
Chapter 636 Snow Palace 3 Invitation

Chapter 636 Snow Palace Three Invitations
After cleaning up the mess at Xuanshuang's place, Yi Tian disappeared into the Wuhen Palace in a flash, while Xuanshuang's eyelids twitched, and then a smug expression appeared on his face, but he said to himself: "Senior, your breath Xuanshuang has already remembered it, and I hope to see you next time."

Ignoring the situation in Wuhen Palace, Yi Tian also believes that Xuanshuang will deal with the aftermath. As for whether she will mention her matter to Haoyue, that is irrelevant. Biyuan Pool, and then try to soak in it for a while.

After leaving the Wuhen Palace, Yi Tian once again cast a concealment spell to submerge his figure into the void, and then hurried back to the center of the back court corridor.Just now from the passage on the left to Wuhen Hall, there are still a few other roads that have not been traversed.

However, there is not much time left. I believe that Haoyue is not a fool. After being held back by someone, he will soon understand the other party's methods and take countermeasures accordingly.

Looking at the three roads in front of him, Yi Tian thought for a while and then left the forked road on the right first, and then there were only two long corridors in front of him. There is only a chance to choose one of the two.Immediately, with a thought, he directly chose the road to the northeast, leaving a trace of spiritual power ripples in the air in a flash of the figure, and then rushed directly into it.

In the Snow Palace, Yi Tian didn't dare to use his spiritual sense to spy directly, for fear that some restrictions would be triggered and everyone would know about it. What he did was wrong, and it would be even more troublesome if he was honest.

After flying all the way from that promenade, within ten breaths, I found a garden-like building not far in front of me. After flying into it quickly, I found that I came to a spiritual planting garden. This place is not like the outside world covered by ice and snow. In that way, the whole Lingzhi Garden is full of spring.

I used my spiritual sense to scan the number of people in the garden at this time. The leader is a woman in a yellow shirt, whose cultivation base is in the middle stage of Golden Core.Yi Tian quietly took a closer look and it turned out to be the girl next to Lian Yue when she met Lian Yue in Pinggu City.

After scanning around with his spiritual sense, Yi Tian's face showed a bit of disappointment. This time, it seemed that the god of luck was not on his side. This Lingzhi Garden doesn't look like Biyuan, a secret place in the Snow Palace. The appearance of the pool.Look at the baskets in the hands of those palace maids, which are full of four or five-level spiritual plant treasures. If they are placed outside, these Xuegong specialties will probably sell for sky-high prices, but they are completely tasteless to me now.

After taking back his consciousness, Yi Tian turned around and hurriedly retreated in the direction he came from, hoping that there was still time to explore the other corridors.

Half a moment later, when Yi Tian returned to the original place again, he suddenly felt as if there were several strong fluctuations of spiritual power flying towards the direction of Xuegong, and they would arrive in a short time. With regret in his heart, Yi Tian knew that from the atrium Passage back to the vestibule.

After leaving the front hall, he came to the two passages in front of the main entrance. At this time, there were still about [-] monks queuing up in the test passage.

After Yi Tian appeared in a corner, he restrained his cultivation to the early stage of Golden Core, and then quietly walked to the end of the team, preparing to use the second method to sneak into the Snow Palace.

Shaoqing felt four strands of spiritual power flying through the air, and one of them stopped for a while at the gate of Xuegong.Not long after, a woman came out of the passage and whispered a few words to the deacon in charge of the test.

After ten breaths, I saw the deacon leading two disciples walking towards the testing team. He seemed to treat such a male cultivator coldly, and didn't stop until he was in front of him.

Yi Tian was taken aback when he saw it, and secretly screamed in his heart that it was not good, and it wasn't just that he showed his feet and was targeted by others.Just as she was about to open her mouth to distinguish, she heard the deacon female cultivator take out an invitation card and hand it over: "According to the instructions of the second palace master of my family, fellow daoist, as a fifth-level craftsman, is fully qualified to go directly to the banquet."

The corner of his mouth twitched, Yi Tian slowly reached out to accept the invitation, pretending to be ecstatic, and said to the deaconess: "Thank you, but I don't know how to get the second palace lord's eyes."

The deacon replied with a smile: "This is also an opportunity for fellow Taoists, please come with me." After speaking, he directly led the way and walked towards the VIP passage.

It would be a fool not to take advantage of it, Yi Tian immediately showed a smug look on his face, and followed the deacon from the VIP passage into the main hall of the Snow Palace under the envious and jealous eyes of the monks.

After arriving in the main hall, Yi Tian saw that more than a dozen monks had already arrived. They each occupied a table and poured their own drinks, and few of them would gather at the same table.

Glancing across the hall, he found that Feng Renhan and his teacher Ling Feng were drinking and chatting at the same table, so he slowly walked up to the two of them and said, "You two, don't you mind getting together with you?"

Shi Lingfeng's eyes flashed first, and then he stretched out his hand to signal.As for Feng Renhan, he was not surprised, he could be regarded as an insider who had expected that Yi Tian would come in easily.After taking the seat, Shi Lingfeng rarely raised the jug, filled the wine glass in front of him, and then gently handed it over. Later, he asked through voice transmission: "Yi Daoyou really has a good method, but I don't know how you got through it." That test?"

Yi Tian took out the invitation card and put it on the table, and then replied disdainfully: "I helped Xuegong repair the spiritual weapon, so he also sold the face and sent me an invitation card."

After hearing this, Shi Lingfeng glanced at the invitation, and later, he looked at Yi Tian with a strange look in his eyes, and said: "Friend Daoist is really amazing, this bronzing invitation is not simple, it is a distinguished guest of Snow Palace According to the regulations, you can sit in the front row and face Fairy Xuanshuang directly."

After hearing this, Yi Tian frowned instead of showing joy, and then asked via sound transmission: "Show me your invitation card."

Shi Lingfeng took out a silver-edged invitation card and put it on the table, and Feng Renhan on the side also took out the same invitation card.As a result, the suspicion on Yi Tian's face became heavier, but he kept thinking about Lian Yue's intentions in his heart, maybe she had already guessed something.

After three breaths, his complexion returned to normal and he explained to the two of them, "Maybe I really helped Xuegong solve some big troubles, so people will show this."

Feng Renhan picked up the bronzing invitation and got up and said: "Come on, let's sit in front, even if it's on the side. It's so boring to have Xuegong nesting in the back after a while." After finishing speaking, he ignored the two People who agree or disagree go directly to the front seats.

Shi Lingfeng is also a troublemaker, so he got up and followed, and at the end he didn't forget to urge Yi Tian through voice transmission: "Daoist friend, we are in your favor this time."

Seeing this, Yi Tian had no choice but to get up slowly, and then followed the two to the front row of seats and chose a corner seat to sit down.

The Golden Core cultivators present at the back showed various strange looks in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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