
Chapter 653 Total

Chapter 653 Total
Sitting in the room, Yi Tian looked at the Tianli Sect Nascent Soul cultivator in front of him, and was speechless for a while.Before receiving a message on the jade talisman, I saw a message mentioning the whereabouts of the calcined keel. Yi Tian immediately thought that although there is no 'star crystal essence', as long as there is a calcined keel, the sword embryo of the Taiyuan Sword can be re-sacrificed. some.

As for the future, if you can find materials to improve the grade, then you can refine and strengthen it again.

Originally, I didn't think about it too easily when I arrived at Tianlijiao, but when I was introduced to the VIP building in the backyard, I came in and saw a burly man with a height of eight feet, who looked like a monk in the early stage of Yuanying.

In the beginning, everyone also informed each other of their names and origins in a polite way, and now Yi Tiancai knew that the other party was a Nascent Soul cultivator who was sitting here in Tianli Sect.This person is called Mao BuTong, an intermediate refiner, and the news of forging the keel came from him.

But when he sat down, Mao Budong just said calmly and don't be impatient, and then he just sat on the seat and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Yi Tian also felt speechless for a while, but Ke Suizhu couldn't get angry for a while, so he had to sit in his seat and wait patiently.

After waiting for about half an hour, Yi Tian suddenly raised his eyebrows and sensed a wave of spiritual pressure that was rapidly approaching his position, and within ten breaths, he sensed that spiritual pressure had stopped outside the door .

At the same time, the door was opened with a sound of 'Zhi', and a 40-year-old monk walked in. After entering, this person nodded with Mao different from Tianli Sect, and his lips moved a few times.After three years of cleansing, the man turned his eyes to himself, looked up and down before asking: "I have met a fellow Taoist, Hua Renxiong, but I haven't asked for advice yet."

Seeing this, Yi Tian got up slowly and saluted, "My humble servant, Yi Tian, ​​is being polite. I have no family or sect, and I am also a casual cultivator."

After hearing that, Hua Renxiong nodded slightly and found a seat to sit down. At this time, Mao Budong, who was sitting in the main seat, said indifferently: "There is still a fellow Taoist who has not arrived yet, the two of you will wait for now." .”

A thought flashed through Yi Tian's mind, and suddenly he realized that there seemed to be a lot of people acting together this time. The determination to deal with the four Nascent Soul cultivators at the same time was not a simple matter, but he had a slight smile on his face. After a smile, he sat down slowly and waited for the next article.

A moment later, the fourth person was long overdue. As soon as he stepped through the door, Yi Tian recognized directly from the fluctuation of his spiritual pressure that he was Fei Qingjie, the elder and deacon of Zhengxingmeng who escaped after besieging Yunmengyao.

A few years ago, when passing by the Zhengxingmeng shop, the faintly hidden spiritual consciousness should belong to this gentleman. Yi Tian looked at it with joy in his heart, so he thought about what to do, so he just took this opportunity to get online with them to see if he could do it In this way, the news of Zhengyuandao, the leader of the Zhengxing League, was found.

After all three people were seated, Mao Budong, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly stood up and introduced each of them one by one, and then brought the topic down to business.Yi Tian sat on the side without commenting, but silently considered Mao Budong's proposal. It turned out that he found a spiritual beast lair in the western border, and after careful investigation, it was indeed the lair of a dry land Kuilong.

Many years ago, he saw with his own eyes that one of the high-ranking Kuilong was attacked by other monster races before he had time to transform into a form after surviving the calamity of form. He was seriously injured and died of exhaustion even though he repelled the powerful enemy.

After hearing this, Hua Renxiong didn't show any joy on his face, but asked instead: "Brother Mao, I don't know if there are any heirs left in that lair. You must know that the Kuilong clan in the dry land is not weak in reproduction. Usually an old dragon will With a little dragon or two by his side."

After hearing that, Mao Budong nodded and replied: "What Fellow Daoist Hua said is not bad, so this time I specially asked Elder Fei of Zhengxingmeng to investigate first. As for the situation there, I would like to ask Fellow Daoist Fei to introduce you."

After finishing speaking, Yi Tian and Hua Renxiong turned their heads and glanced at Fei Qingjie who was sitting on the side, only to see him say lightly: "I was entrusted by fellow Daoist Mao to investigate first and take out the dry land. In Kuilong's lair, I found that there are indeed two sixth-level Kuilongs inside, so this time I thought of joining forces with fellow Taoists to catch them all."

After hearing this, Yi Tian weighed it in his heart, and it seemed that the four-on-two situation did not suffer, and judging from his own manpower, it seemed that they were all good at killing.But the key is to let yourself minimize the chances of making moves, otherwise it would be unsightly to show your bottom after a few moves.

The atmosphere on the scene was a little dull, and suddenly a sound broke the silence, only to hear Yi Tian said: "It is not appropriate for us to use the method of strong attack, you must know that after Kuilong reaches the sixth level, even two-on-one can't be guaranteed. There is nothing wrong with it. If these monsters fight back desperately, I believe none of the fellow Taoists here will feel better."

As soon as Hua Renxiong and Fei Qingjie said this, there was a little understanding on the faces. Hunting and killing high-level monsters is certainly rewarding, but it is also expensive.Besides, no one really wants to fight for their lives with monsters. How can everyone be fools if they have cultivated to such an extent.

At this time, Mao BuCai said, "Xia BuCai still has some high-level spiritual weapons in his hand, so he is a little sure about rounding up Kuilong." DangXia reached out and took out a white weaving net and a few flying diamonds.

Fei Qingjie was shocked when he saw it and said: "Could it be the 'Celestial Silkworm Web' and 'Cutting Nail', Fellow Daoist Mao is willing to take out these treasures and use them, it seems that he has made a perfect plan, so we will be disappointed if we refuse again." Fellow Daoist, kindness."

Yi Tian squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the two spiritual weapons in Xia Maodongong's hands, and his eyes showed a bit of surprise. The 'core nail' is a sixth-level intermediate, and its shape seems to be specially used for sneak attacks. spirit weapon.In addition, the material used for the silkworm spider web is even more amazing. The entire web is made of silk spun out by adult silkworms.

Thinking back when I was refining puppet dolls, I only got a palm-sized silk cloth, and the spider web in front of me was gathered together, but it was only a ball, but once it was opened, it was at least two feet in radius. Yi Tian was not surprised.

After a while, Yi Tian coughed lightly. Since everyone has shown some real materials, he can no longer hide his clumsiness, so he said slowly: "If you want to catch a dragon, you must first limit its range of activities. Although the spirit weapon on it can defeat Kuilong head-on, what is more important is to limit its range of activities."

Hearing this, Fei Qingjie's eyes flashed brightly and said: "I wonder if Yi Daoyou can limit Kuilong's range of activities so that we can catch him in one go."

Stretching out his right hand, Yi Tian took out the two formation disks in his hand after a white light flashed, and said, "I've done some research on the way of fighting in the future. This thing is a refined formation disk. After laying out the formation disks As long as the monster dragon is introduced into it, the subordinates can control the formation to restrain it directly, and at that time, waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack in the formation will surely catch them."

(End of this chapter)

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