
Chapter 640 Snow Palace 7 Showdown

Chapter 640
In the mid-air outside the Snow Palace, Yi Tian confronted Shi Chongmou for a while, and then he took out a fifth-level spirit sword and put it across his chest.Later, he slowly poured spiritual power into it, causing the sword body to buzz loudly.

My own Taiyuan sword was split by half of the sword tip when fighting against Demon Sword Boy half a year ago, but even if it is not broken, I can't take it out and use it on such an occasion. Lianyue below will recognize her identity at a glance.

At this time, Shi Chongmou, who was facing him, also took out a flying ring and sacrificed it in his hand. After the gray aura attached to it, it immediately emitted a dazzling light, illuminating the surrounding area for a mile.

Yi Tian raised his eyelids and found that what Shi Chongmou had sacrificed was a sixth-level elementary spirit weapon, and he obviously suffered a dark loss on this.But after recovering a little bit, he slowly poured Sisi Buddha's power into the spirit sword in his hand, and suddenly a little golden light flashed faintly in the blue sword light.

Several Nascent Soul cultivators who were watching the battle below showed some strange expressions. It is clear that Yi Angel's move is the swordsmanship of the Qianlingzong, but the aura that is activated is not metallic, and it is faintly transparent. The golden light that came out seemed to be unable to see its essence clearly.

With all kinds of questions, Haoyue lowered her head and Xuanshuang asked a few words in private through voice transmission, but the latter just showed a firm expression, and after answering for a while, she firmly locked her spiritual consciousness on Yi Tian.

Seeing that the disciple was so sure that Haoyue had doubts in his heart but couldn't explore the reason, he lowered his head and asked Lianyue again via audio transmission, but Poor Yue just smiled knowingly and didn't make much reply.

On the other hand, Yun Mengyao, who was standing at the side, stared at the golden light on the spirit sword in Yi Tian's hand in a daze, and then his face changed several times to reveal a thoughtful face.

As the direct descendant of Cihang Jingzhai, she is extremely sensitive to the golden light in this spiritual power, and she faintly feels that she is from the same family. It is indeed commendable.

As for Jingxue's grim and terrifying face sinking like water at this time, he also noticed a slight abnormality, and the feeling of the golden light on the spirit sword made him feel very uncomfortable, as if facing Cihang Jingzhaiyun. Like Mengyao.

Suddenly, Yi Tian, ​​who was in the air, took the lead in a flash, and the spirit sword in his hand turned into a beam of sword light, and then condensed into a thread, heading towards Shi Chongmou who was not far away.

The blue-yellow sword energy that was like a thread circled around Shi Chongmou like a bond, and then went directly to the inside to suppress the space that the opponent could move to the narrowest.

After the sword light came into contact with the gray spirit ring, it made an ear-piercing '呲呵' sound, and in an instant, streaks of gray mist appeared on the gray spirit ring.

Jing Xue, who was standing below after the intersection of one move, has already seen some clues. The golden light contained in the thin silk of the spirit sword is the nemesis of his kung fu, and Shi Chongmou and his same clan and origin are bound to be defeated by the opponent in terms of kung fu. Hold on tight.

The last thing Jing Xue wanted to face was the monks from Banruo Temple and Cihang Jingzhai, but the other party's Buddha Sect Kung Fu was born to be the nemesis of the Corpse Dao Kung Fu.

At this time, Shi Chongmou was also stunned by this sudden change. Although the spiritual ring in his hand was a sixth-level elementary spiritual weapon, the spiritual power blessed by it under the opponent's attack began to collapse as soon as it came into contact.

However, it is better to say that he has been purified rather than collapsed. Seeing Baba, Shi Chongmou's face changed suddenly, revealing a vicious look, and he shouted fiercely: "Not only did you steal the secrets of Qianlingzong, you also know the secrets of Buddhist sect. I underestimated you by pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, so be careful not to break your teeth."

Seeing that the other party still had the energy to rant after being beaten, Yi Tian just sneered and replied through voice transmission: "How dare you be rampant in mere corpse way skills?" trick.

After the slender sword thread circled around for a while, all of them hit Shi Chongmou's spirit ring. After the two missed spells, Shi Chongmou obviously didn't want to sit and wait for death, and he controlled the spirit ring in his hand to fight back first.

In his opinion, if he survived ten moves to win, it would be like slapping him in the face. If he couldn't finish the opponent within three moves, then he, a Nascent Soul cultivator, would lose face.

Yi Tian's spiritual sense swept away and found that the opponent's strong attack was not surprised but happy, but the aggressiveness in the store just now was quite effective, so that he could logically use his secret hands secretly.The spirit sword in his hand raised again to condense the light of the sword into silk, and then slashed towards Shi Chongmou again, but this time all the spiritual power driving the sword move was replaced with [-]% Buddha power plus [-]% spiritual power blessing.

Immediately, the golden light in the hands flashed, and a majestic Buddha's light came out from it. When the spiritual weapons of the two touched again, the gray spiritual ring was shaken a few times by a blow, and the spiritual energy on it was instantly dispelled. Thirty percent.

Seeing something bad, Shi Chongmou hurriedly wanted to take back the spirit weapon, but the golden sword thread followed closely like a tarsal maggot, and saw Yi Tian counting points towards the spirit sword under the seal of one hand, the sword thread Suddenly it became violent and thickened several times, and under the acceleration, it jumped out of the spirit ring in one fell swoop.

This hit Shi Chongmou by surprise, I saw him frequently shot to bless the spirit ring to resist the attack of golden light.Suddenly, another faint golden light flashed, Yi Tian's left hand took out a bead at some time, and under the urging of spiritual power, he secretly flicked it towards Shi Chongmou while Shi Chongmou was resisting with all his strength.

The Nascent Soul cultivators below immediately showed a bit of disdain on their faces, but later this disdain turned into surprise.You must know that even though Shi Chongmou suppressed his cultivation base at the early Jindan stage, his consciousness was still at the Nascent Soul stage, so he should have noticed such a sneak attack early on.

It's just that the bead is also very weird. Although there is no halo on it, the hidden Buddha power is hundreds of times stronger than that attached to the spirit sword. It is completely a secret treasure refined by monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

Seeing that something was wrong, Jing Xue's angry face was highlighted, and he hurriedly moved forward to block Shi Chongmou, while Haoyue was half a beat behind in a daze, but there was another golden light that contained Buddha's power It flashed out almost simultaneously with Jingxue.

Baizhang away from Yi Tian fighting Shi Chongmou in the air, I saw two gray and golden lights intersecting in the air, and there was a burst of "bang" sound.

At this time, Jing Xue and Yun Mengyao pushed each other away after a blow, and the spiritual pressure fluctuation after the fight directly affected the group of Golden Core monks who were watching the battle underground.

Lian Yue waved her hand and opened a white shield to protect everyone, but the eldest princess Hao Yue was nowhere to be seen.After all the Golden Core cultivators came back to their senses, they saw Fairy Haoyue standing side by side with Yun Mengyao, looking at Jing Xue opposite as if they were talking about something.

(End of this chapter)

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