
Chapter 632

Chapter 632
Deep in the snow field, Yi Tian surrounded the corpse of the ghost mother-in-law with talismans, and when he was about to collect the net, he suddenly saw a white flame covering the old woman's body.Then the ghost mother-in-law sneered for a while, then reached out and took out a gray steel knife, attached the white flame, and slashed towards Yi Tian's position.

The blade glow mixed with flames directly split the air and turned into a sharp sword that fell towards Yi Tian's face. With a 'swish' sound, the blade glow instantly split Yi Tian's body from the top of his head.But the ghost mother-in-law took a closer look at the place where she was hit, and there was an afterimage, and from the corner of her eye, she found that the opponent's figure suddenly appeared not far away.

The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched at this matter and said: "Just a refined corpse with a divine sense stored on it dares to be called a clone. Fellow Daoist, this bragging is a bit big."

With one finger of his right hand, he activated the talismans trapped around him and turned them into streaks of golden light, hitting the ghost mother-in-law's whole body.At the beginning, the ghost mother-in-law didn't care about it and directly raised a defensive cover to cover herself, but those golden lights seemed to be born to be the nemesis of gray corpse energy, and instantly penetrated the protective cover and directly sank into the ghost mother-in-law's body.

After a while, the male voice sounded, but this time it was not as strong as before, and he just gasped and shouted: "You practice the secret art of the Buddhist sect, when did the monks from Banruo Temple start intervening in the sect of Zhongzhou?" thing?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a black aura emerging from the old woman's body, which was slowly squeezed from the foot by a golden Buddha's light to the Niwan Palace above her head.Then a black spirit body sprang out from the forehead and then flicked towards the distance in a panic.

Before it flew far away, I saw a little golden light chasing up and completely enveloping it. With a heart-piercing scream, the black spirit body was completely purified by the golden light. There is no trace of it.

After tidying up all these, Yi Tian turned around and looked at the old woman's body, only to see that all the body aura on her body was gone at this time, and her face was slightly rosy, and a void appeared on Shaoqing's forehead. Shadow comes.

A closer look turned out to be the appearance of the ghost mother-in-law, but it should be the appearance of her remnant soul left in the body at this time, only to hear her say weakly: "Thank you, Laoshen Feiyue, and please let me know if you can do it to the end." The Great Palace Master of Xuegong Haoyue, the Zhengxingmeng has found out the secret of Xuegong and is trying to seize it, and this Xuegong banquet is the best entry point."

After hearing this, Yi Tian frowned and replied lightly: "I have nothing to do with Xuegong and Zhengxingmeng. Your Excellency seems to want to drag you into the vortex of right and wrong."

Feiyue's face showed a hint of pleading: "The remnant soul of the old man has seen the methods of fellow Taoists, and knows that you are someone who can be trusted. As long as you can help Palace Master Haoyue in time, I will give you a great opportunity."

"Fellow Daoist talked too much, looking at you now, even if I don't promise to wait for you to die, don't you own all the things on your body?" Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"When did people from the Buddhist sect start lying? I think you are a monk halfway to study Buddhism, so the spiritual power of Taoism is mixed with the spells. As long as you can soak and wash in the Biyuan Pond of Xuegong, you can get rid of it The spiritual powers of Buddhism and Taoism are integrated," Fei Yue panted heavily.

"There is such a secret realm in the Snow Palace," Yi Tian turned around and asked, "Looking at your appearance, I'm afraid that your soul power will collapse and disappear completely in this world in a short while, okay, I promise you, as long as you do what you can I will help Fairy Haoyue. But how can you guarantee that I will be able to go to that Biyuanchi?"

"After you arrived at the Snow Palace, you managed to sneak into the secret room of the Palace of No Traces, the token is in the secret compartment under the futon in the secret room, and the surroundings are protected by formations to prevent prying eyes.

After you have the token, I believe that with your strength, it is no problem to find Biyuanchi, this can be regarded as my reward for you." After saying that, Feiyue's image gradually faded and slowly disappeared into the world, leaving only dropped one of her corpses.

At this point, Yi Tian nodded slowly, then flicked his fingertips to ignite his body for three breaths, and then burned it to ashes.After doing all this, he turned around and flew towards a direction hundreds of miles away. I believe that with Feng Renhan's help at this time, the corpse repairer will undoubtedly be defeated with two enemies and four opponents.

I believe that they couldn't see the fact that I fought with the corpse repairer here, so they set up the light and flew over without any haste, and arrived at the place where several people were fighting fiercely in a short time.

At this time, after flying close to the battle circle, they found that the faces of the two Qianlingzong were dark, and they retreated to the side as if they had been poisoned, and began to heal their injuries.In the middle, Feng Renhan and his teacher Ling Feng were fighting against the female cultivator who controlled the corpse refinement.

Under the siege of the two, the body of the refined corpse had already been cut and bruised, and the black blood of the corpse was continuously lying out along the wound.The female cultivator saw that someone came and hurriedly manipulated the Corpse Refining General to fend off the attack, and then she chose a direction in a panic and fled away in a hurry.

Yi Tian didn't chase after him, but just flew close and greeted Feng Renhan directly, and the latter also knew how to greet him and started chatting.After being introduced by Feng Renhan, the master Ling Feng said hello and went to check on the injuries of the brothers.

The four of them descended from the clouds later to check their injuries. The bearded man was seriously injured, while the other tall and thin man was only lightly infected with corpse poison.This place is a little far away from Pinggu City. The three of Qianlingzong decided to let Shi Lingfeng go with Feng Renhan and Yi Tian after discussing. Anyway, the other two people were going to join in the fun this time, so the invitation from Xuegong was directly sent to Shi Lingfeng. Ling Feng's.

After a lot of tossing, Shi Lingfeng watched the two senior brothers leave, and then turned to Feng Renhan and said: "Brother Feng, let's set off, there is still a long way to go, if there is Please help me if you encounter any situation."

Feng Renhan shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, if you walk with Yi Daoyou, you won't encounter any troubles."

"Is there anything special about this Fellow Daoist Yi?" Shi Lingfeng turned his head and looked at Yi Tian when he heard the words, but there was a bit of doubt in his eyes.

"I'm naturally sensitive to crises, and I'm still [-]% sure of avoiding disasters," Yi Tian also said nonsense.

"If it's not too late, let's go on the road," Shi Lingfeng showed a look of disbelief, but couldn't appease Feng Renhan's kindness, so he nodded in agreement.

Yi Tian raised his hand and directly took out a small assault boat, and then motioned for the two to board the boat. After the three entered the cabin, Yi Tian then controlled the takeoff boat and slowly flew towards the Snow Palace.

With flying boats instead of traveling, although the speed control is almost the same as that of Jindan cultivators, Yi Tian has already figured out the situation within a radius of six or seven hundred miles around him through his spiritual sense along the way. Suspicious situations will be detoured early.

In the cabin, Feng Renhan and his teacher Ling Feng couldn't extend their spiritual consciousness, so they didn't find any abnormalities along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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