
Chapter 651 Decoy

Chapter 651 Decoy
After entering the shop of the Zhengxing League, a guy came forward to greet him, but this time it was different before Yi Tian only slightly suppressed his cultivation to the early stage of Yuanying, so the guy felt a strong spiritual pressure before he got close fluctuation.

No need to think too much about the guy rushing to the counter and whispering a few words to the Golden Core cultivator on duty, Shaoqing saw a middle-stage Golden Core cultivator who looked like a shopkeeper hurried forward and saluted Yi Tian respectfully He said: "Senior, it's really glorious to be able to come to my shop. The villain Jiang Jiren is very polite."

Wearing a mask, Yi Tian couldn't see his emotions or anger, but just said lightly: "I want to buy some precious materials."

Jiang Jiren smiled even brighter when he heard this, and replied in a flash: "Please follow me to the back room for a detailed discussion." After speaking, he turned around and retreated. The backyard of Zhengxingmeng.

After a while, Yi Tian followed Jiang Jiren to the VIP room in the backyard. After entering the room and sat down, Yi Tian took out a jade slip and put it on the table without any fuss, and then said lightly: "Purchase the materials recorded in this Make up the amount marked later, and let me know how many spirit stones you need."

As a businessman, Jiang Jiren likes such a big customer of Nascent Soul cultivator the most. Without him spending a lot of money, he can basically top up the sales volume of more than ten years in one visit.

After opening the jade slips on the table, Jiang Jiren hastily poked in with his divine sense to check, and later a little unnatural expression appeared on his face.Yi Tian saw that he had been thinking about it for a long time, and then took out a jade slip of the account book to search, then frowned and replied: "Most of the supplies that seniors need can be gathered in this store, even if they are not in quantity. Make up enough but you can still find [-]% to [-]% of the amount.”

"That's great, do you have any questions?" Yi Tian said impatiently.

The embarrassment on Jiang Jiren's face was fleeting when he heard this, and then he opened his mouth and asked: "May I ask if you can tell me the origin of the 'Star Crystal Essence' and 'Forged Dragon Bone'? Find what matches the message."

Yi Tian was delighted, these two things were added by himself on purpose, the original purpose was just to find out the whereabouts of the 'Star Crystal Essence', as for the 'Forged Dragon Bone', it was written on a temporary basis, in order to confuse the public .

Not to mention that he has never seen these seventh-level mid-level treasures, not to mention the 'star crystal essence', but the 'forged keel' is the backbone of the seventh-level metamorphosis dragon, which is absolutely priceless. Rare treasures of the city.

After taking a look at Jiang Jiren, Yi Tian sighed softly, and said earnestly: "Since this is the case, shopkeeper Jiang, you can gather the rest of the supplies first, and as for these two things, let's put them aside first. Such precious materials are also delicate. by fate."

After hearing this, Jiang Jiren gently put away the jade slips and said to Yi Tian, ​​"Later," before turning around and leaving the room.

The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched, and then he closed his eyes and rested his mind. Anyway, this time he was just here to explore the way. As for the sense of consciousness when he first entered the door, he felt a little uncomfortable, but even if the other party was rude, he didn't have an attack for a while, so he had to be silent wait up.

About an hour later, Yi Tian's spiritual sense realized that Jiang Jiren's figure appeared in the corridor outside the door.Shaoqing heard the door was opened with a sound of "Zhi acridine", and then Jiang Jiren walked in with three storage bags in his hand.

After slowly sitting down, Jiang Jiren laid out the three storage bags and material jade slips in a row on the table, and then said respectfully: "Senior, please see that the shop has gathered these materials temporarily, because the demand is quite large, so In terms of price, I have given you a [-]% discount according to the market price."

After Yi Tian nodded, he directly reached out and picked up the jade slip, put it on his forehead and passed it quickly with his spiritual thoughts, and then chuckled lightly in his mouth, then withdrew his hand and put all the three storage bags in his arms with his spiritual thoughts. Shi Tan went in and clicked the quantity.

After ten breaths, he slowly said: "That's right," and then took out a storage bag to put the total price of the spirit stones marked on the jade slip into a small amount of spirit stones, and then gently handed the spirit stones to the other party .

After Jiang Jiren put away the storage bag, he inspected it first, and then said with a bright smile on his face: "Senior, if you need any other materials and treasures, please take care of the business of the shop."

After hearing this, Yi Tian just nodded slightly, then slowly got up and pretended to leave, Jiang Jiren didn't dare to stop him and had to stand up and send him off respectfully.

Before Yi Tian walked out of the shop, he heard Jiang Jiren asking through voice transmission: "Is the senior a magician?"

Yi Tian immediately denied it and said coldly: "No, what are you doing asking so many things?"

After Yi Tian left, the shopkeeper Jiang Jiren ran to a small courtyard deep in the backyard of the shop, and after paying a big gift, he walked in and said respectfully to the room: "Elder Fei, that man is coming gone."

"Come in and talk," a voice came out after the door was slowly opened.

Jiang Jiren hurriedly stood up from the ground, trotted into the door and closed the door directly.Taking him into the room, he saw a monk dressed as a middle-aged scholar sitting cross-legged there. If Yi Tian was here, he would be able to recognize this person as Fei Qingjie who blocked Yun Mengyao back then.

It's just that they didn't fight against each other in a hasty meeting a few years ago. At that time, after Chi Zhirong's body was killed, Fei Qingjie ran away when he saw something was wrong.

At this time, Fei Qingjie was sitting in the room with an old godly look and asked, "Have you ever inquired about that person's details?"

"Reporting to Elder Fei, this person is a Nascent Soul Loose Cultivator, so I couldn't find out his details for a while," Jiang Jiren hurriedly replied.

After hearing this, Fei Qingjie showed a clear look on his face, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Show me the list he bought."

Jiang Jiren took out a jade slip and handed it up respectfully.After Fei Qingjie took it, he spread it out in the palm of his hand and swept it with his divine sense. After three breaths, his forehead was tightly wrinkled. It took him a long time to finish reading the contents of the jade slip, and then he fell into deep thought.

Jiang Jiren, who was standing on the side, knew that this was the way Elder Fei was always thinking, and he didn't get permission to leave, so he had to stand by and wait.

It was only after a quarter of an hour that Fei Qingjie sighed softly and said, "This person is probably an array mage. It's a pity that I didn't greet him in person and missed a great opportunity in vain."

Jiang Jiren said in surprise: "Why did Elder Fei say that? I checked the manifest and didn't find anything wrong."

With a disdainful smile on Fei Qingjie's face, he pointed to several treasures on the inventory and the quantity required later, and said: "These include sixth-level spirit beast blood, Wumo Jing, and Ye Yuzhi. It is used to refine spirit ink or inscription liquid."

"Then this person might also be a rune master?" Jiang Jiren replied puzzled.

"Rune masters don't need such a large amount. As far as I know, only those masters who can draw advanced formation plates will buy so many inscription materials at one time," Fei Qingjie shook his head.

But he had to think about what Jiang Jiren said, and after thinking about it for a long time, he ordered in a deep voice: "All the spies in the rudder are ordered to act. I guess this person will never just come to my Zhengxingmeng store to buy goods. The Eighty-Nine Society scattered and messed up the treasures they needed and bought them from different houses."

(End of this chapter)

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