
Chapter 639 Snow Palace 6

Chapter 639

In the main hall of Snow Palace, Fairy Xuanshuang deliberately walked to Yi Tianna's words. Anyone who heard it would be moved by it, but those present would be discouraged as long as they slightly estimated the strength of Shi Chongmou, the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Righteous Alliance.

As for what Shi Lingfeng thinks, Yi Tian also understands in his heart. Seeing Yun Mengyao from Cihang Jingzhai present, this kid wants to show his prestige in front of the person he cares about. The means can resist for a while, so Haoyue and others present here will also take the opportunity to rescue her.

Even if it is lost, it is reasonable. If it is won, it is even better. It is a good deal to win the favor of a beauty who has gained fame and won.

However, Yi Tian noticed the look of disdain in Shi Chongmou's eyes, and Jing Xue who was sitting on the side looked neither cold nor indifferent, in fact, he sentenced this kid in his heart early in the morning death penalty.

Before Shi Lingfeng could make another move, Yi Tian stopped in front of him and said, "Fellow Shi Daoist's enthusiasm is indeed respectable. You can't use a bull's knife to kill a chicken. My strength is exactly what it is in the early stage, and it is very good for the art I also have some experience in comprehension of the law, but I want to go up and ask for a few tricks, but it is the best candidate. And it seems that the ideal candidate in Fairy Xuanshuang's mind is next."

Feng Renhan who was on the side also took the opportunity to echo: "Yi Daoyou is right, Shi Daoyou, you might as well step down for now, I believe Yi Daoyou's strength can be said to be invincible in the world at the early stage of Jindan."

Feng Renhan took one look at Yi Tian, ​​and then slowly stood up with a cold snort, then passed by Xuanshuang's side inadvertently.The latter returned to normal only after a short pause, but at this moment his eyes looked like he was holding a wisdom pearl, and then he said, "Wait a minute, fellow Daoist Yi, Xuanshuang still has something to say."

A trace of displeasure on Yi Tian's face was fleeting, and then he turned around and replied lightly: "Fairy, please tell me, I will listen carefully." On such occasions, I have to save some face for her, I am afraid I would not bother to listen to it before. up.

Xuanshuang slowly eased the light veil on her face and said with a smile: "Xuanshuang once swore that she would marry the first man who saw my true face, now that the vow has been fulfilled, I don't need to wear a veil all day anymore."

As soon as this remark came out, the entire monks in the venue were dumbfounded. They only saw a delicate face revealed after the veil was taken off. It looked like a stunning beauty with beautiful features.

Many people even said with remorse on their faces that if they were willing to stand up and stand up just now, maybe they would be the one who made the beauty fall in love at this time.

Shi Lingfeng and Feng Renhan who were sitting on the side also stared at Xuanshuang's face in a daze for a while, but then there were different expressions in their eyes.With a glance from the corner of his eye, Yi Tian could see that although Shi Lingfeng felt a little regretful, most of his attention was still on Yun Mengyao.

As for Feng Renhan's eyes, there was a bit of drama in his eyes, he was someone who knew a thing or two, so he had the attitude of watching the show.

Coldly replied: "Understood," Yi Tian turned around and walked towards the center of the hall with a solemn expression, making everyone think they were thinking about how to pass this level.

But Yitian was a little irritated by Xuanshuang's words in his heart, this little girl got a little bit of color, so she pushed her nose and eyes, and he kindly rescued her, but he didn't expect that she would rely on him.

At this time, the four Nascent Soul cultivators sitting on the main seat also showed suspicion. Fairy Haoyue and Yun Mengyao stared at Yi Tian for a while but did not see any clues. A little strange look.

As for Jing Xue from the Zhengxing League, he said with a grim expression: "Boy, you should think about it, even if it's a sparring, if Shi Chongmou's mana control is a little bit off, it will kill you."

"Thank you for the reminder, but there is no turning back when you open the bow. If you can't use it in the small space in the hall, why don't we go outside to the air to learn," Yi Tian replied calmly.

Seeing Jing Xue's lips moved a few times, Shi Chongmou understood and laughed and said: "That's very good, if this little friend loses his hand in the next moment and cannot control his spiritual power, you have to be more tolerant."

These words are obviously a blatant threat, but Yi Tian's answer is even more shocking, "If you are confident in defeating Your Excellency with three moves in the early stage of Golden Core, you will be killed within ten moves. I'm afraid that by then you It’s nothing compared to disregarding the rules and recovering your true cultivation.”

Xuanshuang's eyes lit up behind him and continued the topic: "If senior Shi suppresses his cultivation at the early stage of Jindan, then it will be very unfavorable for fellow Daoist Yi to be able to recover anytime and anywhere during the sparring. The junior suggests that it is better for the Grand Palace Master to take action." It would be better to help seniors to seal the cultivation base to the peak of the early Jindan stage, I wonder what the seniors would like?"

This was originally Yi Tian's aggressive plan, but he didn't expect Xuanshuang to cooperate so much and come up with such a clever plan, so that Shi Chongmou couldn't choose for a while, for fear that Haoyue would do something.

Such calculations made Yi Tian look at her with admiration. The so-called leverage is to use external forces to do things that he cannot touch. In this regard, Xuanshuang's scheming is definitely more ingenious than that of monks of the same rank.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Shi Chongmou's arrogant and domineering expression on his face subsided, and then he looked at Jingxue sitting here with a gloomy expression.Anyone with a discerning eye can see which of the two Zhengxingmeng is in charge.

After a while, Jing Xue's eyes passed Yi Tian and Xuanshuang, and then showed a look of disdain unabashedly, and then said unhurriedly: "This method is also possible, but after Taoist Haoyue banned his cultivation base, I need to check some."

Haoyue, who was sitting in the seat, nodded and agreed after hearing this: "This is what it should be. Fellow Daoist Jing will check it later."

Seeing that the two rightful masters had reached an agreement, Shi Chongmou also nodded with a helpless expression on his face. Originally, his small plan had failed, but now his conspiracy has become a real stumbling block.

A little later, Fairy Haoyue reached out and sealed a white ice ring directly into Shi Chongmou's body. After a while, I saw the spiritual pressure fluctuations around him slowly subside, and the intensity contracted sharply within three breaths. It stayed at the peak of Jindan early stage.

Then Jing Xue, who was sitting on the side, looked directly at Shi Chongmou with his eyes, and then sighed after staring at him for a while, "Daoist Haoyue's superb skills and skill control are so precise, I admire you."

"Fellow Daoist Jing is overrated," Haoyue continued without any expression of joy or anger on his face, "The two of you don't need to waste any more time, let's go directly to the air outside the hall to compete. Just as this little friend Yi said, Fellow Daoist Shi As long as you catch ten strokes, you will win."

After hearing this, all the people present whispered among themselves and privately made some predictions about the outcome of this exchange.With a smile on the corner of Yi Tian's mouth, he slowly used the escape technique and flew towards the outside of the hall, and he came to the midair after a while.

Looking back, Shi Chongmou followed behind with a look of disdain, then stabilized his body and confronted him in the air thirty feet away.

(End of this chapter)

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