
Chapter 643 The end of the Snow Palace

Chapter 643 Snow Palace Ten Ends
Sitting cross-legged in the Biyuan Pool, Yi Tian practiced silently for a few weeks, and found that the spiritual power in his body seemed to be circulating three points faster than before. After soaking in the pool, the surface of the skin absorbed most of the spiritual power. In addition, after the exercise was resolved, I felt that I seemed to have touched the threshold of the advanced Yuanying stage.

Although it was only a very short and fleeting feeling, Yi Tian really felt it.I believe that as long as you can meet some opportunities, you can try to hit the later stages.

After an unknown amount of time, Yi Tian woke up from the trance, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Xuanshuang sitting cross-legged across from him, the distance between them was less than three feet.

After being soaked by the pool water, Xuanshuang's exquisite figure was clearly evident, but at this moment she was still in meditation.If she were to see the two of them now, she would be ashamed and ashamed.

It's no wonder that lonely men and widows get together in a room. It's like taking a bath, but it's only possible if the listeners believe it. Yi Tian doesn't have much scruples about this, but considering Xuanshuang's reputation is also showing on his face at this time Come helplessly.

Looking back, thinking about it, Fairy Haoyue paid too much for her desire to befriend her. Not only did she take out the secret realm of the Snow Palace to enjoy, but she also paid for her most proud disciple, the next master of the Snow Palace.

Xuanshuang, who was sitting across from Shaoqing, also seemed to have noticed something, and slowly opened her blurred eyes and slightly parted her lips as if she wanted to say something.Knowing the other party's intentions, Yi Tian shook his head and chuckled, then the figure flashed past and went out of the stone room, leaving only a sentence resounding above the Biyuan Pool, "Xue Gong's kindness, Yi Tianxin received it, now that the opportunity has been taken, I will take it." Not staying any longer."

Xuanshuang's eyes glistened with tears, but he muttered softly in his mouth: "Yi Lang cherishes it, Xuanshuang will wait for you to come again in the Snow Palace."

When they came to the gate of Bibo Palace, there was already a group of female servants waiting. Seeing Yi Tian coming out alone, he led them towards the main hall without asking any questions.Not long after returning to the main hall, Yi Tian found that the invitation to the banquet had long since dispersed, and all the original seats had been removed, leaving only the seats in the middle for the original Haoyue and Nascent Soul cultivators.

After sweeping his consciousness, Yi Tian found that even Feng Renhan and Shi Lingfeng had disappeared. He hurriedly used secret techniques to trace the marks on the two of them, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The two of them were flying towards Pingyuan City together at this time, and they were at least six hundred miles away from them.

Suddenly Yi Tian turned around with a thought, and saw Haoyue and Lianyue faintly appearing in the upper seat.

After the two of them showed up and saluted Yi Tian lightly, Haoyue said, "Thank you, fellow daoist, from all over Xuegong for taking the four shots to save the siege?"

Frowning, Yi Tian asked lightly, "I'll come here four more times and just talk?"

Lian Yue, who was on the side, smiled and said: "You Daoist Yi's craftsmanship is really good, and he can even repair the spiritual weapons that have been handed down from the upper spirit world. I am here to thank you for your help last time, otherwise I will fall into the trap." In the hands of Song Zhumei and the other three, I'm afraid Xue Gong will be ashamed again."

Yi Tian personally participated in these two events, and he must have left a lot of flaws in his desperation at the time. I think Lian Yue could arrange for the girl to send the gold-plated invitation because she saw through her disguise early in the morning.

He took out three jade bottles and handed them to Lianyue after flicking them. Yi Tian said slowly: "The Nascent Soul of the three friends of Suihan are all imprisoned here. I think he is from your Snow Palace. It’s the best thing to do with it.”

After hearing this, Haoyue and Lianyue showed a gleam of joy in their eyes, and after putting away the three jade bottles, Haoyue continued: "Counting this incident, Fellow Daoist Yi has already helped Xuegong five times."

"I really don't dare to accept the gift from fellow Taoist Haoyue in return," Yi Tian replied, "I already have a Taoist partner, and the children are as old as Xuanshuang, I'm afraid Xuegong still doesn't think about it. "

After hearing this, Haoyue was not annoyed, but instead showed some approval on her face and said: "You Daoist Yi sneaked into the Snow Palace probably because of Senior Sister Feiyue's entrustment, where is Senior Sister now?"

"Fellow Daoist Feiyue was captured and refined into a golden armor and refined corpse. I rescued him unintentionally, and then his remnant soul entrusted me with a chance in exchange for helping Xuegong," Yi Tian replied.

Hearing this, Haoyue didn't seem to have any big surprises on her face, but a trace of worry flashed in her eyes, and she sighed lightly before replying: "Back then, Senior Sister didn't listen to my advice and took Suihan three friends out and never came back. It was not until many years later that I received a message from Master Cihang Jingzhai Miaoyin to learn about the general process. Thinking that Jingxue of the Zhengxing League completely disregarded the name of Zhengxing, and privately contacted scattered cultivators from all over the world to pick up orders. Infant monks start."

Seeing Haoyue's resentful expression at the end, Yi Tian also admired his city mansion very much, for being able to sit with his enemy, just because of this demeanor, people couldn't help but be admirable.Later, he asked again: "It seems that Zheng Xingmeng lost his wife and lost his army this time, and lost two Nascent Soul monks in a row. It seems that Jing Xue will have to rest for a while after returning."

Lian Yue showed a bit of anger and said: "That Jingxue brought Shi Chongmou together and dragged me and my sister, so as to create an opportunity for Song Laogui to secretly sneak into the Snow Palace to commit misdeeds, and was simply killed by Fellow Daoist Yi on the spot. .”

"It's just a coincidence that I'm going to look for the relics of Fellow Daoist Feiyue. Speaking of which, I'm not doing right. Fellow Daoist Lianyue should stop mentioning the fact that I can't get on the table," Yi Tian blushed and softened his tone down.

Haoyue interjected and asked: "You Daoist Yi used the relics of the ninth eminent monk when he dealt with Shi Chongmou?"

This matter was originally made up by myself, so why did She Lizi make up a random excuse in a moment of desperation, in fact, since seeing Jing Xue and Shi Chongmou, the ghostly aura that was not completely covered up on them has disappeared It made Yi Tian's eyes shine. Fortunately, he had the experience of dealing with the Yin Corpse Sect many years ago, and he still has a good understanding of those corpse repairs.

This Jingxue is probably a long-established corpse repairer, and the divine sense on Feiyue's body is probably his.

After the battle against demons, Yi Tian also deliberately took the time to refine a Buddhist bead and inject the Buddhist power from the rest of Prajna Kuzen into it for emergency needs.

Unexpectedly, when it was used on Shi Chongmou's body, it was right in the eye. The Buddha's power restrained his corpse's spiritual power, and was finally penetrated into his body to purify him fundamentally.

After learning about the situation from Yi Tian, ​​Haoyue showed some understanding on his face, and then said: "I and that Jingxue were also acting on the spot, it is really because the forces behind his alliance are too strong, it is only a last resort I don’t want to confront them head-on.”

"What forces are behind the Zhengxing League?" Yi Tian was startled when he heard this, and secretly said, "Didn't it mean that the Zhengxing League and Lihuozong are making a lot of noise in the southern part of Zhongzhou? '

Seeing Haoyue's troubled face, Yitian knew that there must be something strange, so he kept asking again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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