
Chapter 644

Chapter 644
After coming out of the Snow Palace, Yi Tian flew alone over the snow field towards Pinggu City, his brows were furrowed, and he was constantly thinking about the situation of the Zhengxing League that Haoyue had described before.

According to the analysis of the news from her mouth, the Zhengxing League seems to be in confrontation with the forces of the Lihuo Sect in the south of Zhongzhou. In fact, the two families have expanded their forces several times to varying degrees over the past few hundred years.

Some small forces around them have been annexed by them, and according to the news from Cihang Jingzhai, the relationship between Zhengxingmeng and Lihuozong is not as hostile as rumored.

On the contrary, the two seem to cooperate very tacitly, and there is a faint tendency to cooperate secretly.But I don't know what the inner connection between the two is.

But wherever the Zhengxingmeng came into contact with the outside world, the Lihuozong would definitely stay away, and the Zhengxingmeng would not even set up a branch hall in the territory controlled by the Lihuozong.

From the bottom of his heart, Yi Tian would never believe that Lu Jinyuan would be subservient to others. He was extremely arrogant and wanted to restore the former power of the Li Huo Sect, so he would never use the power of the Zhengxing League. I don't know what is still unsolved open doubts.

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure out a clue, so Yi Tian simply put it aside, anyway, it will not be time for a showdown with Lu Jinyuan for a while.

Haoyue mentioned before that it had been seven days since she and Xuanshuang entered the Biyuan Pool, and the invitation to a banquet from Xuegong became dull after the two left.So Haoyue retreated directly from the subsequent banquet, and the whole banquet ended in the middle of the night.

Except for Feng Renhan and his teacher Ling Feng, the other visiting Jindan Junjie went back early in the morning, and the two waited in the Snow Palace for a few days without seeing Yi Tian come out, so they said goodbye and left together.

Coincidentally, Yun Mengyao, who had Cihang Jingzhai, also left together, and that kid Shi Lingfeng actually invited him to go with him, but he still used himself as an excuse.

I don't know if Yun Mengyao was looking for Shi Qianwei's sake or wanted to know about her situation from them, and finally agreed to escort them back to Pinggu City together.

Hearing this, Yi Tian couldn't stop muttering in his heart that this brat is not strong enough but has a lot of tricks. Fortunately, he can rest assured that Yun Mengyao is with him.

After flying for a certain distance, Yi Tian used secret techniques to check the location of the two of them again, but after three breaths, his brows slowly frowned.A few hours ago, when they were in the Snow Palace, they detected that the imprints of the two had gathered together.

But now he found that the two tracking marks seemed to have stopped on the way six hundred miles away from him, and he didn't know what caused this.

It stands to reason that Yun Mengyao's colleagues can take care of the two of them, even if something other than the situation happens, they can deal with it calmly.

Suddenly panicked, a trace of haze passed through his mind, Yi Tian clearly felt that the imprint on Shi Lingfeng's body seemed to have weakened.This is not the case where the tracking mark is removed after it is discovered, but the overall aura of the tracked person has weakened.

There is only one possibility that could cause such a situation. Shi Lingfeng was injured. At that moment, Yi Tian was shocked, and hurriedly mobilized his spiritual power, only to see two spiritual powers, one red and one green, wrap himself up, and flew away with a 'swish' sound. Immediately, the speed has more than doubled.

At the same time, Yi Tian also unscrupulously let go of his divine sense, and directly extended it to explore the limit boundary of more than 500 miles.After ten breaths, after flying for a certain distance, the divine sense was just enough to reach the location of the three of them. At this time, Yi Tian's spiritual sense reflected the situation in his mind faithfully.

It seemed that the three of them were being besieged by two Nascent Soul cultivators, Yun Mengyao was the enemy, and Feng Renhan and Shi Lingfeng were forced by each other to hide under Yun Mengyao's aura.

Feng Renhan's condition is fine, although his face is exhausted, but the spiritual power in his hand is still flowing out to help Yun Mengyao strengthen the spiritual weapon, as for Shi Lingfeng, he seems to be injured at this time, and his whole face is pale.Unlike Feng Renhan's overdrawn spiritual power, Shi Lingfeng's aura became messy, and his right hand was full of blood.Under the attack of the two Nascent Soul cultivators, he could barely maintain it in the air.

After Shennian reflected the situation there truthfully in his mind, Yi Tian's face changed a few times, but his heart was extremely anxious. This time he messed up the matter. If Shi Lingfeng has something wrong, I'm afraid Shi Qianwei The first time I have to settle accounts with myself.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian took out a few pills, put them in his mouth, chewed them, swallowed them, then stretched out his hands to make seals on his chest, only to hear two 'tearing' sounds under his armpits, stretched out four hands Then, two heads appeared behind the ears.

After using the Asura method, the flying speed of the whole person was increased again, and after a red light flashed in the vast snowy sea, he flew straight towards the position of the three of them.

It was not long before Yi Tian put away the dharma body after approaching a distance of more than 50 miles, not afraid of being discovered by those two people, so he rushed over.

There was a continuous roar in the sky, and Yun Mengyao struggled to support the defensive spirit weapon to resist the attacks of the two opponents.In terms of one-on-one, she is not weaker than anyone, even in one-on-two, she can retreat calmly.

But right now, there are two burdens, but these two are still the golden elixir leaders of the famous sect. If they are here, I am afraid that even if she leaves, the Nascent Soul monks of the two sects will not let it go.

In particular, Shi Lingfeng was said to be Shi Qianwei's son, and Yun Mengyao had slain demons side by side with her not long ago, so she couldn't abandon them both emotionally and rationally.

But the two opponents also seemed to see this point, so they frequently used heavy hands on Shi Lingfeng, and it was very lucky that they did not fall on the spot after a long attack.

At this time, Shi Lingfeng also had an anxious expression on his face. He had already used a life-saving spiritual weapon just now, but the opponent's move was too fierce. He saved his life with one blow, but his right hand was wiped down from the elbow, and everything was wiped out. Boom to the meat residue.

In this way, he could only imitate Feng Renhan and inject spiritual power into Yun Mengyao's spiritual weapon to maintain his defense.

The two Nascent Soul cultivators who were besieging were wearing masks, and their origins were unknown, but the spells in their hands were not weak, and they didn't look like decent skills.

Suddenly a flash of light appeared in the sky, and the expressions of the five people present were all different.Yunmengyao and the other three had a shocked look on their faces after exploring with their divine sense.Feng Renhan and Shi Lingfeng even took out a handful of pills and stuffed them into their mouths desperately.After chewing a few times in his mouth and swallowing it, he hurriedly used his skills to absorb and dissolve it.

For a moment, the golden light on the defensive spiritual weapon flourished, and the protective cover was stabilized again.

(End of this chapter)

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