
Chapter 646

Chapter 646
The area occupied by Xuegong is too wide, so that the people of Xuegong cannot completely monitor all the areas.Except for the many fortresses set up within a thousand miles of the Snow Palace, the monks in the Snow Palace in the outer areas of these fortresses only do some regular inspections.

For Yi Tian, ​​these low-level monks want to find their whereabouts, which is no different from the Arabian Nights. Even if the Palace Master Haoyue comes here in person, he can only find some traces at most. It is almost impossible to catch up with him. thing.

Now even with Shi Lingfeng on hand, it is very convenient to find a quiet shelter on the snowfield.Yi Tian's figure appeared after a blue light flashed in the snowy sky, but he was supporting Shi Lingfeng who was unconscious.

Looking at his own position, he is now in the mountains of Daxue Mountain in the northwest of Xuegong, Yi Tian took out the corona Luogeng plate and followed the technique of searching for dragons and tapping acupuncture points to choose a position in the depths of the snow mountain below. , and then raised the spirit sword in his hand and began to dig the cave.

After a while, Yi Tian noticed in his divine sense that the spirit sword seemed to have dug into the node of the underground spirit vein, and his face was filled with joy, and he stretched out his hand to take the spirit sword back.

Later, he took out a set of formation disks to infuse spiritual power into them, and then directly drove the formation disks into the snowy ridge below. Suddenly, a white mist quietly emerged from somewhere in the snowy mountain, covering the entire range of a hundred miles.

After finishing these, Yi Tian took Shi Lingfeng and flew slowly into the newly excavated cave. After entering the cave, a few restrictions were placed at the entrance, and the entrance of the cave was hidden in the snow mountain in an instant.

After arriving at the spiritual vein node in the depths of the cave, Yi Tian put Shi Lingfeng on the ground, then went to another stone room to dig out a pool, then stretched out his hand and flicked the ground in the center of the pool, a blue aura Hitting the rock directly on the ground revealed a one-inch-caliber hole.

In less than three breaths, a stream of pure spiritual power slowly leaked out from the hollow, and after a while the spiritual energy gathered into a stream of clear springs that slowly emerged from it, spraying directly to a height of more than a foot, and the clear spring water slowly absorbed the spiritual energy. The aura in the veins was brought out and the small pool was filled with water in a short while.

After doing all this, Yi Tian came back to check the injury of his master Ling Feng, and saw that his face was slightly pale due to blood loss at this time, he turned out the sleeve of his right hand and checked the wound, I saw that the blood at the fracture had already congealed, and some bones were exposed to look at, which made me shudder.

Reaching out his hand, he took out a elixir and melted it with spiritual spring water, then poured it gently into Shi Lingfeng's mouth, then Yi Tianyi stretched out his hand to help him dissolve the medicine's power, and after finishing all this, he sat cross-legged next to him and waited.

After half an hour, Shi Lingfeng's eyelids moved a little, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in a cave, with his left hand supporting his face, got up and took a look, only to see a person sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed on the side.Suddenly a faint voice sounded: "You have just woken up and the spiritual power in your body has not yet recovered. You want to sit down and exercise for recuperation."

Shi Lingfeng didn't say much when he heard the words, so he sat down cross-legged according to Yi Tian's request, adjusted his breath and exercised his skills to heal his injuries.

About a few days later, Yi Tian adjusted himself to the best state, then slowly opened his eyes, and glanced at Shi Lingfeng who was standing aside, and the latter also woke up from the meditation.Then he saluted slowly and said: "Senior Yi, I don't know why you brought this junior here?"

Yi Tian pointed to the broken arm of his right hand and asked, "Do you know what this means?"

Shi Lingfeng's expression darkened for a long time before he could say a word: "The road is ruined, I'm afraid that in the future, the cultivation base will no longer be able to maintain the same level as before."

Yi Tian nodded and said: "You're right. As a swordsman, you can't quickly perform sword skills without your right hand. It will definitely be a fatal blow to you as a disciple of Qianlingzong."

"Seniors don't agree with the words of the younger generation, at least I know that there are several ways to connect the right hand," Shi Lingfeng said with a flash of determination in his eyes, "As long as I break the pill and become a baby, I can reshape my body." At that time, it will not be difficult to regenerate the severed right limb."

"Well, you're right, it's true," Yi Tian said undeniably, "You also need to be able to cultivate to the point where you can break the alchemy and become an infant. Besides, in the golden elixir stage, there is a way to turn your elixir into a baby. Take your right hand back?"

After thinking for a while, Shi Lingfeng blurted out: "As long as you find 'Wannian Chalcedony', it's still fine."

"Pfft" Yi Tian laughed dumbfoundedly, glanced at Shi Lingfeng and said in a deep voice: "It seems that you, the second generation of Xiu, are spoiled. Do you know how much the 'Wannian Chalcedony' costs? Nascent Soul cultivator will also make people jealous in front of you, whichever round you get, it will be reserved for you, a Golden Core cultivator."

After speaking, I saw Shi Lingfeng's face was stiff, and then he seemed to have something to say but couldn't say it.Yi Tian continued: "Don't think that your mother Shi Qianwei can help you find the 'Wannian Chalcedony' because she is a Nascent Soul cultivator. To put it bluntly, you have been living under the care of your mother for the rest of your life now. With no understanding of the realm of comprehension, it is already the limit for a monk like you to reach the peak of Jindan, if you don't perfect your mind, you will have no hope of rebirth as a Nascent Soul."

After hearing this, Shi Lingfeng's body trembled for a moment, and then some anger appeared in his eyes, but he didn't dare to attack because of Yi Tian's power.

Seeing that the blow was almost over, Yi Tian's expression eased, he took out a jade slip from the storage ring and handed it to him, "I was entrusted by your master's ancestor to take care of you, but along the way, I did find all kinds of arrogance and domineering behavior of yours. , this accident can be regarded as a reminder to you, you should take it easy when you see the Nascent Soul cultivator in the future. You must know that the cultivation of your mother Shi Qianwei is not worth mentioning in my eyes. As for your old patriarch Ning The army is also my defeated general."

At this time, Shi Lingfeng was like a deflated ball. After slowly taking the jade slip, he immersed his consciousness into it, and then read it carefully.After ten breaths, his complexion improved a little, and then he knelt down to Yi Tianxing and said: "Senior Yi's words shook me awake, I will not mention the future and the past, what I think is what should I do in the future ?”

Yi Tian asked with great interest: "Do you want to go back to Qianlingzong and continue to learn from Shi Qianwei her infamous swordsmanship, or do you think otherwise?"

"This junior doesn't want to go back to the Thousand Spirit Sect, but now he is more willing to serve Senior Yi, and wants to learn the essence of that Yao swordsmanship," Shi Lingfeng said firmly.

"Do you want to learn more from me, do you think my swordsmanship must be better than Qian Lingyuan?" Yi Tian asked back.

"I can also guess the real identity of Senior Yi," Shi Lingfeng's eyes flashed a sly light that made Yi Tian's heart tremble, and secretly said, "Could it be that he guessed something, isn't this old ghost Shi Ningjun?" Did you say you won't reveal it? '

Then I heard him talking eloquently: "Senior Yi is His Royal Highness the Holy Son of King Ming of Southern Xinjiang. As early as more than a hundred years ago, I heard my mother mention that she went to worship mountains in Southern Xinjiang with her ancestor. I heard that the Holy Son Back then, when I fought swords with our ancestors at the early Yuanying stage, they used the Qianlingyao swordsmanship."

(End of this chapter)

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