
Chapter 642 Snow Palace 9 Biyuan

Chapter 642 Snow Palace Nine Biyuan
Walking in the backyard of the Snow Palace, Yi Tian followed Xuanshuang with an indifferent attitude. Just now, even if he expressed his mentality in the main hall, he tested his real bone age.

Even though Xuanshuang showed a bit of regret on his face, Fairy Haoyue said on the spot to postpone the matter of becoming a Taoist couple.Then the second palace lord, Lian Yue, mentioned that she would give Yi Tian the reward opportunity to enter Bibo Pond directly, and asked Xuanshuang to lead them to the back court first.

Yi Tian would not be so stupid as to refuse directly. Besides, although Biyuanchi was not found, it is expected that there should be some connection with this Bibochi.After explaining to Feng Renhan and Shi Lingfeng, under the envious eyes of the two, Yi Tian got up and followed Xuanshuang and the ladies into the passage leading to the backyard under the eyes of everyone .

This is the second time he has entered the backyard of the Snow Palace. With Xuanshuang as his guide, he doesn't have to run around like a headless chicken.

Not long after, a group of people walked through the promenade and came to the courtyard at the end of the branch road. Yi Tian glanced at this place, and he had been there just now, but chose a wrong road to visit Lingzhi Garden.

Shaoqing saw Xuanshuang leading everyone to the leftmost passage. After walking for about half an hour, he turned a few turns and came to a door. Garden' three characters.

After entering the door, Yi Tian scanned the place with his spiritual sense for about a mile, and there were dozens of pools on the ground, large and small, all filled with spring water.Swiping across the water surface with a little spiritual sense, one can detect that there seems to be some special spiritual power contained in the water.

Under Xuanshuang's order, the ladies waited directly at the door, and then followed her all the way to the deepest part of Bibo Pool.Under the environment filled with steam all around, Yi Tian found that his spiritual consciousness could only reach ten feet away.

After a while, Xuanshuang came to the edge of a big pond, turned her head, first gave a clever gift, then opened a sound-proof barrier, and then said slowly: "Xuanshuang thanked senior for helping me through the crisis twice."

After hearing this, Yi Tian knew that it was meaningless to pretend that he was pretending, so he twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "How did you find out?"

A smile appeared on Xuanshuang's face and said: "Senior, I don't know that Xuegong's exercises have a natural sensitivity to monks."

"Oh," Yi Tian looked at the other party and continued: "I only met you once before and you can recognize me in the crowd, which is really interesting."

"I think the purpose of senior sneaking into Wuhen Palace is to find the relics left by Master Feiyue," Xuanshuang continued to ask, "As for saving this junior, it is unexpected."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian just replied lightly: "That's true, otherwise I wouldn't wear a mask and not show my true face."

"Excuse me, junior, but senior killed Song Song and let me live because he planned to explore the secrets of Snow Palace in the future, right?" Xuanshuang asked.

Looking at Xuanshuang's appearance, Yi Tian sighed lightly and said: "Scholar Xuegong knows that he is really good. Under such circumstances, you can talk to me like this calmly. I have to admire your courage."

A gloomy look flashed in his eyes, Xuanshuang straightened his face and said: "Senior, can you tell me your real name in the future so that Xuanshuang will know who exactly helped you twice today."

"Pffch..." Smiling, Yi Tian was amused by her words, and said instead: "Don't you really think I'm a person who hides my head and shows my tail, my seat, Yi Tian, ​​it's inconvenient for me to tell you my identity."

After listening to this, Xuanshuang replied respectfully: "Senior Yi is able to help Xuanshuang, I am very grateful, and please rest assured that I have never mentioned your matter to my teacher."

"Fairy Haoyue can call out such a witty apprentice like you, I'm afraid I would have guessed it when I confronted Shi Chongmou just now, but at this time there are too many visitors and it is not easy to do it directly in the important place of Xuegong," Yi Tian teased road.It's just that Xuanshuang didn't tell Haoyue about her own affairs. From this, it seems that this little girl must have had some selfish motives.

It has always been like this, and Yi Tian couldn't hold back his face. He came here to explore Biyuanchi to find opportunities, and after such a delay, when Haoyue reacted, he would catch up to him sooner or later.

After thinking about it, he asked directly: "Do you know Biyuanchi?"

After hearing this, Xuanshuang replied with an expected look on her face, "Senior Yi didn't know that Master Crimson Moon was in charge of Biyuan Pool 100 years ago, so if you say come in and get her relic I thought it was the key to Biyuanchi."

After a pause, Xuanshuang continued: "Senior, do you know the origin of that Biyuan Pond and that keepsake?"

"Appreciate further details."

Xuanshuang pointed at the surroundings and explained: "Senior, the large and small spiritual pools in Bibo Palace were originally formed by spring water overflowing from Biyuan Pool. To enter Biyuan Pool, you must open the seal deep in Bibo Palace. The door, the relic of Senior Uncle Crimson Moon in your hand should be the key to open the door."

After reaching out his hand to take out the hexagonal jade tablet, Yi Tian held it in his hand and looked at it: "This is what you are talking about."

Xuanshuang shook his head and nodded, "That's right. There should be two keys, one of which is kept by the master and the uncle. Either one can directly open the seal. Seniors, please come with me. "After finishing speaking, Xuanshuang walked straight forward.

Followed her to the inner depths for a little while, and then came to the end of the road, and saw a simple stone door on the bare stone wall, and there was a groove in the middle of the door. Angular snowflake-like appearance.

After the two walked forward, under Xuanshuang's signal, Yi Tianyi stretched out his hand and inserted the hexagonal jade tablet directly into the middle of the groove, and then gently injected spiritual power into it.After three breaths, I heard the sound of 'Kaka' coming from behind the stone gate, and saw that the formation pattern on the stone gate was activated and slowly opened by itself.

After Yi Tian entered the door, he scanned it with his spiritual sense and found that there were about two squares in the stone room. In the middle was a sunken pool. A pool of clear water came into view in the pool. There was a water outlet extending from the side of the pool through a small The gap seeps outside.

On the top of the implementation, there are several upside-down stalactites, and water drops slowly drip from the top of the stalactites.

Xuanshuang then explained: "Senior Yi's Biyuan Pool is above the Snow Palace with the Snow Palace at its back. The spirit crystal water dripping from these stalactites is all the essence of the Snow Mountain."

"How long will it take to fill this pool of water?" Yi Tian asked.

"It will take at least three to five hundred years, so Xuegong usually uses the diluted spiritual spring outside to soak his disciples. Even I have only used the pool outside this gate," Xuanshuang replied.

Hearing this, how could Yi Tian not understand, Fairy Haoyue might have seen through her identity long ago.But thinking about it, even if Xuanshuang deliberately concealed it, it is not difficult to infer her own situation from the traces of the fight in Wuhen's palace and the situation of fighting with Shi Chongmou just now.

Coupled with the matter of rescuing Lianyue, Fairy Haoyue is paying back favors.Immediately, Yi Tian was not polite and directly strode over to the Biyuan Pool and sat on the floor, the water surface just soaked his neck, leaving only the head above the water surface.

With a sweep of his eyes, he said slowly: "If you don't come down for a soak, you will miss the opportunity."

After hearing this, Xuanshuang blushed for a while before uttering a sentence: "Thank you, Senior Yi," and stepped into the pool after speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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