak and mask, it was completely impossible to see the other party's true identity.

(End of this chapter)

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