
Chapter 631

Chapter 631
After the monks on the top of the Tengyun Tower arrived one after another, they sat down and chatted in small groups.And Yi Tian sat at the table by the window with Feng Renhan and chatted without saying a word, but his spiritual consciousness was always locked on Shi Lingfeng.

In the end, he followed Feng Renhan past their table intentionally or unintentionally, relying on his cultivation base to quietly plant a tracking mark on Shi Lingfeng.The latter just suddenly felt possessed by something invisibly, turned his head to stare at Feng Renhan and Yi Tian for a long time but didn't see anything, then turned back and continued chatting with the two senior brothers.

After leaving the Tengyun Building, Feng Renhan was about to leave, but he didn't prevent Yi Tian from asking directly via voice transmission: "Boy Feng, what else do you need?"

Feng Renhan replied respectfully: "There's nothing else to do for now, and then we can go directly to the Snow Palace for the banquet."

"Isn't there still more than ten days left, is it necessary to go so early?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"Senior, I don't know, it's better for the Snow Palace to go to the banquet sooner rather than later. I heard that Fairy Xuanshuang will hold a golden core exchange meeting in private before the feast. How can everyone let go of such an opportunity?" Feng Renhan said.

With a sneer, Yi Tian shook his head and said with a smile, "Can't you boys see their intentions?"

Feng Renhan also replied embarrassingly: "This is the arrangement in advance to see the candidates for this feast, and let's blow the air by the way."

"Then you still have to attend the briefing, it's easy to win the top spot with your strength," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

Feng Renhan said with a bitter face: "That's what I said, but this junior already has a Taoist companion, and this time I came here because of the pressure of the sect."

Looking at the helpless look on the other side's face, Yi Tian was also amused, the person in front of him was really interesting, and he should be a lover if he had a drink with him.He sighed softly and said, "Well, I'll find someone to be your opponent. At that time, you only need to deliberately defeat that pair of sects and Xue Gong, who have confessed to it, and passed the test not long ago."

After hearing this, Feng Renhan's eyes brightened and he said with a smile: "As long as you do it so well that people can't catch it, that's fine."

Just as Yi Tian was talking, he suddenly felt that the imprint on Shi Lingfeng's body seemed to be moving in his spiritual consciousness. After a little activating the secret technique, he could find that he seemed to be going out of the city in the northwest direction, and immediately made a face with Feng Renhan , the latter understood and directly followed up and chased in the direction they left.

After leaving Pinggu City, Yi Tian directly used the escape technique and flew up into the air for a while before sinking into the white snow field.Feng Renhan also followed closely behind, but after a while, he found that Fei Dun seemed to be a little slow and wanted to ask, but he closed his mouth immediately after seeing Yi Tian's solemn expression.

In fact, Yi Tian was also a little suspicious at this time. The three people of Qianlingzong seemed to be in a hurry, and there were still seven or eight days before the invitation to the Snow Palace, so they set off so early. intentionally.After thinking over and over again, he didn't come up with any idea. Since he promised Shi Ningjun to help secretly, Yi Tian didn't want to do everything by himself. Right now, he happened to ask Feng Renhan to help, and it made sense for him to do anything.

While flying, Yi Tian frowned suddenly and shouted in the air that there was an accident ahead, then stretched out his hand and directly wrapped around Feng Renhan, and the two of them teleported a hundred miles away in an instant.

Originally, Yi Tian's idea and simple self only need to follow behind, as long as they are within the range of the detection of the divine sense.It was me who left Pinggu City, but I calculated that I would delay the journey for a quarter of an hour, and take Feng Renhan to maintain the escape speed of the Golden Core Realm.

But what I didn't expect was that after flying for an hour, I found that the imprint on Shi Lingfeng's body was faintly showing violent spiritual power fluctuations in his consciousness, which only happened when he was fighting with others.

It was not an easy task to be able to stop them on the vast snowfield, but this time the invitation to the Snow Palace became more and more interesting.

Flying at full speed and closing the distance to a range of a hundred miles, Yi Tian slowed down and then whispered a few words in Feng Renhan's ear. Fly in the established direction.

Fighting on the snowy field was extremely difficult to find out. Feng Renhan was a little skeptical at first, but once he approached and probed with his spiritual sense, his face became slightly moved. It seemed that the situation of the battle hundreds of miles away was a bit weird.Originally, the three members of Qianlingzong were stopped by two monks at this time, and for some reason, the two sides were fighting violently.

Yi Tian frowned slightly. Although the strength of the few people in front of them was not very good, they seemed to have been in contact with the fluctuation of spiritual pressure, especially the strength of the two people from Jiedao was obviously much higher than the three people from Qianlingzong.

After careful inspection, he blurted out and said to Feng Renhan: "It's that corpse repairer and his refining corpse."

"Senior, do you want to do it yourself?" Feng Renhan asked tentatively: "Do you need this junior to do it for you?"

"It would be the best if you can act for me. Just remember to encircle and defeat the opponent with the monks of Qianlingzong. I feel like someone is coming again," Yi Tian asked Feng Renhan to take a step ahead, but he stopped In mid-air, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Pinggu City.

Just now, with a movement of divine sense, I found that there was a powerful wave of spiritual pressure coming towards me impartially, but I couldn't believe that there was such a coincidence.

In Shaoqing's divine sense, he noticed that Feng Renhan had rushed to the scene at full speed to join the three of Qianlingzong and then fought with the corpse repairer.When he came back to his senses, he found a gray halo flashing across the sky and rushing straight towards him.

After a while, he got the gray light and flew thirty feet away in front of him, and then a monk with the appearance of a middle-aged old woman appeared.Glancing at the old woman Yi Tian who was blocked in the air, she asked, "You junior dare to block the way of my ghost mother-in-law. I don't know what to do." After saying that, he raised his right hand and drew a gray aura directly towards Yi Tian's body. Come.

With a sound of 'bang', I saw Yi Tian stretched out his right hand and flicked the attacking spell in front of him, and then glanced at the old woman in front of him, only to see her wrinkled face, wearing a gray robe, but her body was full of hair. There is a strong aroma.Immediately, Yi Tian frowned again and asked in a deep voice: "Zangshen Nonggui, a corpse covered in spices can't cover up the smell of corpses, so you dare to pretend to be a Nascent Soul cultivator. Your Excellency should be the Jindan Corpse in front of you." Master Xiu?"

The wrinkled flesh on the old woman's stiff face trembled a few times before turning into a male voice and asking: "Who is fellow daoist, and how can he see through my body refining clone?"

"You still dare to call yourself my seat in front of me, it seems that you are just a frog at the bottom of a well," Yi Tian stretched out his hands and made seals on his chest, then took out some talismans and a talisman pen quickly After writing on it, after three breaths, he gently lifted the talisman in his hand and surrounded the old woman's body in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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