
Chapter 648

Chapter 648
The situation in Daxue Mountain is the same as before, with snow all year round, even with a little sunshine, the thick snow cannot be melted away.It has been nearly a few years since the three of Yun Mengyao were attacked, and Yi Tian and Shi Lingfeng stayed in the newly opened cave in Daxue Mountain for a year.

During this period, Yi Tian first used white jade lotus root to help Shi Lingfeng reshape his right hand, and the result was much better than expected. In the initial stage of grafting and fusion, Shi Lingfeng was able to exert more than [-]% of his original strength.In the following days, Yi Tian carefully taught him from the side, and taught him the entire set of Qianlingyao swordsmanship verbatim.

During the period, he also explained to him his understanding of Yao Jianshu without reservation, and even demonstrated the trick of lowering the sword to turn into silk.I believe that this time Shi Lingfeng saw him displaying the three swords of Yaojian at a close distance, although he was condensed and silent, but the power in it is definitely beyond the imagination of a mere Golden Core cultivator.

After the rehearsal, Shi Lingfeng's face became extremely heavy, and Yi Tian didn't want to disturb his thoughts too much, after all, so much information still needs to be digested slowly by himself.

After Shi Lingfeng saw it, his eyes were full of surprise, but he gradually became confused as he deepened his understanding of the moves.When Yi Tian saw it, he stopped mentioning it and just let him think about it, while he closed his eyes and began to meditate slowly.

In this way, the tranquility was restored in the cave, but both Shi Lingfeng and Yi Tian sat quietly, one was lost in thought, and the other sat up quietly with eyes closed.

I don't know how long it took to hear Shi Lingfeng sighing slowly, Yi Tian woke up from the sedation, opened his eyes and asked lightly: "Have you finally figured it out?"

Shi Lingfeng stood up with a serious face and saluted Yi Tian slowly: "Thank you for your careful teaching, senior, Ling Feng has already understood the gap between himself and Yuanying monk, and from now on he will devote himself to Taoism , will never disappoint the cultivation of the predecessors."

After hearing this, Yi Tian only showed a slight smile on his face and said: "You and I will meet again only because of fate, but you still have to walk the road in the future, and there is nothing I can do about it."

"For the sake of my younger generation," Shi Lingfeng replied respectfully, "Ling Feng will remember all the painstaking efforts of seniors. From now on, it will be a kind of tempering for myself without the fetters of my mother when I go to Dongao Tiejianmen."

Yi Tian glanced at his teacher, Ling Feng, and saw that his face was calm but there was a hint of worry between his brows. After thinking about it in his heart, he took out a jade slip and wrote on it.

Half a moment later, Yi Tian handed over the jade slip and a jade pendant as a keepsake, but said in his mouth: "You take this handwriting and go to Dongao Tiejian Gate to find the suzerain Xuan Jianxin. He is my old friend. You hand the jade pendant to him. Give it to him, he will recommend you to meet Mo Wentian, the old man of Iron Sword, and then you can just hand over the jade slip to Mo Wentian. I have already written in the jade slip that I ask Brother Mo to teach you personally. I will give you a chance, and I will explain something to Shi Qianwei."

After hearing this, Shi Lingfeng stretched out his hands to slowly take the jade slip and jade pendant token, and his frown slowly eased after putting it into the storage ring.Yi Tian looked in his eyes and shook his head helplessly, the second generation of Xiu usually had too little experience, and this time he was driven to Dongao to let him leave Zhongzhou, a place of right and wrong.

Ever since he came to Zhongzhou, Yi Tian discovered that under the calm state of the cultivation world, there was actually a dark tide turbulent behind the scenes, and the major forces were intertwined and intertwined with interests, and it was difficult to guarantee that they would not form alliances behind the scenes.

And Qianlingzong, the number one sect in Zhongzhou, seems to be in full swing, but there are many people staring at it under the big tree.As a disciple of the Thousand Spirit Sect, he is naturally very beautiful in the eyes of outsiders, but in private, the risk factor is not generally low.

With these concerns, I took this opportunity to send Shi Lingfeng to Dongao, and then Shi Qianwei pursued it and found an excuse to perfunctory.

Sweeping master Ling Feng's right hand with his spiritual sense, he saw that the arm has almost merged with his own body, and the skin looks as tender as a newborn baby's.

After a little hesitation, Yi Tian said: "I left a secret technique on your right hand. As for how to use it properly, you have to fully integrate the whole arm."

Shi Lingfeng asked with joy on his face when he heard the words: "What kind of supernatural powers did you leave behind, Senior Yi? Can you let me know in advance, so that I have a bottom line in my heart."

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, Yi Tian took out another jade slip and handed it over: "This is the Yunxiao Sect's exercise. After you take it, you can study it day and night and don't slack off. After your arm returns to its original state, you can use it to practice Yunxiao Aojue. "

"I don't know how strong this Yunxiao sect is? This junior has never heard of this sect," Shi Lingfeng asked puzzled.

"The history of this Yunxiao Sect is even older than that of the Fire Sect. Its history can be pushed back to the Middle Ages or even the ancient times. It is one of the oldest surviving sects on the Tianlan Continent," Yi Tian continued: " Your Qianlingzong technique is sharp, but your strength is too strong, and if you cultivate to the deepest level, you will inevitably be in a state of hostility, which will be easily detected by your opponent."

"Then what's the disadvantage? Senior Yi, please tell me clearly," Shi Lingfeng said.

"It's not entirely a bad thing to be haunted by hostility. It can indeed enhance the power of your Qianlingyao swordsmanship when you are killing, but it will correspondingly increase the power of Thunder Tribulation by [-]% when you are crossing the catastrophe. Demon Tribulation," Yi Tian said slowly.

After hearing this, Shi Lingfeng's face was a little cloudy, and he lowered his head and pondered for a while before slowly asking: "I don't know if Senior Yi has a way to resolve it. According to the younger generation, I know that the senior brothers who are in the Jindan Great Perfection state in the sect They will not try to break the pill and become a baby at random, usually they will start to cross the catastrophe after the Nascent Soul Master Patriarch helps or finds some treasures of peace of mind, I think this is the reason."

"You're right. I discovered early in the morning that Qianlingzong's exercises are exclusive to killing, but they are not applicable to all disciples. I'll pass on another piece of 'Bodhi Meditation Jue' to you. As long as you need to practice from time to time, it will be very easy for you." Soon you will be able to dissolve all the hostility remaining in your body, and when you break through the pill and become a baby, you will no longer have to worry about the catastrophe of the demons." After speaking, Yi Tian opened his mouth and gently dismissed the insufficiency. The thousand-character 'Bodhi Meditation Jue' was read directly to Master Ling Feng, and the latter also understood and memorized this Jue slowly and calmly.

After about half a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian asked slowly after he finished reading the last word: "Have you remembered everything?"

As a Jindan cultivator, his knowledge of the sea is hundreds of times stronger than that of ordinary people, so it is natural to grasp a mere thousand words.After nodding his head, Shi Lingfeng replied: "Remember, this junior will practice more diligently in the future, and he will definitely not let down the kindness of the senior."

"Just remember, you practice hard, I don't have much time to accompany you, and I will personally escort you to Dong Ao's teleportation formation," Yi Tian closed his eyes again and fell into meditation.

(End of this chapter)

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