
Chapter 64 Pill Stove

Chapter 64 Pill Stove
In the herringbone room of the Chuan Gong Hall, Yi Tian took out the Xuanyang True Fire Art from the fourth floor of the Ice Soul Cave and read it carefully.

It took Yi Tian more than two days to explore the Ice Soul Cave that day, and when he finally came out, it was several hours earlier than the scheduled time.

Yi Tian's work is most about conditioning, and he directly transmits sound to Gao Shou after he leaves the cave.

Said that he had cultivated here, but he did not see him when he came out.

Please rest assured that nothing unexpected happened.

Gao Shou's reply was also simple, just "know". It is estimated that he would be busy drinking tea and bragging at that time.

The first choice of the room in the Chuan Gong Hall is to hide people's eyes and ears, and the practitioners come and go here.

There are also many disciples like Yi Tian on the seventh level of Qi training, so Yi Tian is not conspicuous in the crowd, and it seems reasonable.

The second is that all the rooms in the Chuan Gong Hall have a high concentration of spiritual energy, and the privacy of the rooms is very good.

After all, everyone will have their own secrets, and the sect has fully considered these things.

Therefore, when building the training room, we made perfect preparations.

Those who stay inside do not have to worry about being peeped, even the spiritual consciousness of the monks in the Jindan period cannot reach in.

Unless it is the consciousness of the ancestor of the Nascent Soul period, he can see through the people inside, but no ancestor of the Nascent Soul will have the spare time to peep at a disciple of the Qi refining period.

After reading the Xuanyang True Fire Art from the beginning to the end, Yi Tian found that this art was indeed worthy of the unique knowledge of Xuanyangmen.

It not only records the exercises, but also uses the spells to the extreme.

The original re-engraved Xuanyang True Fire Art only recorded half of the original Qi refining period.

In addition to the flaws in the qi-refining period, the spells were also reduced by half.

After reading it, Yi Tian found out that the Xuanyang True Fire Secret Art collected by Zongmen seemed to be written down by someone from memory, and did not record the essence at all.

Then what happened in Xuanyangmen back then that made this patriarchal tactic hidden at the bottom of the Ice Soul Cave.

In Yi Tian's view, something great must have happened.

Although it subsided after the incident, the senior officials of the sect found that the secret was missing, so they re-written the secret from memory.

It's a pity that this person didn't write all the content, and stopped writing when he only wrote the magic formula during the Qi training period.

It is also mentioned in Xuanyang True Fire Art that after cultivating to the Foundation Establishment stage, it is necessary to cooperate with another sect's Divine Refinement Art to strengthen the consciousness, and the effect will be better.

Yi Tian looked at it, and it seemed that there was no record in the jade slip, but the name of the magic formula was named "Mingyang God Alchemy".

After secretly memorizing this formula, Yi Tiancai decided to go to the second floor of the Zongmen's Tibetan Sutra Pavilion to find this spiritual knowledge after the foundation-building period.

After reaching the Jindan stage, the monks who practiced the Xuanyang True Fire Art needed to practice another art called Xuanyin Sunflower Fire in order to reconcile the yin and yang of the Jindan they created.

Then cooperate with the Jindan Jiuzhuan Jue, refining the Jindan to the third grade before hitting the Nascent Soul stage, with a success rate of more than [-]%.

It seems that the Jindan Jiuzhuan Jue is even more incredible, Yi Tian glanced at it, and put it in the storage ring.

It seems too early to talk about Jindan now, let's get the foundation-building thing done first.

In the more than a year since entering the door, Yi Tian has gone from the fifth level of Qi training to the seventh level of Qi training. Even the core disciples of those major sects are only at this level.

Yi Tian still knows the reason why Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will be harmed. If he maintains this momentum, he will definitely be targeted by the higher-ups of the sect.

At that time, when he was caught and tortured, he couldn't explain it. It was really yellow mud that fell into his crotch.

After thinking about it again and again, Yi Tian thought that he still had to go out to avoid it and find a sect mission that went out.

Go out to avoid it for a year and a half, and let other people's cultivation base be brought up, so that you will not be so conspicuous.

A month later, Yi Tian really wanted to stay in the herringbone practice room, and the speed of cultivation here was obviously much faster than outside.

Now that he has reached the middle level of Qi practice, he will definitely be able to enter the high level after practicing for another month, and the peak may not be impossible.

But the rules of the Chuan Gong Temple are like this, the herringbone room can only be used for a month.

And don't be lazy, otherwise the people who are squatting in the precepts hall will drag those old Lai out of the practice room.

Afterwards, sect contribution points will be deducted according to the seriousness of the situation.

After coming out of the herringbone room, Yi Tian walked in the corridor of the Chuan Gong Hall. He was in a good mood. He seemed to be looking at a bright future beckoning to him.

A beautiful figure flashed by, Yi Tian glanced back, and was surprised to find that it was the woman who was chased and killed by the wolf-headed man and the tiger-headed man Zhao Youcai that day.

I saw that the woman walked by and found a herringbone practice room and went in.

Yi Tian turned her head and followed her, until the door of her room was completely closed before striding straight up, and checked that the number of the concierge was No. 20 No. [-].

But after the woman entered, the door was automatically closed, unless the person inside came out by himself, or someone from the precepts hall forcibly entered.

Generally, a Qi cultivator like Yi Tian can't find out what's inside.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian felt that he was overthinking it. The last incident was also a coincidence.

If you meet this woman next time, you won't know whether the other party recognizes you or not.

An hour later, Yi Tian finally returned to his home. Seeing that Tang Lin and Hua Shicheng were discussing the latest money-making plan, he just said hello and went back to his room to rest.

After a month of practice, what Yi Tian needs is to relax wholeheartedly and combine work and rest in order to be ready for the next shock.

After Wu Xing came back in the evening, everyone chatted for a while, and Yi Tian knew that Wu Xing had been in the limelight recently in Dantang.

At the annual meeting of Dantang at the beginning of the year, Wu Xing overwhelmed everyone to get the third place in the Qi refining period. Needless to say, the first and second are usually given to the Liao brothers.

However, this year, Liao Li had Yi Tian's Pill Furnace to press his brother Liao Fan, which was also what Yi Tian expected.

I heard from Wu Xing that he was originally No.4, and No.3 was a female alchemist, because when the final pill was released, one of the pills had not completely faded.

Therefore, even if he practiced a high-grade pill more than Wu Xing, he was rated fourth.

At that time, the scene was still quite chaotic, and everyone insisted on their own opinions. Later, it was the first person in the Pill Hall to calm down the matter.

Yi Tian thought that it must be Ning Ning, this little girl is not afraid of everything, and she has a backstage, so it's strange not to make trouble when she encounters such a disadvantage.

So I didn't take this matter to heart, but Wu Xing said that the woman was in her 20s and looked like she was practicing at the seventh level of Qi.

The cultivation base is stronger than him, and the alchemy technique is better than him. If it wasn't for the help of the third-order pill furnace, it is estimated that Wu Xing would not be her opponent.

As for that Ning Ning, who was ranked fifth, I heard that I went to Ning Yuxuan and asked him to help out.

Yi Tian was stunned after hearing this, this Pill Hall is really capable of producing in large numbers, and it is not too much compared to the Hall of Instruments.

Anyway, Yi Tian can't manage these things, and he doesn't bother to manage them, as long as he refines the alchemy furnace he said.

The next morning, Yi Tian found Ning Yuxuan and he proposed to refine a pill furnace to return the favor.

Ning Yuxuan smiled and said, "It's your words that I'm waiting for."

The two discussed it, and Ning Ning applied for the task of refining the pill furnace in the Hall of Items, and the contribution point was set according to the price of the general third-order magic weapon.

Yi Tian went to pick up the quest and directly refined it and handed it to Ning Yuxuan.

The [-] contribution points for the task are still made by Yi Tian himself, which can offset the half-year sect task quota.

The main refining materials, copper essence and mithril, were prepared by Yi Tian, ​​while Star Sand was purchased directly from the Item Hall.

Ning Yuxuan was embarrassed to see that Yi Tian was spending money like this, knowing that one or two Star Sands would require fifty contribution points to buy.

Of course, the items in Qidian are a bit more expensive than the ones bought outside, and the market price is generally 35 contribution points, but the purity is not as good.

Ning Yuxuan was embarrassed by Yi Tian's hemorrhage this time. In the end, Yi Tian had to pay the contribution points he promised to the mission, but Yi Tian couldn't help but agree.

But Ning Yuxuan thinks it is too extravagant to add Xingchen Sand, this is the material that will only be used in the foundation period.

Besides, it will take a long time for Yi Tian to melt the star sand and add it to other refining materials.

But Yitian's answer is that as long as the kung fu is in place, it doesn't matter if you spend more time, you must make Ning Ning satisfied.

Let Ning Yuxuan look at Yi Tian up and down with approval.

Three days later, in the four-person room of the Qidian Ding, a newly-refined pill furnace was placed beside the stove.

The lid of the furnace looks like a fire wind, surrounded by dark golden engraved lines.

The entire Pill Furnace looks blue in color, and there are sparkling bright spots on the stove wall.

Contains the dissolved star sand, the words "star furnace" are written on the furnace wall, and the bottom of the furnace is the refining mark of Yitian.

Two inscriptions of perfection and advanced are engraved on the inside of the pill furnace, and stability and constant temperature are engraved on the outside.

Thinking of Ning Ning's surprised look when she used this pill furnace in the future, Yi Tian showed a proud look.

Although the period for renting the refining room this time is one month, Yi Tian is not going to go out so early.

Instead, he sat up and meditated in the rest area of ​​the refiner.

It is Yi Tian's consistent policy to practice every minute and every second. He can't practice at home now, for fear of too much movement.

At that time, when the law enforcement team of the Discipline Hall is attracted, it will not be worth the loss.

After more than 20 days, Yi Tian woke up from the meditation, and found that his skill had improved again.

Although it is still the seventh level of Qi training, the meridians and Dantian have become more resilient than before after many baptisms.

Taking out his flywheel and looking at it, Yi Tian shook his head for a while.

Although he won the battle with Zhao Youcai last time, he lost his magic weapon.

The pitch-black surface of the flywheel was corroded by the ghost fire, and the hand felt a little gloomy.

That ghost fire is definitely a kind of yin fire. Although it is restrained by his own yang fire, the magic weapon has not been specially treated, and it still cannot hold it.

This time, Yi Tian used the contribution points to exchange one or two star sand, and it only took three coins to melt it when refining the pill furnace.

The extra ones originally wanted to be used in the refining of other magical instruments. Looking at the flywheel, Yi Tian smiled and muttered, "Be diligent and thrifty at home."

Immediately restart the furnace, put the flywheel in and melt it, and control the flame to slowly add the remaining mithril and star sand until it is saturated.

After the preliminary refining was completed, Yi Tian used Xuanyang True Fire to inscribe a single inscription 'Bearing'.

The main reason is that the flywheel can't bear its own Xuanyang True Fire, so it's better to increase its bearing capacity.

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(End of this chapter)

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