
Chapter 634 Snow Palace 1 Infiltration

Chapter 634 Yukimiya Infiltrates
Three days later, the assault boat that went deep into the snowfield finally arrived at the outer outpost of the Snow Palace under Yi Tian's control. After some inquiries, Feng Renhan and Shi Lingfeng showed the invitation to the guards of the Snow Palace. let in.

From this moment on, Yi Tian found that there seemed to be two strands of divine consciousness sweeping across the flying boat, and after careful inspection, he found that one of them had been in contact with him in Pinggu City. In retrospect, it was undoubtedly Lianyue.As for the other strand, it goes without saying that it must be Fairy Haoyue, the Grand Master of the Snow Palace.

At the moment, the other party didn't show any abnormality, so it seemed that the inspection had passed. After sailing the airship to the airport of Snow Palace, the three jumped off the ship.There was already a carriage waiting outside, Feng Renhan didn't care so much, he strode forward and sat in.

Shi Lingfeng looked at the car and then walked in under the driver's signal, Yi Tian swept aside with his spiritual sense, stepped up happily, and sat up side by side with Feng Renhan.

After taking the three of them to their seats, the coachman swung his whip and drove the white steed towards the entrance of the Snow Palace.Not long after arriving at the entrance, Yi Tian saw that one of the two roads at the entrance was bustling with people.

The other one is like a special passage for VIPs. After the carriage arrived at the entrance, the three got out of the carriage at once. Feng Renhan and Shi Lingfeng walked in directly through the VIP passage after showing their invitations, leaving Yi behind. Tian was stopped outside alone.

Look at the other road, it is full of people, a rough count is about three to forty people, these monks also have some disciples from big sects mixed in, but there is a bronze bell hanging at the entrance of the passage, and the deacon of the school said that as long as they Knock once and you can enter the banquet.

A gleam of blue light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and then he passed over the bronze bell, but a little regret appeared on his face after a while.Visually, this bell would not be able to ring without Jindan's late stage cultivation. It seems that this Snow Palace invitation banquet must have some real materials to enter.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly frowned, and found in his consciousness that a monk not far away broke into the range of Snow Palace directly from the air.Then two white lights flew out from behind the Snow Palace, as if they were heading towards each other.

Yi Tian immediately flashed to a nearby corner, taking advantage of everyone's attention in the sky, but cleverly cast a concealment spell to escape his figure into the void, and then flew into the snow palace from the VIP passage in a grand manner.

The deacon at the entrance of the passage only felt a gust of cool wind blowing, and swept the passage with his spiritual sense, but there was no movement, so Yi Tian slipped in without any reaction.

After flashing into the main hall of the Snow Palace, Yi Tian saw that the invitation banquet seemed to be held in the main hall, but he turned a corner and walked through the main hall to the backyard from the side corridor where no one was around.

The court ladies who came and went on the road seemed to be preparing for the feast, so Yi Tian took the opportunity to find a passage with few people in and out and flew towards the harem.

Shaoqing Yitian then came to a circular passageway. There are four corridors besides the corridor he just walked in, but he couldn't go down one by one. God knows where the Wuhen Temple is the fastest The solution is to find a way to find a maid to search for the soul.

But once I do this, if Haoyue finds out, I really can't explain it. I am worried. Suddenly I heard a few passing maids shouting: "Hurry up and take the things to the Wuhen Palace, the young master Xuanshuang is waiting to use it. "

Following the sound, Yi Tian scanned with his divine sense and found that these people were walking towards a long corridor on the left. Without further ado, Yi Tian quietly followed them through several side halls and came to an independent building. residence.

Looking up slightly, I saw the words "Wuhen Temple" written on it, but I heard the voice of a female cultivator inside. Yi Tian sneaked in and found that the person sitting in the Wuhen Hall looked like a double ten The young nun is wearing a white shirt with a layer of white gauze on her face, making it impossible to see her face clearly.

Yi Tian didn't want to make any more troubles, so he slowly sneaked in from the side corridor of Wuhen Hall carefully.After passing through the main hall in front, he came to the back courtyard. He wondered for a while where the secret room that Fei Yue had mentioned was.

Going further inside, he came to Xuanshuang's boudoir. After entering the door, Yi Tian let go of his spiritual sense and searched every corner. After less than ten breaths, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the depths of Xuanshuang's boudoir, there was a closed stone room. After a little bit of spiritual consciousness extended through the cracks in the stone, he found that it was a closed room with a radius of five feet. There was nothing on the ground except a stone futon.

At that moment, joy flew over quietly in his heart, and then slightly raised his spiritual power to touch the stone door. After a gap of one foot was exposed, Yi Tian sneaked in, and after a while, the stone door closed again, as if no one had ever seen it. It looks like I've been here.

After being brought into it, Yi Tian opened a sound-proof barrier to separate the secret room from the outside world. Later, he went directly to the stone futon, stretched out his hand and gently pushed the stone futon away halfway, and found that there was really a hidden compartment underneath. .

Slowly opened the secret compartment and glanced with the divine sense, only to see there was only a jade hexagonal snowflake-shaped token in it, held it in his hand and glanced with the divine sense, only to find that it was engraved with 'Biyuan' Two words.

After putting away the things, Yi Tian slowly covered the secret compartment with a stone futon and moved it back to its original position.After tidying up these things, Yi Tian will come back to his senses and think about what to do next.

Now he has the opening token of Biyuanchi in his hand, but the key is that he doesn't even know where the Biyuanchi is?After thinking about it, I still have to explore it by myself, but it's a pity that such an important place as Biyuanchi is definitely not something that the maids can understand, so I have to find someone who is familiar with it.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, with a movement of his divine mind, Yi Tian discovered that there was a violent fluctuation of spiritual power outside Wuhen Hall.When the complexion suddenly changed, he thought to himself, "Tune the tiger away from the mountain," Haoyue and Lianyue must have been entangled when they went out just now, and the person who came in at this time must be someone who is familiar with the road.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard the sound of fighting approaching, and his spiritual sense noticed two white halos rushing from the front hall of Wuhen Temple.The one in front is the young palace master Xuanshuang who has cultivated in the mid-stage of Jindan, and the spiritual power fluctuation of the person behind seems to have been seen somewhere. Suddenly, Yi Tian thought of the year who had intercepted Lianyue outside the snow field half a year ago. Han Sanyou.

The one who sneaked in was the boss Pine Ghost who had escaped at that time, but at this time, facing the middle-stage Golden Core Xuanshuang Pine Ghost, his expression was very calm, as if he had settled down.

He only heard him laughing and said: "Niece, I didn't expect your cultivation to grow so fast. In time, you must be another existence that is not weaker than that woman Haoyue. Take off your face and let the old man see Bar."

At this moment, Xuanshuang scolded angrily: "Old Ghost Song, you traitor of the Snow Palace, you still have the face to come back, and you don't have to leave when the Palace Master returns."

(End of this chapter)

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