
Chapter 628 Inquiry

Chapter 628 Inquiry
Lian Yue breathed a sigh of relief when the figure of the gray-robed man disappeared into the sky, wondering if she offended the other party with the last sentence just now, although she didn't say it clearly, she obviously cared a little bit about this move.

At this moment, a light female voice came from inside Lianyue's protective cover: "Is this the person that Master Tianyunzi's incantation refers to?"

Lian Yue said regretfully: "That's right, it should be the second young miss."

"How many times has the master told me not to call me Second Miss."

Lianyue smiled and said: "Okay, Jiangxue, you know that the world is hard now, this time, thanks to the words of Senior Tian Yunzi, he revealed the key to repairing our clan's spiritual weapon, and also predicted that there will be a narrow escape on the way back. The game has all come true.”

After opening the protective cover, a female cultivator in yellow shirt with a light veil walked out, it was the Jiangxue that Lianyue was talking about.She looked in the direction of Pinggu City and asked, "Master, can we still meet that senior?"

"Let's just let it happen, since he will appear here, nine out of ten he will come for the feast of the Snow Palace, maybe we will meet at that time," Lian Yue replied.

Jiang Xue pursed her lips and said, "Then they are here to see my sister, it has nothing to do with me," she turned around and flew towards the depths of the snow field.

After Lian Yue sighed, her figure flashed and chased after her. After a while, the two of them disappeared into the vast sky.

Two days later, Yi Tianzheng was sitting cross-legged in the temporary cave in Tianfudi, Pinggu City Cave. In front of him was a jade bottle, a half-cut sword tip and his own Taiyuan Sword. .

The biggest change in this rescue was the discovery of the half of the sword tip held by Demon Sword Boy. He had scanned it back and forth several times with his spiritual consciousness before and found that it was also engraved with spiritual script.The prototype sword embryo of the Taiyuan Sword in my hand is the "Sword of Killing God" taken from the top of Xihuang Prison Peak, because the killing spirit on the sword is too strong to be controlled, so I thought of using it to re-sacrifice .

After many years of careful nurturing and the use of Buddhist secret techniques to dissolve the hostility above one by one, the Taiyuan Sword has such power.

After this battle, a crack appeared on the sword body of Taiyuan Sword under the attack, so Yi Tian had to examine the half of the sword tip.

Some valuable information was successively found out from the spirit of Demon Sword Boy, including the fact that the swordsmanship he performed was of the same origin as Qian Lingyao's swordsmanship.He just learned from his memory that this half of the sword's aura was realized from the half of the sword tip.

Regarding this, Yi Tian can conclude that the body of the half of the sword tip should be the natal spiritual weapon in Qian Lingzi's hands. Only such an explanation can prove that the swordsmanship performed by Demon Sword Boy is so brilliant.

Looking at the unconscious Nascent Soul spirit body, Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth and turned his hands to slap it away and send his soul to the Dao of Reincarnation.It's useless to stay with such a person.

After doing all this, Yi Tian opened a defensive barrier, and then sent out a trace of divine sense to attach to the half of the sword tip, trying to see if it has any magical effect.Suddenly a lot of information came out of his mind, and Yi Tian hurriedly gathered his mind to observe carefully.

In an instant, two monks appeared in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. Among them, the 30-year-old monk had a heroic face, with three long beards, dressed in Qianlingzong costumes, and held a three-foot blood-colored long sword. He was full of evil spirits Forcing, it should be Qian Lingzi's true face.

The other monk had three heads and six arms, with crimson hair, a fierce face, and a naked upper body. This person should be Luo Que.

The four hands next to him held a shield, banner, bell, and thorn respectively, but the main hand was empty, looking at Qian Lingzi with a glaring face, and seemed to be talking non-stop.

Although he couldn't hear the conversation between the two, Yi Tian speculated that this should be the last meeting between the two on Tianlan Continent, and hot magma oozes from the dark ground around them from time to time.From the analysis of the environment, the two should have met in a cave. Behind the two sides is a huge mural, on which some damaged murals can be vaguely seen.

Focusing his spiritual thoughts on the mural, he didn't find anything special after scanning it. When he was about to give up, he suddenly saw Qian Lingzi's figure move a few steps.Yi Tian's divine sense swept across his body and then swept to the mural behind him, his face suddenly became happy, his eyes and pupils stared for a while, and he found that it was vaguely the emblem of Li Huozong.

Then, before I could analyze it carefully, I saw Qian Lingzi raised the spirit sword in his hand as if to preemptively attack the opponent. After the figure flashed, the spirit sword in his hand turned into thousands of filaments and turned towards the opponent. .

The power of the spirit sword tore apart the surrounding air, forming tiny barriers that surrounded Luo Que overwhelmingly.The three-headed and six-armed Asura Dharma body Luo Que didn't change his face when he saw the hot move, and when he waved the black flag in his hand, a black mist came out of it and quickly protected his whole body.

Then he shook the bell again, and Yi Tian could see sound waves emanating from the bell spreading indiscriminately to the surroundings.

Qian Lingzi's sword threads unexpectedly slowed down after encountering this sound wave, what's more, those sword lights seemed to be blocked in the air by the sound wave, and it was difficult to make an inch of progress.The few sword threads that broke through the first defense were also powerless in front of the black mist defense, and they were silent after being submerged in it.

But Yi Tian saw that Qian Lingzi didn't show any surprise on his face when facing Luo Que's many methods, as if all of this was as expected.The spirit sword in his hand swung again. This time, the move he used was similar to the one he had fought against He Weiming, but it was a hundred times more powerful.

In this narrow space, the sword light seemed to cover Luo Que in all directions, making it impossible for him to dodge, so he could only forcefully accept this move.

Luo Que, who was on the opposite side, also started to move at this time, his hands were in a seal on his chest, and he seemed to be muttering some powerful spells.The shield in the hand next to him had already been erected in front of him, and the blood-colored steel thorn suddenly swelled up, changing from three inches in size to nearly two feet long in a short time.

After the steel thorn was sacrificed by Luo Que, the inscription on the surface flashed with brilliance, illuminating the three feet around him very dazzlingly.The white halo finally became extremely dazzling, Yi Tian also had to close his eyes and only use his spiritual sense to spy.

As soon as the spells of the two intersected, the cave was directly collapsed, and several cracks appeared on the surrounding murals, until finally a white light suddenly appeared on the damaged murals.

Suddenly withdrawing his divine sense from half of the sword tip, Yi Tian found that his back was already drenched. Even though it recorded the details of the battle that happened thousands of years ago, it was very difficult for him to peek at it with his divine sense.

After a break, I invaded my consciousness again and found that I couldn’t connect to the previous clip. Now there was only a mess left in the cave and the cracked mural on the back. As for Qian Lingzi and Luo Que's figure was nowhere to be found.

(End of this chapter)

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