
Chapter 633 Journey

Chapter 633 Journey

Sitting in the assault boat, although Yi Tian was manipulating and advancing, his spiritual sense was locked on Shi Lingfeng. Along the way, Feng Renhan talked and laughed with him. It was a matter of life and death.

Yi Tian had nothing to say all the way, anyway, if he had anything to ask, he would privately send a voice transmission to Feng Renhan to ask him to ask it on his behalf. Later, he heard Shi Lingfeng mention the five-element sword box in Feng Renhan's hand.

After listening carefully, I realized that Shi Lingfeng and the three of them were attacked by him along the way when they were dealing with the corpse repairer, and then they were chased and beaten by the corpse refiner and the female cultivator respectively, and the two senior brothers were more or less hit. It is difficult to exert full power after corpse poison.

If Shi Lingfeng hadn't used Qianlingyao swordsmanship to support the opponent for a while with his deep cultivation, he probably wouldn't have survived until Feng Renhan came to rescue him.

After hearing this, Yi Tian just twitched the corner of his mouth, what was holding him back, Shi Qianwei would have left a dark hand on his son, and he could directly use the technique of spirit possession to solve the immediate predicament in a critical moment.

At most, it will be weak for a while, but as for life, it should be worry-free.Just as he was thinking about it, Shi Lingfeng suddenly heard Shi Lingfeng ask: "The spirit weapon in Brother Feng's hand is really sharp, I see that the silver-armored corpse was injured in one move under your flying sword."

Feng Renhan took out the sword box and stroked it with his hand, then glanced at Yi Tianhou who was on the console and slowly replied to Shi Lingfeng: "It's all because of the outstanding skills of Daoist Yi, the five-element sword box is still his." Refined, I just bought it from Yi Daoyou by chance.”

Then, seeing Shi Lingfeng's envious expression, Feng Renhan teased, "Master and Daoist are really looking for a distance, there happens to be a fifth-level crafting master right now, why don't you just ask for a handy spiritual weapon, when will you wait?" Woolen cloth?"

Shi Lingfeng's eyes lit up as soon as he finished speaking, and then he turned his gaze to Yi Tiandao: "You Daoist Yi took the liberty to not know that you are a craftsman."

Yi Tian snorted coldly and replied: "Master Daoist, do you think that I was a person who was too late to get into trouble just now, and now I find out that I am a craftsman, so I want to be accommodating."

After hearing this, the smile on Shi Lingfeng's face froze immediately, but he had realized that the two people in front of him did know each other, and Yi Tian was deliberately late for the previous rescue.I originally wanted to chat with Feng Renhan to have a relationship with Yi Tianla, but faced with such a cold face for a while, I lost my mind, and then I had to have a haha ​​and continue chatting with Feng Renhan.

After flying for a while, the two brought the topic to the Snow Palace invitation banquet. Yi Tian didn't know much about their situation, so he listened quietly from the side.It turned out that the invitations to the Snow Palace this time were sent directly to the hands of all the heroes, and those who went to the Snow Palace to have a banquet at that time had to bring the invitations to verify their identity before entering.

When Feng Renhan said this, he turned his head and looked at Yi Tian carefully, the meaning in his eyes was 'I'll see how you get in then. '

Yi Tian doesn't care about himself anyway, he has already thought of several ways anyway, recently he still has the identity of a fifth-level craftsman, I believe that when he arrives at the Snow Palace and reports the name of Lian Yue, he should be able to pass the test, if it is not possible Find a way to sneak in again.

After the two chatted for a while, Yi Tiancai understood that Shi Lingfeng went to the Snow Palace to have a banquet this time because of Shi Qianwei's order, as if she attached great importance to this matter.And if the Qianling Sect can marry Xuegong, then the relationship between the two families will not be closer, and it will also be a powerful foreign aid for the Shi family.

It's just that Yi Tian looked at Shi Lingfeng's expression indifferently and didn't care much about the matter, and Dang even asked slowly: "Master and Daoist, why don't you pay much attention to this Snow Palace feast? Fairy's son-in-law, your teacher's family has received a powerful foreign aid, even if your master Qian Lingyuan wants to move you, you have to think twice."

But Shi Lingfeng didn't think so, and said: "Yi Daoyou's words are wrong, I wait for a good man to stand up in case of trouble, what does it look like to shrink behind a woman?"

"But the words of the matchmaker are ordered by the parents, and the teachers and friends should not disobey your father's wishes," Yi Tian continued.

After mentioning Shi Qianwei, I saw Shi Lingfeng's face flashed with worry, and then said calmly: "I already have a woman I like, and I want to marry her in this life."

Hearing this, Feng Renhan, who was on the side, asked with great interest: "Which fairy is it that can attract the hearts of teachers and friends?"

Shi Lingfeng immediately blurted out: "I don't know her real name, I just met her once."

"Oh, it's unrequited love for a teacher and a friend, but I don't know what kind of monk the other party is?" Yi Tian interrupted and asked at an inopportune time.

"I just saw this girl at my mother's place one time, and I was dismissed before I could ask her name," Shi Lingfeng said with an embarrassed smile.

After hearing this, Yi Tian hurriedly asked: "Even if your father's friend is much older than you, your father would not agree to this matter."

"I also think that this matter is mysterious enough. I saw it when I was visiting Master Miaoyin of Cihang Jingzhai. That female nun should be her apprentice."

"Yun Mengyao, how could you fall in love with a nun," Yi Tian blurted out after hearing the words.

Suddenly the atmosphere in the cabin became a little awkward, Shi Lingfeng didn't change his expression, but stared at Yi Tian with suspicion in his eyes for a long time before he said: "How does fellow Daoist Yi know her name? Does she know each other?"

Yi Tian was taken aback and said inwardly, "Acquaintance can't be called acquaintance, but we have cooperated not long ago. At that time, I just thought that this girl was very talented. Being able to practice at the early stage of Nascent Soul at the age of three hundred showed that she was extraordinary." At the same time, compared with her, her son is really far behind. The difference between a Jindan early stage and a Nascent Soul early stage is not one or two points. '

After seeing the appearance of his master Ling Feng, Yi Tian finally decided to make him realize the reality, and then he talked eloquently: "I once passed through Prajna Temple, and under the guidance of Master Huiyuan, I had a relationship with Yunmeng of Cihang Jingzhai. Yao once met once, and this girl is really beautiful, heavenly, and extraordinary, but, "

"Fellow Daoist Yi, please speak clearly, I will listen carefully," Shi Lingfeng said eagerly.

"I'm not pouring cold water on you. You and Yun Mengyao's cultivation base is too far behind. When I met her, I found that his cultivation base has reached the early stage of Yuanying. This is definitely not something you can touch with your current cultivation base. , unless you can break through the pill and become a baby within a hundred years, maybe there is still a little hope," Yi Tian said slowly.

After speaking, Shi Lingfeng's face showed a bit of disappointment, and then his whole body shrank, sitting cross-legged without saying a word.

Seeing this, Feng Renhan hurriedly sent a voice transmission to inquire about the situation, and shut his mouth wisely after getting a reply, all of them were involved in the Nascent Soul cultivator, he was not enough to look at the Golden Core leader of the Dao Sect for a day, What's more, it's a Jindan early-stage monk like Shi Lingfeng.

Shaoqing heard Shi Lingfeng raised his head and said with a smile: "It is not easy for me to break through the alchemy and become a baby within a hundred years, but it is not completely hopeless. After the Xuegong incident, I will return to the sect and concentrate on cultivation. There is still a chance for aptitude to hit the sky."

"It's a good thing that fellow Taoists have this ambition, but there is still a chance after entering the Snow Palace. As long as fellow Taoists cooperate with me, I believe that this opportunity can be a little bigger."

Shi Lingfeng looked at Yi Tian who was sitting in front of the console following the sound transmission, only to see a strange smile flashing away, and then nodded slightly at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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