
Chapter 647 Grafting

Chapter 647 Grafting
In the cave, Ling Feng, the teacher in the cave, saw that Yi Tian didn't show too much surprise on his face when he heard that his identity was broken, and then he talked about the half-way robbery and the sword fight with his teacher Ning Jun all together. Shake it out.

Yi Tian just laughed it off, and felt relieved. It seems that Shi Qianwei didn't tell him about her affairs, which made him less worried.In the future, I will face Qian Lingyuan sooner or later. If Shi Qianwei stays in Qianlingzong, it may become a hindrance to me, so I should find a way to get rid of him first.

And facing Shi Lingfeng in front of him, Yi Tian was even more unwilling to drag him into this vortex.After he finished talking endlessly, Yi Tian just smiled lightly and said: "You have said so much, it is nothing more than establishing a relationship with me, no matter what threats or lures, you always want me to find a way to renew your severed hand. "

Shi Lingfeng was also not polite, and instead smiled and said: "Since Senior Yi is willing to save me and bring me here, there must be deep meaning. I didn't think about it at the beginning, but I realized it after reading the jade slip. Senior will definitely not sit idly by, and I hope that senior will be merciful to this junior's wish."

Seeing Shi Lingfeng's appearance, Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, it was the same as when he was young.There was a hint of caring in his eyes, but it was only for a moment. Thinking of Shi Qianwei's way of protecting the calf, I couldn't get angry in my heart.

After a while, a flash of inspiration appeared in my mind, and after thinking for a while, I slowly said: "It is not difficult for me to heal you, and I have prepared a great opportunity for you, but you have to promise me one thing." .”

Shi Lingfeng's playful smile also calmed down when he heard the words, and he lowered his head for a while before replying: "You can also ask me to help you, but it's limited to collecting information about Qianlingzong, and you have to make sure that you don't move. The lives of my teachers and family are the only things that matter."

After hearing this, Yi Tian raised his head and laughed loudly: "Am I such an unbearable person in your eyes? If you want information about Qianlingzong, there will naturally be a few people who are more core than you who will present it to me. Why do you need to take action?" .”

Shi Lingfeng suddenly turned pale with shock, he knew everything inside Qianlingzong well, and there were only a few people who could be closer to the inner circle than him.Looking at Yi Tian's appearance, it seems that he doesn't seem to be cheating, and suddenly a few people come to mind, but he shook his head and asked in confusion: "Could it be that Senior Yi beat Anzi into Qianling decades ago?" Zong?"

"It was 200 years ago, and you were not born at that time?" Yi Tian said disdainfully.Seeing that he couldn't figure it out, Yi Tian didn't want to continue talking about this topic, so he said in a deep voice: "You are lucky, and you have to thank your mother, Shi Qianwei, for finding the opportunity. As for my origin, I will tell you later. .”

After a pause, Yi Tian slowly opened his mouth and said: "I will not only heal your right hand, but also teach you the essence of the whole set of Qianlingyao swordsmanship. I will also teach you an additional set of exercises that can dissolve your right hand. Gengjin hostility. But the condition is that you must leave Zhongzhou and go to Dongao, and I will write a handwritten letter for you to go to Dongao Iron Sword Gate to worship Mo Wentian, the ancestor of Iron Sword, and learn swordsmanship from him."

Hearing this, the stern look on Shi Lingfeng's face eased, and then he just frowned slightly before he wanted to speak.In his eyes, Yi Tian didn't say much about his actions, and let him think about it slowly.

It took a while to see the hesitation on his face dissipate and he replied: "Senior Yi is right, this junior seldom leaves his mother's shelter in his life, so this time he went out and met the situation and he was not as calm as Brother Feng. response."

"If you want to go further on the road, you must abandon the constraints and shackles around you. I let you go to Dongao Iron Sword Gate alone so that you can unrestrictedly develop your potential there," Yi said. Heaven replied.

"If this junior agrees, let Senior Yi take action," Shi Lingfeng said with a flash of determination in his eyes.

What he was waiting for was this sentence, Yi Tian immediately made seals with his hands and pointed at Shi Lingfeng's body, and a white light suddenly supported his body on the ground, and the sleeve of the broken arm on the right was lifted, revealing a piece of incomplete body. arms come.

When Yi Tian saw it, he directly took out the whole white jade lotus root and gestured it according to the length of Shi Lingfeng's arm, and then a trace of white flame blew out from his mouth, directly attached to the white jade lotus root and began to practice.

Back then, two white jade lotus roots were picked from the secret place of Wanlihai Yunxiao Sect, one of which has been transplanted into the blessed land of Dongao Sect, and the other is kept on the body for emergencies.

This white jade lotus root has bred a large amount of spiritual power, which is a rare natural treasure, and it is very effective for alchemy or replenishment of spiritual power.But the most special thing about this precious material is that it can be used to create skin with white bones, or it can be used as grafting of limbs.

This time Shi Lingfeng was attacked on his way back, and Yi Tian couldn't get rid of it if he asked himself.The two Nascent Soul Loose Cultivators knew at a glance that they were targeting Yun Mengyao, but they happened to drag Feng Renhan and his teacher Ling Feng into it.

Under Nanming Lihuo's sacrifice, the whole white jade lotus root was slowly molded into the thickness of an arm, and one end was slowly lifted up by Lihuo to form a ball. Yi Tian carefully folded it according to the size of Shi Lingfeng's left palm It is depicted as a general symmetrical appearance.

Three hours later, Yi Tian slowly took off the arm that had been refined in the air, and compared the fracture of Shi Lingfeng's right hand, he cut the uneven fracture neatly with a swipe of his finger.Then put the sacrificial white jade lotus root joints against the fracture, and finally cast a blue light to fill the gaps in the grafted fracture.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian said slowly: "I have connected your severed hand, but this is not your original flesh and blood after all, so you will need to perform exercises to open up the meridians of your right hand later, so After that, the arm can temporarily recover [-]% of its strength."

"It's only [-]%, isn't that much better than nothing," Shi Lingfeng said disdainfully, holding back the pain.

With a cold snort, Yi Tian said with a straight face: "At first it looked like this. When you fuse the whole white jade arm into your own, it will naturally return to its original state. And I'm still on this white jade arm Add some ingredients, and you will know its magical effect in the future. After you break the pill and become a baby, you can refine all the things I left in it into your supernatural powers."

After hearing this, Shi Lingfeng turned his worries into joy and said: "This junior will start to perform exercises to fuse his right arm." After speaking, he slowly got up, and then took out some pills from the storage ring, put them in his mouth and swallowed them Belly.

Somehow, after a bang, Yi Tian found something bright falling out of him, his divine sense flicked across the spiritual weapon on the ground, his face froze for a moment, and at the same time, a strange light flashed in his eyes, but he said and A weak voice said: "Mandarin ducks buckle together".

Shi Lingfeng glanced over unintentionally and saw Yi Tian's expression in his eyes. After a little hesitation, he picked up the concentric buckle and asked, "Senior Yi has seen this thing before?"

"No," Yi Tian replied flatly.

The excited expression on Shi Lingfeng's face changed several times, and after a while, the flushed face slowly returned to its original state, and then he put away his things and sat cross-legged in front of Yi Tian to practice exercises.

(End of this chapter)

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