
Chapter 649 Farewell

Chapter 649 Farewell
Three months later, a white light flashed across the sky deep in the snow field, and what was wrapped in the white light was a small assault boat flying towards Pinggu City.After passing through Pinggu City after several twists and turns, he went all the way south into the hinterland of Zhongzhou, trying to avoid other monks along the way, even if it was inevitable, he kept his distance as much as possible.

After flying like this for seven days, he came to the sky over a deserted valley. At this time, Yi Tian in the cabin took out the map of Zhongzhou in his hand and looked at it.Later, he turned his head and signaled: "We have arrived at the teleportation point, let's go down."

Not long after, the two of them flew out of the cabin and headed towards the mountains and counties below. Yi Tian took out the token of the Holy Son of Ming Wangdao again, injected spiritual power into it, and slowly sacrificed it in his hands.

A purple halo shot out from it and directly shone on an inconspicuous stone wall in the valley below. After ten breaths, only a faint burst appeared on the stone wall.Yi Tian cast the spell with one hand and pointed upward, and a passage slowly appeared in the middle of the formation on the stone wall.

After three breaths, the two flew into the passage. After the figures of the two entered the passage, the formation at the door flashed, and the entrance twisted and disappeared on the stone wall. No one could be seen coming. look.

Walking all the way down from the passage, Yi Tian and Shi Lingfeng came to an empty stone room after a while, after sweeping with his spiritual sense, Yi Tian's face was overjoyed, the layout here was exactly the same as Dong Ao's. of.

Take out some spirit stones to fill the energy groove of the teleportation array, and then activate it with a light touch of Yi Tian's fingers.After the teleportation array and Dong Ao's teleportation point were connected, he turned around and said to his teacher Ling Feng: "Okay, you can start your journey as soon as possible. Don't worry about the things here in Zhongzhou. You must know that if you are destined, you will meet again."

After hearing this, Shi Lingfeng strode forward without hesitation, and then stood in the middle of the teleportation array.Before the teleportation was sent out, Shi Lingfeng showed a bit of reluctance on his face, and shouted: "Senior Yi taught me so carefully like a loving father, I will definitely change my face and abandon the cynical state in the past when I arrive in Dongao .”

"That's the best, so I can explain to your mother," Yi Tian said with a little joy on his face.

"From now on, Shi Lingfeng will no longer exist in this world. From now on, I will be called Yi Lingfeng." After speaking, the white light flashed, and the whole person escaped into the void.

When the teleportation array was back to normal again, only Yi Tian was left standing beside the platform. At this time, there was a wry smile on his face, and he secretly said in his heart: "It seems that this kid is not a fuel-efficient lamp. In the final section, some information can be deduced."

But when I think about it, I taught the skills and found a teacher. It would be unreasonable if I just met by chance or if Shi Ningjun said in the Jade Slips that I came to help.I don't know if this kid has a lot of ghosts, and the drop of the same heart button that time was also intentional.

Thinking of this, the corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched into a helpless wry smile, but he didn't expect to be calculated in the end. Fortunately, everyone has already gone to Dong'ao at this time, and the less fetters will prevent him from doing things in Zhongzhou.

Later, Yi Tian directly took out a jade bottle from the storage ring, gently peeled off the talisman at the mouth of the bottle, and stretched it in with his spiritual sense to check it out.At the bottom of the bottle, there was a colorful magic talisman on the body of Yuanying's spirit body, which was firmly restrained. Yuanying's eyes were closed tightly, and he fell into a coma.

After several years of shackles, most of the spiritual power in Yuanying's spirit body has been lost, and the nourishing Yuanying who has been separated from the flesh cannot exist alone in the world for a long time, but Yitian is not going to let him be reborn. Put it into reincarnation.

Holding the jade bottle in his left hand, he quickly made a seal with his right hand, and then pointed lightly at the spirit body of the Nascent Soul in the bottle. Suddenly, he saw the Nascent Soul move, and then slowly opened his eyes and floated out of the bottle.

At this time, seeing Yi Tian's appearance, the Nascent Soul Spirit Body suddenly begged for mercy: "Fellow Daoist, spare my life, Fellow Daoist, I would like to exchange my entire fortune for the chance to re-enter reincarnation."

Yi Tian frowned with a slightly unfriendly look on his face, and said with a cold snort: "Stop talking nonsense, I'll ask you to answer, if there is any concealment, don't blame me for being rude and search for the soul directly."

After hearing this, the Nascent Infant spirit body stopped talking and did not dare to make a sound, and then quietly waited for the next interrogation.

"What's your name, and what's your history?" Yi Tian asked bluntly.

"The young one is called Chi Zhirong. He was originally a casual cultivator. He joined the Zhengxing League many years ago and now works as an elder and deacon in the league."

Yi Tian's face remained unchanged and he thought in his heart: "Sure enough, they belong to the Zhengxing League, but it seems that they are not looking for trouble for themselves. The purpose of these two people is obviously to go to that Yun Mengyao. '

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Chi Zhirong's Nascent Soul Spirit Body in his hand and asked sharply, "Why did you attack Yun Mengyao and the other three by surprise? What's the name of the other monk who ran away? And is it the Jingxue Sect?" You are here."

When Chi Zhirong saw it, he exclaimed and said: "Friend Daoist, please be merciful. The Nascent Soul cultivator named Fei Qingjie who is with me is also a casual cultivator in the Zhengxing League. As for us, we all directly obey the orders of the leader. The second head of the family, Jing Xue, is completely a person of two paths."

Yi Tian was taken aback for a moment, recalling all kinds of news he found from various channels after arriving in Zhongzhou, among which the description of Zhengxingmeng was the most vague.In particular, there is even less news about those decision-making monks in the alliance. Jingxue, who appeared in the Snow Palace this time, has rarely appeared in front of people. .

Then he turned and said sharply: "Do you have any valuable information that can be exchanged for the opportunity to enter the reincarnation, tell them all quickly, and I will decide whether to let you go after I hear it."

After hearing this, Chi Zhirong showed doubts on his face, and said a little bit unwillingly: "If you don't agree with the information I gave, what should I say? It's better to be searched by you directly, anyway, even if I tell everything In the end, it is still hard to escape the ending of the soul flying away."

I didn't expect that the other party would be so stubborn, and at this time he would use the provocative method, Yi Tian didn't get angry, but slowly said: "I can promise the demon power of the heart, as long as you let me search for the soul with your mind, no matter what the result is, I will It will bring you back to reincarnation, what do you think of this deal?"

Chi Zhirong looked at him with embarrassment and then remained silent for a long time. Yi Tian didn't rush him, but just waited patiently.

After a quarter of an hour, Chi Zhirong sighed, his whole body seemed to have passed out, and finally came back to his senses and said: "Yes, but you must first make an oath and agree to send me to reincarnation afterwards."

Yi Tian frowned, and replied with a smile: "What's so difficult about this, a gentleman can't chase after a word," and immediately raised his right hand to swear by his demon.

After Chi Zhirong saw it, the nervous expression on his face finally relaxed, but he couldn't stop sighing.

After Yi Tian finished swearing, he opened his mouth again and said, "Do you have any questions, Fellow Daoist so late?"

(End of this chapter)

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