
Chapter 635 Snow Palace 2 Accident

Chapter 635
Xuanshuang in the Wuhen palace was blocked by the old Song ghost who sneaked in from the sky suddenly. If it weren't for the desperate resistance of many maids before, she might not have escaped to the backyard.It's just that Old Ghost Song is blocking the front hall, but all the disciples of Xuegong except Xuanshuang are one-hit kills, and he seems to care more about Xuanshuang's life. It seems that he wants to catch him alive, so this makes Xuanshuang Frost got a respite.

But as soon as she entered the backyard, Xuanshuang immediately frowned. Although Song Laogui was chasing after her, she found that someone seemed to have entered her boudoir earlier. Some smells prove that there is a third person here.

A white light hit Xuanshuang's shield and sent her flying, only to hear a 'bang', Xuanshuang was pushed to the corner of the wall by the spell, and the aftermath even injured her instantly, with a 'poof' The blood spit directly on the white veil, showing a crimson flower.

Old Ghost Song flashed into the room with a lewd smile on his face and said: "My good niece, take good care of your uncle, maybe I can spare your life when I feel better, uncle."

Xuanshuang's face was pale at this time, and she knew that at this moment, as long as the other party moved a finger, she could take her life, but there was a gleam of unyielding light in her eyes.

It took a long time for Xuanshuang to protrude a sentence from his mouth and said: "Everyone who is a traitor in Xuegong can be punished. I would rather die than follow. The most you can get is a corpse."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Elder Song spread his ten fingers and a big hand to cover Xuanshuang's head, but he smiled disdainfully and said: "My dear niece, you should give up your heart. You have no chance of practicing suicide in front of monks."

Xuanshuang suddenly found that he couldn't mobilize the spiritual power in his body, even if he wanted to blew himself up now, he couldn't do anything.Seeing that old ghost Song's thieves hands were about to touch her body, Xuanshuang showed a hint of despair on her face.

A 'click' suddenly sounded from the wall on one side of the boudoir, Song Laogui was taken aback when he heard the sudden sound, and then said with a sly smile: "I didn't expect Miss Xuanshuang to be pure and pure on the surface, but in private she is With a little lover?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a blue light suddenly flashing from behind Shimen, and then a blue fist magnified infinitely in his pupil.That spiritual power mixed with the howling wind made Song Laogui instantly realize that the other party was also a Nascent Soul cultivator.

When a move intersects at close range, there is only a "snap" sound, the spells in the hands of the two are in the air, and a short soldier makes contact. After the spiritual pressure fluctuates, everything in the room is directly shattered.

Under the surprise attack, Song Laogui took three steps back, looked straight ahead and saw a masked cultivator with a spell in his hands, and then attacked from both left and right.

In this three-foot-square bedroom, Old Ghost Song was caught off guard by the sudden change, and when he was about to fight back, his face suddenly changed and he shouted: "Why is it you again, Xuanshuang left it to you and we will meet later." In an instant, a white halo of mana under his feet covered his whole body, and then retreated towards the door.

Xuanshuang, who was on the side, temporarily relieved the tense expression on his face, and saw that the masked monk made a teleport first and stopped at the exit of the backyard.

Seeing this, Old Ghost Song shook his face, raised his hands to sacrifice the spiritual light, and then bombarded the door indiscriminately. After doing this, he turned around and rushed towards Xuanshuang.

With a sound of '嗖', a blue light burst out from the smoke at the door and moved directly to the back of Song Laogui, and then a flash of sword light flashed, and the protective shield of Song Laogui was cut into pieces like paper .

At this time, Xuanshuang saw that the Song Laogui who originally wanted to come from him suddenly paused as if he was being held back. After three breaths, a ray of light escaped from his celestial spirit cover and hurriedly flashed to the side. .

Taking a closer look, the white aura turned out to be Song Laogui's Nascent Soul spirit body, but before the Nascent Soul flew far away, a big hand covered its head and held it, and then took out a jade After the Yuanying is put into the bottle, a seal talisman is pasted on the mouth of the bottle.

Just now, Yi Tian was searching for the relics left by Fei Yue in the room, but by chance, he ran into Old Ghost Song sneaking into the Snow Palace to take Xuanshuang away.

However, under the careless calculation and the fact that his own strength is much higher than that of the opponent, he was able to catch him in one fell swoop. It's just that it is difficult to deal with Xuanshuang after the incident. He is the protagonist today. I have to go crazy.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian took out a pill and said to Xuanshuang, "Open your mouth."

Xuanshuang looked suspicious after hearing this, but the person in front of him was obviously more powerful than Song Laogui. Although he couldn't detect the strength of the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, he believed that even his master could do it just because of the way he killed Song Laogui just now. Although Haoyue could do it, she couldn't be as light and light as this person.

Knowing that it would be futile to do more unnecessary resistance, Xuanshuang opened her mouth as if accepting her fate, and then felt a pill being thrown into her mouth. The majestic spiritual power surged out.

After An Xin sat down cross-legged to dissolve her spiritual power, Xuanshuang opened her eyes and was shocked to find that the bruises from her forcibly overdrawn spiritual power to cast a spell just now had also been eradicated.Moreover, after Yungong healed his injuries, he felt that the right spiritual power was absorbed by the dantian to faintly push his cultivation base to the peak of the golden elixir mid-stage.

Before he had time to be happy, he heard the masked monk say: "I have fulfilled Feiyue's entrustment by saving you this time, and I have also taken her token. In this way, we are even."

Xuanshuang was startled and hurriedly replied: "Senior knows Master Feiyue, can you tell him where he is now?"

Turning her head to look at Xuanshuang, she saw a delicate look on her face which was not covered by a veil.Yi Tian chuckled and said: "It is estimated that Xuegong's exercises should have the effect of retaining beauty, but it's a pity that Feiyue even changed her appearance after being captured and sacrificed to become a golden armored corpse."

"Senior Uncle Feiyue was sacrificed and turned into a golden armored corpse," Xuanshuang cried out, "Can senior tell me where the uncle's body is now?"

"I burned it," Yi Tian replied indifferently: "The person who controlled the corpse was also so courageous that he used a bit of divine sense to stop on Feiyue's corpse, but I saw it and killed him directly."

Seeing the hesitant look on Xuanshuang's face, Yi Tian continued: "Fei Yue is also considered smart to hide her remnant soul in the corpse, and dare not show up until the corpse controller's divine sense dissipates and asks me to help Xue Gongdu This crisis. As a reward, I took away the things in the secret room of the Palace of No Traces, do you have any objection?"

After hearing this, Xuanshuang's face obviously showed a bit of regret, and then he bowed his hands to Yi Tian and said: "Xuanshuang believes what the senior said."

"Oh, why do you believe my one-sided words," Yi Tian sized up the other party and joked.

"Senior's strength is three points stronger than that of the master of the family. It was easy to kill the old ghost Song just now, and there is no need to deceive and hide it from this junior. As for the things that Uncle Feiyue gave to the senior, the junior also has absolutely nothing. Extravagant hope, please rest assured, senior," Xuanshuang replied respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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