
Chapter 645 Injury

Chapter 645 Injury
The two Nascent Soul cultivators who had besieged Yunmengyao and the others in the sky over the snowy field also noticed the same flash of light appearing in the sky early in the morning, and it was not difficult to see that the flash of light was flying towards them with a little bit of divine sense.

The two people's faces tightened, and after they made faces at each other, the spell in their hands was suddenly strengthened by three points, and they slammed towards the protective shield surrounded by three people in the center.All of a sudden, there was a loud bang, and the fluctuation of magic spiritual pressure directly knocked down all the trees in a radius of thirty miles.

In less than ten breaths, the flash flew within a range of ten miles. The two Nascent Soul cultivators showed anxious faces after being unable to attack for a long time, and suddenly one of them retreated from the standing circle to meet the approaching person in an attempt to delay the time.

The other person was attacking the white protective cover with his flying sword without stopping. From their point of view, the protective cover that flickered from time to time could be breached at any time. Three of them were wiped out in one go.

The flash of light in the sky came quickly and quickly. It can be reached in a short distance of ten miles with a teleportation, but it can delay the time compared to sending out one person to stop it.

Little did they know that the two auras were three or four miles apart before they intersected, and two of them shot directly. Yi Tian, ​​who rushed over, also shot with anger, so he didn't make any reservations, stretched out his hand and directly sacrificed a purple fireball the size of a projectile, but the surrounding area It is faintly mixed with a layer of lightning power.

After spotting the direction of the opponent's attack, he flicked his fingertips lightly, and the bullet-like fireball tore through the surrounding void and made a burst of zla sound, and the area where the fireball flew across was briefly Small absolute domains were formed, and from a distance, those intervals were distorted out of thin air.

Only then did the oncoming person realize that something was wrong, the offender was obviously much stronger, and the strength of the spell seemed to have reached the category of the late Nascent Soul.Shocked, his expression changed suddenly, he took out a shield and put it in front of him, it was impossible to dodge at such a distance, so the man simply gritted his teeth and turned the spirit sword in his hand into a sword light towards the fireball To stab.

In an instant, there was a loud bang from the sky, and the comparison of the two spells caused several sparks and bursts of black smoke in mid-air.Yi Tian, ​​who was at the back, just looked at the other party disdainfully with a twitch of the corner of his mouth, and called out "Broken" in a deep voice.

Suddenly a ray of purple light flashed in the flames, and then the billowing black smoke came out and continued to fly towards the opponent's position.The fireball hit the shield with a 'bang', and then the absolute space created in the void instantly chewed it up and dragged the Nascent Soul cultivator behind him into it.

After a flash of golden light, the monk's body was destroyed and he hurriedly escaped the Nascent Soul, but before flying far, he was covered by a beam of blue light.Taking a closer look, Yi Tian had teleported not far from him at some point, holding a jade bottle in his left hand, and a ray of light from the tip of his right index finger directly fixed the Nascent Soul in the air.

After the two sides met each other, it was clear immediately, and the accomplice was so frightened that he hurriedly abandoned the three of them, turned around and ran towards the south at a high speed.

Yi Tian put the Nascent Soul body into a jade bottle, put a talisman seal on the mouth of the bottle, and put it away. Later, he turned around and glanced at the fleeing man with a sneer on his face from the corner of his eye.On balance, he didn't catch up, but slowly flew to Yun Mengyao and the other three and shouted loudly: "You three are fine, the intruder has been repelled."

The white protective cover slowly faded away to reveal the exhausted three people, and Yi Tian swept them with his spiritual thoughts, and their foreheads wrinkled immediately.Yun Mengyao's advanced cultivation base doesn't seem to be a serious problem, but the spiritual weapon in her hand is damaged, at least take the time to repair it.After looking up and seeing Yi Tian, ​​she settled down and said, "Thank you, Brother Yi, for your timely help. Mengyao is very grateful."

As for Feng Renhan's pale face at this time, his chest was heaving rapidly and his mouth was gasping for breath, when he saw Yi Tian, ​​he shouted weakly: "Senior Yi is finally here, this time he almost died, fortunately If Senior Yun had helped me, I wouldn't have seen you."

Without saying much, Yi Tian took out a wine bottle and threw it to Feng Renhan, saying, "Reply first, and we'll talk about this matter later," he said before shifting his gaze to Shi Lingfeng.

At this moment, his face was pale, and he managed to maintain his figure in the air. Seeing that Yi Tian also showed a little surprise in his eyes, he saluted with one hand later: "Senior Yi's life-saving grace, Ling Feng, is unforgettable. .”

Spiritual thoughts passed over Shi Lingfeng's right hand and found that it was gone from the elbow down. The blood on the cuff of his shirt hadn't dried up yet, and the spirit of the whole person was much more decadent than before.

Seeing Shi Lingfeng's appearance, he knows that this incident has hit him hard, especially after the sword repairer loses his hand, his strength will drop greatly.After carefully checking his expression, he found that there was a faint sadness between his brows, and he reckoned that this matter had also caused a considerable impact on his Dao heart.

After withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and tapped Shi Lingfeng a few times, and when he closed his eyes, he seemed to fall into a deep sleep.Then with a move with his right hand, he hugged him and set up the light and flew towards the depths of the northern snow field.

Before leaving, he still did not forget to tell Yun Mengyao and Feng Renhan: "Let's leave now, you two, we will see each other someday." Within a breath, he disappeared into the vast sea of ​​snow.

After the two left, Yun Mengyao turned around and looked at Feng Renhan and said, "It seems that you and Senior Brother Yi hit it off very well, and he will rush to you when he finds out that you have been attacked. Come to the rescue, and the jug of wine in your hand is not ordinary, it seems that a crisis in exchange for the opportunity to advance to the later stage of Jindan is worth the money."

Hearing this, Feng Renhan was taken aback for a moment, opened the wine bottle in his hand and took a sip, and immediately felt a cool spiritual power pouring down from his throat into his stomach, and then a majestic spiritual power rushed from his stomach to the meridians of his limbs. Zhong immediately replenished all the exhausted spiritual power in his dantian.

After Yungong refined this spiritual power, Feng Renhan laughed and said, "I don't know why Senior Yi valued him so much, but I feel that Senior Yi valued that master Ling Feng more, so taking him away this time must be a I will find a way to heal his severed hand, and I believe that it won't take long for my master and fellow Taoists to recover."

"Don't you think that Shi Lingfeng's eyebrows are a bit like Senior Brother Yi?" Yun Mengyao said thoughtfully: "Not only is there a similarity in spirit, but also a bit in personality."

After hearing this, Feng Renhan turned to stare at Yun Mengyao in surprise, but stammered: "Why didn't I expect that, along the way I felt that Senior Yi's attitude towards Shi Lingfeng was a bit strange , logically speaking, how could this first meeting be so generous, and the way he looked at Shi Lingfeng was like my master looking at me."

But Yun Mengyao shook her head and said: "It's not a master-student relationship, it should be a more intimate relationship. I'm afraid I have to go to Qianlingzong to visit my master Qianwei. She must know the reason."

(End of this chapter)

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