
Chapter 629 Materials

Chapter 629 Materials
In the cave, Yi Tian tried a few more times to see what happened to Qian Lingzi and Luo Que's last stop, but before reaching the critical point, his spiritual consciousness automatically retreated from it. return.When the investigation went on again, the messy cave and cracked murals were still left behind, and there was no progress other than that.

Picking up the half of the sword tip in his hand, he couldn't stop thinking about it. It seemed that the missing part should be hidden in the other half, but it couldn't be found for the time being.If you want to find out, you have to restore this thing.

It is estimated that it is not possible to restore the tip of the sword in his hand in a short period of time, and a great opportunity is needed for this.After putting away the things, Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan Sword again, and saw a crack appeared in the middle of the three-foot green blade, and the crack along the sword almost vertically erected the entire Taiyuan Sword. Divided into two.

I believe that the original sword embryo of this thing is the 'Sword of Killing God' that Qian Lingzi left in Prison Peak, but I didn't expect that it would be so severely injured by a blow from the half of the saber in his hand.

After scanning it with his divine sense, Yi Tian found that this Taiyuan sword needs to be re-melted for sacrifice. Counting the high-grade materials at hand, most of the auxiliary materials are available. Now the most lacking thing is the "star crystal essence". They are all level seven treasures, which are rare in the world.Moreover, if there were any seventh-level materials, they would have been controlled by the major sects long ago, and basically the sixth-level materials that were left outside were almost invisible.

This time it really made Yi Tian troubled, without the 'star crystal essence', even if the Taiyuan sword was repaired, it would drop to the sixth level, so it would be better to save some effort. After thinking it over and over again, he took out Qibaozhai's messenger jade talisman and sent a message to Li Xinlan to find out the whereabouts of this thing.

A few months later, Yi Tian opened the cave door and walked out slowly. At this time, there was a look of helplessness on his face. Li Xinlan's reply mentioned that she had never heard of the "star crystal essence" at all. this material.

At that time, after consulting the Qibaozhai head office, I learned that there had been three "star crystal essences" in the Tianlan Continent. The first two times were in the ancient Middle Ages, and they were probably collected by the monks of the Lihuo Sect. .

The most recent one was also in Zhongzhou thousands of years ago, but no one knew who got this thing in the end.In addition, Li Xinlan mentioned that there will be an auction in Pinggu City in the near future, and Qibaozhai will also participate. If she has any spiritual artifacts that need to be processed, she can sell them through their channels.

Yi Tian doesn't care about this. Li Xinlan wants to use her craftsmanship to make the name of Qibaozhai, and she uses their channels to inquire about the news of the Zhongzhou land. Everyone can cooperate with each other if they need what they need. some.

In addition, I have also received news from Julingtong in the past few days. Since the last time I repaired the Lingyue blade for Lianyue, the other party knew his weight. In addition, this time Pinggu City will hold an auction, so the shopkeeper of Julingtong I also specially sent a message to Yufu to ask if there is anything I need.

During this period of time, there were more monks coming and going in Pinggu City, because the time for the banquet in the Snow Palace was approaching, most of them were going to the banquet, and some of them wanted to take this opportunity to get acquainted with the people from the Zhongzhou Continent. The outstanding heroes.

A few days ago, after receiving a summons from Shi Qianwei, I opened it and looked at the jade talisman, and there were a few words 'take good care of my son' written on it.Yi Tian's face became extremely embarrassing after seeing the whole person, thinking about the meaning of this woman is really protecting the calf, she has been hiding it for 200 years, next time I have a chance to see him, I should have a good chat, or the head of my family is really useless .

After purchasing in Julingtong, he took out a few fifth-level spiritual weapons to offset the cost of the treasure materials. After the transaction was completed, Yi Tian passed by Qibaozhai. The semicolon here also left a batch in his own name. The mid-level spiritual weapon is under the name of Lishuilan.

After finishing these things, a trace of spiritual thoughts suddenly stirred in his mind, and Yi Tian calmed down and secretly found out that one of the four tracking marks he had set up was actually approaching Gucheng at high speed.It should be Feng Renhan from Dao Sect that day who flashed in front of his eyes, but later realized that this person is the top figure among the Jindan disciples of Tian Dao Sect, and it was only natural to receive the invitation letter from Xue Palace.

He was worrying about how to get in touch with people from Qianlingzong. Without the cover of Tiandaozong's relationship, he could naturally sneak into the circle of monks of those sects.

This time, although he promised Shi Ningjun to help take care of Shi Lingfeng, he had already planned in his heart that he would never take action unless it was absolutely necessary, and he had to rely on himself for everything.

It should be known that those second-generation cultivators in the cultivation world are often impoverished after the fall of their predecessors. Yi Tian is not far away.

After walking on the street for about half an hour, he felt that Feng Renhan had entered Pinggu City, and Yi Tian followed the tracking mark on his body and directly took photos of the largest restaurant in the city.Standing on the street and looking up, I saw the plaque above saying 'Tengyun Tower'.

As soon as he opened his legs and walked towards the inside, he saw a guy who looked like a foundation-building monk came up to him and bowed to him, saying, "This senior only accepts Jindan monks who have invitation letters from the Snow Palace on the top floor of the store today. If you don't have an invitation letter, please go to the third floor for dinner."

Hearing this, Yi Tian frowned, then searched quietly with his divine sense, and found that Feng Renhan should have reached the top floor. If he went up in such a reckless manner, he would attract attention, and then he asked slowly: " I came here with Fellow Daoist Feng of Tiandaozong, but I was delayed for some trivial matters, so can I go to the top floor?"

After hearing this, the guy said respectfully: "Since senior is a good friend of Tiandaozong'Feng Wudi', he should be able to accommodate, and please leave your name so that the younger one can go to Senior Feng to check. "

Yi Tian chuckled and said, "Just tell him that Lin Jianxin is waiting downstairs for a long time."

"Then please come later when you're younger," the guy replied respectfully, then went straight to the counter on the ground floor and told the Golden Core cultivator on duty about his situation.

In fact, I didn't expect Lin Jianxin's name to be known to few people. It seems that Qian Lingyuan deliberately let the clone behave in a low-key manner, and he reshaped the clone into his own appearance for the sake of misleading, but it was a pity that he accidentally bumped into it. There was a killing mistake that was not let go.

It's quite interesting to think about Feng Renhan's nickname, even these Foundation Establishment disciples would know it when it was reported.Thinking about his strength, he should have few opponents in the same level. This time, his son is probably the biggest opponent in the Snow Palace to recruit relatives.

Just thinking about whether to remind Shi Lingfeng, I saw a monk in Tiandaozong costume walking down the stairs and said with a smile on his face: "So it's Brother Lin, please hurry up!" Everyone upstairs has been waiting for a long time."

The person who came was Feng Renhan, but Yi Tian inadvertently glanced at his eyes and found a flash of panic.

(End of this chapter)

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