
Chapter 652 Waiting

Chapter 652 Waiting
After leaving the shop of the Zhengxingmeng, Yi Tian turned a corner and went to several other big shops. As Fei Qingjie expected before, he dismantled all the needed materials and bought them one by one. Only three to four kinds of formation treasures were taken, and the quantity purchased at one time was relatively large, so it quickly attracted the attention of many merchants in Jundu City.

Fortunately, at this time, the cultivation base is still suppressed in the early stage of Yuanying, so these merchants dare not show it on their faces even if they have some small thoughts in their hearts. Provided in place.

It's a pity that Yi Tian didn't find the news about the 'star crystal essence' and 'forged keel' that he wanted after walking around. Over time, the shopkeepers of those merchants also ventilated in private to find out what these two precious materials are. thing.

When Yi Tian finally came out of Qianlingzong's business, his pockets were already full, and the coefficients of the fifth-level spiritual weapon that he had used as a practice hand before had already been used to match the spirit stone.

The unified caliber obtained from the shopkeepers of these shops is that there are only two ways to find rare treasures and materials in Jundu City.

However, both of these methods have restrictions, and at most they can only get the news of the packaging materials under the bounty task. As for how to obtain it, you have to rely on yourself.And the Nascent Soul-level trade fair is held regularly. If you want to participate, you can make a reservation first, but according to the time, it seems that there are still seven or eight years before the fair is held. If Yi Tianzhen wants to participate, he only needs to be patient. waited.

After thinking about it in his heart, Yi Tian immediately decided to release the reward task first, and this Nascent Soul Fair is also a must to participate in. If you want to mix into the Zhengxing League, this step is essential, but you have to throw some more bait. .

It is not easy to issue tasks in Jundu City, but fortunately, Yi Tian's cultivation base is there, and the attendants who received him make an exception and put Yi Tian's demands at the forefront.Of course, the remuneration is quite astonishing, as long as anyone who provides the exact information of 'Star Crystal Essence' or 'Forged Dragon Bone' can get a reward of one million spirit stones or a top-level five-level spiritual weapon.

For a while, all the monks, big and small, in the entire Jundu City, who saw the news of the reward, began to inquire about the news of these two treasures in private, but it didn't take long for everyone to say "a tasteless reward".

These two things were originally high-level materials, which belonged to the kind that can't be found, and they are definitely not something that low-level monks can get their hands on.

However, it only requires exact information, so there are still many Jindan cultivators who are obsessed with it. They don't need to do it themselves, as long as they provide exact information, there will be millions of spirit stones, so why not do it.

As the person who caused the incident, Yi Tian registered in Jundu City at this time and paid up the Lingshi to get the token for participating in the ten-year Nascent Soul Exchange Fair, and then rented a high-end apartment in the city. Dongfu.After entering, a sign saying "Do not disturb the idlers" was erected at the door, and it was forbidden to open it as if it was closed and waiting for the trade fair.

In fact, I am very clear in my heart. I am afraid that those old ghosts in the Nascent Soul stage have already seen my actions in Jundu City, but there is no reason to come to the door for a while, so this matter is only for the time being. We can wait a little longer.

Sitting cross-legged in the high-level cave, Yi Tian discovered that the spiritual power here was comparable to his own cave in Chuyingfeng. The concentration of aura that continuously leaks out is no worse than those of the blessed lands of the great sects.

After opening a restriction to completely cover himself, Yi Tian slowly took out the precious materials in the storage ring and sorted them into categories.Then he took out some demon dragon blood and put them together with Wu Mojing and Ye Yuzhi.Then he sorted out the star iron, Hailan gold and other minerals needed for refining the formation plate.

The purpose of coming to Jundu City this time is to reveal a little bit of my formation skills, so I still need to prepare for these preliminary tasks as early as possible.

After the treasure material was in place, Yi Tian stretched out his hands and quickly formed seals on his chest, and after hearing a few 'swish', the image of Asura's dharma body appeared immediately.The heads and hands on both sides took out the precious materials in front of them and began to prepare the inscription spirit ink and refine the rough embryos of the formation plate.

As for the head in the middle, he is silently chanting "Prajna Suffering Zen". In recent years, Yi Tian has found that his progress in cultivation has slowed down, but as long as he can practice together with Buddhist exercises to a certain level, it will be fine. Easily broke through the bottleneck in front of him.

Therefore, under the consideration of the two, Yi Tian also practiced the Prajna Kuchan as his secondary cultivation method at the current stage, together with the cultivation method passed down from the Lihuo Sect.

As for the refining of the rough embryos of the formation disks, I still keep my mind on it. The formation disks refined may not all be used by myself. I think I will have to take some out to show my hands when someone comes to the door in the near future.However, Yi Tian wrote a set of basic formation patterns in spiritual script on each formation disk, and then left his own unique marks and secret doors on these formation patterns.

After refining the core embryo of the formation disk, melt the star iron and float on it to refine a set of rough embryos. In the future, if you do not personally control the formation, you can instantly activate it through the reserved secret door The inner core takes control back.

Such an orderly practice of cultivation techniques and the sacrifice of the array went on at the same time, so that Yi Tian could spend three or four years in the cave.

Until one day the restriction outside the gate of the cave suddenly opened, and then a cyan light flashed, Yi Tian stretched out his left hand to lightly point at the cyan halo, and then slowly fell into his palm.After the halo dissipated, a jade communication talisman appeared, and Yi Tian's face showed a little joy after slowly passing by with his spiritual sense.

Unexpectedly, after only three or four years, there will be news. After Yi Tian woke up from the samadhi, he looked around, only to see that the newly prepared ten bottles of inscription liquid were listed on the left side in turn.

On the right side, there are several stacks of refined formation plates, of various types including trapped formations, maze formations and killing formations.

After putting away these things, he slowly got up and put the cloak on his body, and took out the newly refined Thousand Illusion Mask and put it on his face, instantly becoming a teacher, then opened the surrounding restrictions and walked towards the hole Go to the door.

Half a moment later, Yi Tian came out of the temporary cave and came to the street, restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations around him, and then walked straight to the meeting place according to the message left on the messenger jade talisman.

Not long after, he arrived at the shop of Tianli Sect. He lowered his head and thought about it for a while. From the information left on the communication jade talisman, he could see that the person who came to deliver the information this time should be a Nascent Soul cultivator, and the other party directly proposed to meet here. .

Yi Tian didn't really think that the other party was just providing information lightly. Most of the Nascent Soul monsters like this came out to find help when they encountered some troubles. It seems that this time is not as simple as a simple meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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