
Chapter 627

Chapter 627
Yi Tian's sudden appearance solved Lianyue's siege in an instant, and the corner of the boy's mouth twitched involuntarily as he glanced at the demon sword boy in front of him.The tricks this person used have a lot to do with Qianlingzong, so if you want to find out what's going on, it's better to capture him alive.

Immediately, with a light wave of his right hand, those sword threads were slowly fused together, and then compressed into a thin sword thread.It's just that at this time, the strength of this move is hundreds of times stronger than the previous scattered state.

Seeing that the other party refused to let him go, the devil sword boy felt a shock in his heart, the fat on his face trembled a few times, and then the spiritual energy in his whole body was mobilized rapidly.Suddenly there was a crisp sound from him, and his body suddenly swelled up.

Stretching out his hands, he immediately grew five inches, and kicking his feet broke the steps under his feet, revealing a pair of big furry feet.The muscles on his body swelled up quickly, as if the whole internal skeleton had been stretched out, and after three breaths, the figure of Demon Sword Boy became no different from that of ordinary people.

In this way, the rest of the people couldn't help showing a bit of dignified expression in their eyes. At this time, the fluctuation of the magic sword boy's spiritual power has quickly crossed the mid-stage hurdle, and he really looks like a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator at first glance.

Hastily took out half of the golden sword tip, spit out a sword of blood and splashed on the blade, and suddenly a majestic sword intent slowly emerged from it, shocking the three people around.

But Yi Tian knew that the other party was just using a secret technique to forcibly raise his cultivation level to one level, and the half of the ancient treasure he took out was beyond his control, at most he relied on the method of blood sacrifice to forcibly stimulate part of its power.

In this way, hidden dangers of hidden diseases are bound to be left behind, but in the face of such an aggressive posture, I believe that Demon Sword Boy was forced to use this trick as a last resort.

After slowly raising his hand, Yi Tian's figure flashed in the air one after another, and the Taiyuan sword in his hand shook several times, and the blue sword thread split through the void and then disappeared in a flash.Demon Sword Boy saw Yihua hurriedly raised the half of the sword tip in his hand, and it turned into a flash of golden light, facing the incoming sword light.

"Choke" a loud noise, after the two spiritual weapons collided in the air, a wave of air was directly sent out, and Lian Yue, who was watching the battle, was shocked back more than three feet, and the two old monsters Songzhu not far away were also shocked. With a flick of his body, he retreated a few feet away before stabilizing his body.

As for the devil sword boy in the middle, a look of madness appeared on his face, and he kept pushing the half of the sword tip with both hands, but blood spurted from his mouth.

Suddenly a crisp sound burst out from the halo in front of him, and the half of the sword tip actually shook the Taiyuan sword out of a crack, and then flew staggered towards the front.

But what happened next made Demon Sword Boy's pupils froze, and there was no trace of the gray-robed man in front of him.I wondered for a while and suddenly felt a heart-piercing pain, and saw a golden thug protruding from the heart, holding a bloody heart that was still beating non-stop.

With a 'snap', the big hand squeezed the heart in that hand directly, and the magic sword boy suddenly felt that the sky was dark in front of him, and even Yuanying couldn't help being covered by a golden light just after escaping from the Niwan Palace, and couldn't help it. was sucked into a jade bottle.

After restraining the Nascent Soul of Demon Sword Boy, the half of the sword tip lost its spiritual support and slowly stopped in mid-air, as if very confused.

Yi Tian put away the Taiyuan Sword and checked it, with a surprised look on his face.The half of the sword tip in front of him is really amazing, one blow can actually crack the body of Taiyuan Sword, if it can be restored, the power will be even more astonishing.

A dodge flew forward to put away the unmanned half of the sword tip, and then Yi Tian turned around and said to Songzhu and Songzhu, the remaining three friends of Suihan: "Then, do you want to catch me without a fight or do you want me to do it?" ?”

After the two old monsters looked at each other, a look of determination appeared on their faces, and then they split into two groups and flew in opposite directions.

This sudden change made Lian Yue stunned, but in the next second, she saw a cyan light flashing in the air a few times, and then flew straight towards the direction where one of them was escaping.

In less than ten breaths, the cyan-colored escaping light came first and stopped the fleeing person, and the two of them shot out without saying much, and started fighting in the distance.The result is also obvious. Within a moment, a person fell from the sky in the distance. This time, even the spirit body of the Nascent Soul was cut into pieces by the blue sword light before it could escape.

Later, I saw the monk wearing a cloak and a mask flying from afar, Lian Yue didn't even have the courage to run at the moment, the strength displayed by the other party was three points stronger than that of the Grand Palace Master Haoyue.Moreover, he had just taken action to deal with three early-stage Nascent Soul cultivators within an hour. It was simply impossible to escape in front of them based on this alone.

After recovering her spiritual power, Lian Yue saw the other party flying in, she stepped forward and said, "I am lucky to have a fellow Taoist who helped me, and I thank you on behalf of Xue Gong."

Yi Tian didn't dare to get too close to Lian Yue, but he stopped after flying twenty feet away, and he knew that if the other party found some clues about this disguise, it would be impossible to show his feet during the Snow Palace feast. Completed Shi Ningjun's entrustment.

After looking at Lianyue and seeing that she had already swallowed some pills to replenish her spiritual power, Yi Tian's eyes turned to the middle-stage Jindan female cultivator next to her, a blue light flashed in her eyes, and she cast her pupil technique to look at it, but couldn't help it. See its true face clearly.

Later, he opened his mouth and asked, "What's so special about this girl next to friend Daoist? How could the three Suihan friends value him so much?"

Lian Yue's face showed embarrassment when she heard the words, her eyes flicked over her disciple, showing hesitation, Yi Tian glanced at the other party's expression and knew that there was something strange about it, it might have something to do with Xue Gong's secret, and then the corner of her mouth twitched Said: "Fellow daoist, if you find it difficult, you don't need to answer. There is still some distance to the Xuegong Sect's territory, but the pursuit is ready to be solved. I believe that no one will come to trouble you on the road ahead, so let's just leave here. "

After finishing speaking, he made a gesture to leave, and suddenly a voice came from his ear: "Fellow Daoist Xue Gong Lianyue will keep it in mind, if it is convenient, please leave your name."

Yi Tian replied indifferently: "Can't you guess my identity from my moves?"

"Friend Daoist is definitely not a member of the Qianling Sect, because your spiritual power attribute is not compatible with it, but apart from Qian Lingyuan, I really can't guess that anyone can practice Qian Lingyao's swordsmanship to such a level."

"In your eyes, which one is stronger or weaker than Qianlingyuan?" Yi Tian asked with interest?

Lian Yue frowned and said slowly: "Fellow Daoist, forgive me, if you really compare Senior Qian Lingyuan's swordsmanship is still slightly better."

Seeing what she said, Yi Tian nodded and replied: "Sure enough, it's almost the same as I imagined. It's true that I'm still a bit far away from him now, but Daoist friends are absurd."

After hearing this, Lian Yue showed a gleam of joy on her face and said: "Actually, you don't have to worry too much, you don't have to worry too much. With your bones that are less than four hundred years old now, you can cultivate to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, which is definitely the best qualification in Tianlan Continent. You will definitely be able to advance to the late stage, and then Qian Lingyuan will definitely not be your opponent."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's eyes flashed, and after staring at Lian Yue for a long time, he slowly closed his eyes, stopped talking, turned around and flew towards Pinggu City.

(End of this chapter)

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