
Chapter 650 Secret

Chapter 650 Secret
Standing in mid-air, Yi Tian had a solemn expression on his face, but he was holding a jade bottle in his hand, but the jade bottle was empty at this moment.As early as a quarter of an hour ago, Chi Zhirong's Nascent Soul was directly thrown into the cycle of reincarnation and dissipated between heaven and earth.

But the news from his mouth surprised Yi Tian greatly. First of all, he and another Nascent Soul cultivator named Fei Qingjie joined forces to attack Yun Mengyao under the order of Zhengyuandao, the leader of Zhengxing League.Moreover, Zhengyuandao's original words required the two of them to catch a living, so that Yi Tian realized that there must be an ulterior secret in it.

The next suzerain who attacked Cihang Jingzhai was not just kidding, it would be bad if the matter made a big fuss and provoked Master Miaoyin to take too much action.

Coincidentally, Chi Zhirong and Fei Qingjie were casual cultivators on the surface, so even if they missed this matter, Yun Mengyao couldn't find any clues after returning to Cihang Jingzhai.

Second, Zhengyuandao, the leader of the Zhengxing League, has a wide range of friends in private, and he is constantly recruiting soldiers, and has gathered some famous casual practitioners under his command.This incident made Yi Tian particularly vigilant. According to what Chi Zhirong said, there are only three Nascent Soul cultivators in the Zhengxing League on the surface, but in fact there are as many as eight Nascent Soul cultivators attached to them.

But most of them are just idle in the alliance and can receive a lot of offerings every ten years, and the price is only when Zhengyuandao asks for it, and then they can receive a high value in return .

Of course, they can also refuse such requests, but it has no effect on their offerings every ten years.

Yi Tian opened Chi Zhirong's storage ring and checked it out. His net worth is three points more than the sum of all the assets of those medium-sized sects.I don't know how the Zhengxingmeng maintains this situation. Even if there are two or three large spiritual veins at this cost, it is not enough.

Yi Tian felt that the danger was that Chi Zhirong also mentioned that Zhengyuan Dao did not know where to inquire about the news, and would go out every hundred years to find the treasure house of heritage left by Li Huozong.Over the years, when they arrive, they will find three or four places, which is why Zhengxingmeng has developed so rapidly.

Of course, the biggest doubt in Yi Tian's mind is Lu Jinyuan. It stands to reason that he, the current suzerain of the Lihuo Sect in Zhongzhou, must not be able to bear the fact that he ruined his ancestor's treasure house.These properties could have been used to revive the Li Huo Sect, but now all of them went into Xiao Xiao's pocket.

Linking the Zhengxingmeng with the Lihuozong, Yi Tian discovered that there must be some unknown secrets in it. As for the excavation of the treasure house of the Lihuozong, Yi Tian was even more annoyed, so he decided to go around and find out what articles were there. .

According to what Chi Zhirong said, the Zhengxing League is now making friends with the well-known formation masters on the Zhongzhou mainland, it seems that there must be something strange in it.Speaking of formation, Yi Tian thought that he would not lose to anyone, even after he reached the Nascent Soul stage, he did not fail in this journey.

It's just that it's impossible to find out the real purpose of Zhengxingmeng without getting involved in it, and there is also the matter of Buddha sect. I don't easily think that Zhengyuandao will give up after this miss.Maybe he had chosen his target long ago, I'm afraid Banruo Temple and Cihang Jingzhai will be in trouble now.

It's useless to think too much, Yitian directly took out a communication talisman, briefly described the situation he had detected, then injected it with spiritual power and activated it. After a while, the jade talisman turned into a meteor-like light towards the direction of Banruo Temple flew away.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian took out the map of Zhongzhou again, searched carefully, and finally set his sights on Jundu City.Speaking of which, there are dozens of cultivation cities on the Zhongzhou Continent, but this place is famous for its formations.

Many well-known Nascent Soul cultivators would choose this place to sell their works or formation disks, so I am sure that there must be the eyes and ears of the Zhengxing League in Jundu City. If you want to get involved, you must first show your strength. OK.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian directly used the Thousand Faces Technique to transform his face into the appearance of a middle-aged man, and the evil spirit on his body was restrained, so that it would be difficult to be discovered even if he was face to face with Shi Qianwei, let alone It is even more difficult to tell if it is other unfamiliar monks.

My next plan is to wait for the people of Zhengxingmeng to take the bait as long as I show up in Jundu City for a while. After thinking about it, I turned around to confirm the location of Jundu City, and then used escapism to fly towards there quickly.

Three days later, at the entrance of Jundu City, Yi Tian walked in slowly with a mask and a black robe. The Jindan cultivator at the gate couldn't see Yi Tian's cultivation clearly, so he hurried up in fright. Come forward and ask respectfully: "Dare to ask, is this the first time you come to Jundu City, senior?"

Nodding slowly, he just said 'hmm', and later Yi Tian saw that Jindan cultivator explained: "Even if you want to enter the city, seniors, please follow the order in the city, but if you have any supplies to buy or sell, please find them together." Several big merchants in the city handle it. If you need to sell any spirit artifacts or arrays, please go to the auction house, and if you want to communicate privately, you can go to the 'Piaoyun Building' in the city, which is a place for high-ranking monks."

After listening so much, Yi Tian snorted coldly again, and then the Jindan cultivator didn't dare to stop him and had to let go. After a while, he took out a communication jade talisman and described Yi Tian's appearance in detail. After a while, he directly activated the jade talisman and sent it out.

After arriving in Jundu City, Yi Tian was also not familiar with the place, so he had to follow the guidance of the Golden Core cultivator before looking for shops one by one.Randomly spent ten pieces of Lingshi to buy a map of Jundu City, Yu Jiantian quickly scanned it with his spiritual sense, and found that although there are many trading markets here, those high-level materials and spirit weapons are returned back and forth. stores can be found.

After a brief pause, I found that the residences of all major sects are the best choice, and even Deqibaozhai is also with a semicolon.But this time Yi Tian didn't want to go through them again, the reason was very simple, he had already asked Qibaozhai about the materials he wanted to find to repair the Taiyuan Sword, and finally got an ending that he had never heard of.

And I don't want to involve Li Xinlan in this matter, I think these Nascent Soul cultivators have hands and eyes as long as they reveal a little bit of clues, they will be found out.

After walking for a long time, Yi Tian planned to find them from the residences of several major sects. Don't worry about Tiandaozong and Qianling sect. Even if they had materials like 'star crystal essence', they would not sell them.

Therefore, Yi Tian first chose to go straight to the resident branch of Zhengxingmeng. After walking a few streets, he followed the directions on the map and easily found the location of the branch of Zhengxingmeng.

The location of the shop happened to be next to its branch, and Yi Tian felt a trace of divine sense passing over him as soon as he walked into the shop.He simply put on a mask and a cloak to isolate the divine thoughts. After scanning the spiritual thoughts, he didn't find out what happened, so he took them back.

The strength of the divine sense just now has been distinguished in detail by himself, and Yi Tian can be sure that there must be an early Yuanying monk sitting in the shops of the Zhengxing League. Regarding this, he secretly said, "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, this matter is still a problem." You have to put a long line to catch big fish. '

(End of this chapter)

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