
Chapter 63 The Bottom Layer

Chapter 63 The Bottom Layer
The Chiyang Sect's Ice Soul Cave only opens once or twice a year.

The entrance trial of the outer door is one time, and it is rare for someone to go there.

The inner disciples of the foundation-building stage like to go to the lava cave to practice, while the outer disciples of the qi refining stage are also reluctant to come here.

Therefore, the guards are not so strict at ordinary times, and the disciples of the ninth level of Qi training are usually on duty.

All these news Yi Tian learned from Gao Shou's mouth, and most of the disciples who were on duty at the ninth level of Qi practice were unwilling to do it.

Contribution points are small and time is long, but the above orders are issued, so all the outer disciples of the ninth level of Qi practice must go on duty.

But many people went there to change classes, and then went outside to find someone to drink tea and chat or go home to practice.

Three days later, before the handover time, go to the camp half an hour earlier to change shifts with the next person.

After receiving two bottles of Yitian's wine, Gao Shou sold himself directly and returned his duty time.

Yi Tian used entering the cave to practice as an excuse, and asked Gao Shou to help him in the next time he was on duty, as long as he practiced in it for a day or two, he would come out.

Gao Shou looked at Yi Tian with strange eyes at first, until the last two people drank a pot of tea in Yuxuan Lounge.

Yi Tian told him that he wanted to try to see how much his cultivation had improved before he chose Ice Soul Cave, and now Gao Shou showed a clear look.

After setting the time with Gao Shou, Yi Tian went home to prepare.

When Fat Dog reached the third level, he was not less angry with Huang Ziang. After Yi Tian came back, he became very angry. He didn't even look at the meat that Huang Ziang brought.

Yi Tian also had to rely on the fat dog for help, so he rationed food every day, and gradually the fat dog became stronger again, but not fat.

After checking his storage bag and spirit beast bag that day, Yi Tian stepped out of the room and went to the third floor of the Ice Soul Cave to find out.

Gao Shou's shift shift was at noon, and Yi Tian passed by a quarter of an hour later and saw Gao Shou staying alone in the thatched hut at the door.

Seeing Yi Tian coming, he hurriedly grabbed his hand and said: "You can't overtime, you must come out before noon three days later. If you come out early, please leave a message to me with the Zongmen's identity jade card. Don't worry me If you cause trouble, you have to come out and carry it yourself as soon as possible, and say that you sneaked in by yourself while I was resting."

Yi Tian nodded again and again to indicate that there was no problem, and promised not to cause him any trouble.

But I felt contempt in my heart, and pushed everything to myself. You said that a disciple of the seventh level of Qi can sneak in under the nose of a monk of the second level and the ninth level. You don’t even think about bragging.

In desperation, I had to listen to Gao Shou's nagging words, and finally waved goodbye to Gao Shou with his happy smile.

After Gao Shou left, Yi Tian was actually left alone in Ice Soul Cave.

Looking around, taking a deep breath, Yi Tian strode into the first-floor passage of the Ice Soul Cave.

After walking into the aisle, Yi Tian felt that it was not as cold as when he came last time, even after walking to the first floor, he felt a burst of chills coming towards him.

Now, he can actually run directly against the cold air.

At the entrance of the second floor, Yi Tian touched the cold air with his hands, a thin layer of frost appeared on his hands, and his body only felt a little cold.

After thinking about it, I suddenly realized that it should be at noon because the cold air has not yet come up.

After slowly walking to the second floor, Yi Tian began to open the protective cover, forcing the cold air around him to the outside.

Under a layer of cyan light film, Yi Tian walked forward step by step, relying on the memory of the previous visit, and slowly looked for the entrance to the third floor.

Obviously compared to the last time, Yi Tian can now move on the second floor at a normal walking speed.

Fortunately, the second floor is not too big, and the entrance can be found in half the time of injecting incense.

In front of the entrance of the third floor, Yi Tian felt a biting cold air coming from below.

Now the wooden protective cover can no longer withstand the approaching cold air.

Yi Tian had no choice but to output dual auras at the same time to withstand the cold wind, but the consumption was also twice as much as normal.

Looking at the entrance of the dark cave, Yi Tian also beat a drum in his heart. After a while, he gritted his teeth and went straight down.

The passage on the third floor is particularly long, and it spirals all the way to the third floor.

I don't know how long it took to see that there was light in front of him, Yi Tian steadied his pace and shrunk the protective cover into a humanoid state to save spiritual energy.

After walking out of the passage, I went to the third floor, and I looked around. It was a small cave with a radius of three feet. The icicles around it were upside down, and nothing was out of the ordinary.

In the center is a square platform with nothing on it, rather like a big futon.

The surrounding stone walls were also covered with crystal ice chains, and Yi Tian looked at it and felt disappointed.

Came here with great difficulty and found nothing.

There is another place that Yi Tian saw was a little different. There was a line of words engraved in front of the ice platform. Yi Tian stepped forward to look carefully at the handwriting. It read, "Chi Yangzi practiced hard here for three days and succeeded in building a foundation."

It turned out that the Yuanying Patriarch of the Chiyang Sect had been here during the Qi refining period, and had succeeded in building the foundation.

However, it is said that the senior Chiyangzi of our school has entered the Nascent Soul Stage for 300 years, so these handwritings must have been left at least 400 years ago.

But the cultivator in the Banyan Tree Cave on Mount Yihua must have been dead for at least a thousand years, and left a clue under the futon, clearly writing "Bottom of the Ice Soul Cave".

Yi Tian, ​​who came back to his senses, pondered for a while, the key is the word ''bottom''.

If senior Chiyangzi had been here 400 years ago, he should have discovered something.

But seeing that there are no signs of damage in the surrounding area, Chiyangzi should not have gotten those things, or so.

Yi Tian was excited, this is not the bottom of the Ice Soul Cave at all, there is a layer down.

It is estimated that the passage has been sealed, or there is some undiscovered mechanism.

After analyzing the surrounding environment, Yi Tian began to look around, but after a while, he couldn't find any clues.

Looking at this ice room, Yi Tian was a little discouraged and sat on the ice table in the middle.

Then he took out a few spirit stones from the storage bag, held them in his hands, and began to meditate for a rest.

Opening the protective cover for a long time consumes a lot of spiritual power and needs to be slowed down.

Yi Tian, ​​who was meditating, suddenly felt a chill all around him, and estimated that it was about time.

At this time, the cold air is at its peak, and a steady stream of cold air emerges from the ice platform where you sit.

Yi Tian looked at this area and saw that it was a two-foot-square area. The ice layer was much harder than other places. It was hard to believe that the source of the cold was under the ice platform.

Yi Tian was excited for a while, but he had to try it.

After thinking about it, he stood up again and looked at the ice platform in front of him. The fire in his right hand gathered and a fireball appeared.

Slowly pressing the fireball onto the ice table, I found that none of the ice layers melted away.

Try placing the fireball on the nearby stone wall, and the ice chain will melt directly when it encounters heat.

This ice platform is weird, the entrance should be under the ice platform, but how can I break the ice layer by myself?

Using the fireball technique is ineffective, it is difficult to split.

Yi Tian lingered in front of the platform, and now he was only one step away from knowing the secret here, but this step blocked Yi Tian.

He asked himself if he really missed the fate, but since he missed the fate, how could he find the Banyan Tree Cave in Yihua Mountain?

Facing the ice platform for a quarter of an hour, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed through Yi Tian's mind.

Since it belongs to the Xuanyang sect, of course it is reserved for his direct disciples.

Haven't you already mastered the key to unlock it? You just haven't used it yet.

Immediately, Yi Tian looked at the ice platform in front of him and smiled, the spiritual fire in his hand was extinguished, and his eyes were closed to adjust his breath.

After suddenly opening it, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and the real fire of Xuanyang was sacrificed in his hand.

Although there is only a wisp of one-inch golden flame, it is enough.

When the real fire at the fingertips approached the ice platform, the thick ice slowly opened a two-foot-long crack in response to the flames.

Yi Tian didn't care about that much, and went in directly, and looked back to see that the ice had recovered.

If you can see the same ice platform on the third floor, it has not changed at all.

Turning his head, Yi Tian saw a rune engraved on the back of the ice cube, and knew in his heart that this must be the Xuanyang faction's formation to preserve things.

Since it was here, it couldn't be wasted, so he took out a spiritual stone from the storage bag, and re-engraved it according to the formation with divine sense.

The passageway was only as wide as one person, and Yi Tian felt the colder the more he went down, so he had to maximize the strength of the protective cover.

The spiritual energy in the body was rapidly consumed and went down.

After a quarter of an hour, I already felt that most of the aura in the dantian had been consumed.

I don't think well, and if I keep going like this, I don't know where the head is. If I don't support my spiritual energy in the future, I'm afraid I will explain it here.

Looking at his spirit beast bag, he summoned the fat dog with a slap of his right hand, hoping that Huang Zian would not lie.

After a white light, the fat dog stood beside him, and Yi Tian looked at it as if there was nothing different.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a change on Fat Dog's body, and a white light film suddenly appeared to cover Yi Tian.

The chill on his body suddenly felt less strong, Yi Tianchao Fat Dog smiled, took one end of the rope, and came to take the dog for a walk.

I don't need to consume so much aura anymore, Yi Tian wants to speed up the time.

He took out two bottles of passion wine from the storage bag, opened the lid and drank them all at once.

I felt that the wine in my stomach turned into a burst of spiritual energy into my dantian, and the originally consumed spiritual energy was replenished.

Yi Tian felt that his current dantian capacity could accommodate more aura, but the wine had too much aftertaste, and he was afraid that he would be drunk here if he drank it again.

Leading the fat dog, Yi Tian continued to walk for a quarter of an hour before reaching the end.

After entering, there is a small ice cave with a radius of one zhang. Yi Tian saw the icicle in the middle and was overjoyed.

I saw something in the icicle, Yi Tian tied the fat dog aside, took out the beef from the storage bag and threw it to it.

Then he walked in front of the icicle, and a golden flame in his right hand approached the icicle, and he saw that the icicle quickly melted to reveal a simple circular ring.

Yi Tian's heart is broken now, is this the storage ring that the refiners often say.

He caught the falling ring with his hand, squeezed out a drop of blood on the ring with his fingertips, and reached in with his divine sense to take a look.

I saw a huge space inside, about a hundred feet in radius.

But only one jade slip floated in it, and there was a broken ancient mirror next to it, about the size of a palm.

Take out the scroll and have a look, it says Li Huo Zong, Xuan Yang Zhen Huo and Jin Dan Jiu Zhuan Jue.

Yi Tian is overjoyed, this Xuanyang True Fire is a complete set of formulas for cultivating to the Nascent Soul stage, and it is the secret of the Lihuo Sect.

There is also this golden pill nine-turn tactic. You can tell by the name that it is not easy. Now is not the time to take a closer look. After you leave here, you will find a place where there is no one and take a good look at it.

Put the scroll back in the storage ring and look at the mirror again.

Although it is a little damaged, there are no traces left by the years on it.

There is a bright mirror on the front, but the frame does not seem to be original, and there are two words on the back.

But Yi Tian looked at it and could only recognize one word of Heaven, and another word could no longer be read clearly.

I will study this thing later. It should be the token of the Lihuo Zongmen mentioned in Lin Yi's letter.

These things will have the opportunity to go to Zhongzhou Lihuozong to find out.

Transfer the spiritual formula and some valuables in your storage bag to the ring.

Now the storage bag contains his own magic weapon, the Zongmen jade brand spirit stone and the jade box with the seal.

After wearing the ring, Yi Tian found that the ring had turned into a flame-shaped tattoo on his finger, and he couldn't see it if he didn't look carefully.

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(End of this chapter)

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