
Chapter 630 Coincidence

Chapter 630 Coincidence
The Tengyun Tower in Pinggu City was originally set up to receive Jindan monks. This time, many monks who received invitations came to Pinggu City and were naturally told that they could gather here when the Snow Palace invitation banquet was held.

After Yi Tian followed Feng Renhan up to the top floor, his eyes swept over quickly. There were no more than a dozen squares in the venue, and there were several round tables around them. Golden core monks from several major sects occupied one side with their close friends. Friends chatted.

After following Feng Renhan up the stairs, Yi Tian could find dozens of divine thoughts sweeping over his body. Although it looked very impolite, Yi Tian didn't shy away from it, and he was able to come up like this I am not afraid of being recognized when I see people.

I believe that Qian Lingyuan's avatar also lives in seclusion and doesn't need to interact with those younger disciples on weekdays. It may be that the only time he fought with Feng Renhan was finally targeted by him.

Following Feng Renhan to a table by the window, the two sat down slowly, after Yi Tian opened a sound-proof enchantment, he said with an easy-going voice transmission: "Boy Feng, I want to sneak into the Snow Palace this time to do something, just happened to meet Why don't you just go in with you."

After hearing this, Feng Renhan showed a little bit of bitterness on his face, and replied with a forced smile: "Senior is just too flattering, since that's the case, I will at most take you into the Snow Palace, as for the rest, please feel free to do so."

Hearing the helpless tone of the other party, Yi Tian smiled and took out a pair of sword boxes, put them on the table and pushed them gently: "This thing is right to lend you, if you are willing to cooperate with me in the Snow Palace If you do something, it’s considered a reward.”

This object was the five-element sword box, the sixth-level primary spirit weapon that he had taken back from Lin Jianxin before, and Feng Renhan had also witnessed the fierce fight at that time.

Looking at the sword case on the table, there was a bit of excitement in his eyes, what happened to the spiritual weapon that could be used by monks in the Nascent Soul Stage? nodded.

After getting the other party's confirmation, Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth and secretly thought about what to do next, so as to help Shi Lingfeng without revealing his identity.

Suddenly a voice came from next to my ear: "I don't know how senior will make a move this time?"

Looking up at Feng Renhan, he saw him looking straight into the eyes and waiting respectfully, Yi Tian replied: "We don't know the situation of the Snow Palace feast yet, but I will let you know how to do it when the time comes, you just need to Just play by ear."

After speaking, Yi Tian turned around and glanced at the many monks present, and then began to look for the people from Qianlingzong. After a glance, he couldn't find any monks wearing Qianlingzong costumes.When he was disappointed, the pupils of his eyes suddenly froze, and then he stopped his gaze for a while on a 40-year-old monk and a middle-aged beautiful woman opposite him.

After a slight pause, he looked away, Feng Renhan noticed something strange and hurriedly asked via voice transmission: "What did you find, senior?"

Yi Tian replied: "The woman at the window is not simple, she even brought the refined corpse out in broad daylight and sat here ostentatiously looking at the scenery, she seems to be waiting for someone."

Hearing this, Feng Renhan took a glance from the corner of his eye and remembered the appearance of the two of them in his heart. For him, the person who can be mentioned by the Nascent Soul cultivator is definitely not an ordinary person.

After watching it for a while, Yi Tian asked again: "Why is it that only your Tiandaozong arrived first, what about the other major sects?"

Feng Renhan hurriedly replied: "This Snow Palace invitation banquet originally sent invitations to all the major sects, but people from the Buddhist sect don't like such occasions, at most they just showed their faces. As for the other major sects Even if Prime Minister is married to Xue Gong, I'm afraid they won't want it."

"What about you?" Yi Tian asked with interest.

"This junior is dedicated to seeking the Tao, and this time I went to the Snow Palace to find an opportunity to compete with my colleagues," Feng Renhan replied.

"I'm afraid that the only monks of the same rank who can compete with you now are the disciples of the big sects." Yi Tian said disdainfully: "Then do you know if there are any sect leaders who are qualified to fight with you?"

"Originally, my biggest opponent was Lin Jianxin," Feng Renhan replied slowly: "After knowing his true identity, I was really sweating from fright."

Yi Tian said solemnly: "You are still far from his level, but as long as you thoroughly comprehend that secret technique and wait until the Nascent Soul stage, you might not be able to fight with his clone."

Feng Renhan showed shame, and a resentful voice said: "I don't know the year of the monkey, and when I reach the Nascent Soul Stage, I will already reach a higher level."

Faced with her rhetoric, Yi Tian just laughed it off after hearing it, and it's too early to talk about the Nascent Soul stage with him.The two of them were talking, and suddenly found some movement on the stairs. After sweeping their consciousness, they found that it was the assistant who came up with a few monks in Zongmen costumes.

These people are all dressed in the costumes of the inner disciples of Qianlingzong. The first person is a strong man with beards, and the second is a slender young monk.Yi Tian looked at the back and didn't change his expression, but he was extremely disappointed in his heart. Most people in Qianlingzong only know how to practice swordsmanship, but it's a pity that they wiped out the true meaning in the sword. Looking at these two people, you can see that Qianlingzong really can't Teach disciples.

Just as he was thinking about it, a lazy voice came from the stairway and said: "Two senior brothers, go slowly, wait for the little brother," a figure in a green shirt rushed up to the top floor following the words.

Yi Tian glanced at this person, and then firmly remembered his appearance. To be honest, it was hard not to remember, his appearance was six to seven points similar to Shi Qianwei, needless to say, it should be Shi Lingfeng.

The cheeky man in the front bowed his head and transmitted a few words, and after a while, the three of them found an empty seat and sat down.

Immediately, Yi Tian found that many monks around him cast the same gaze at them, some with awe and respect, but more of them with disdain.

So he quietly asked: "Do you know why the people present don't want to see Qianlingzong so much?"

Feng Renhan glanced at it before talking eloquently: "That's because Qianlingzong, as the largest sect in Zhongzhou, is not less prestige on weekdays, but for those small and medium sects, they secretly coerce and lure them to hand over a large amount of money." Moreover, I also heard that the methods used by Qianlingzong in the past few hundred years are different from before, and the offerings to the affiliated sects have also been raised a lot, which made everyone dare not speak out."

"What do you think of these three people's cultivation?" Yi Tian asked with interest.

After straightening his expression, Feng Renhan looked at the three people in the distance and said: "The one in the head looks calm and composed, but his breathing rate is not as long as that of the tall and thin one. Although he is a senior brother, his strength is not as good. As for That kid at the early stage of Jindan looks lazy, but his gestures seem to contain a trace of sword intent, so he should be the core disciple that the sect focuses on training."

"Which of the three is stronger and weaker?"

"The boy at the early stage of Jindan is the strongest, the tallest is the second, and the one who takes the lead is the best," Feng Renhan replied decisively.

"Find a chance to try their weight," Yi Tian replied with a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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