
Chapter 654 Finalized

Chapter 654 Finalized
In the VIP hall of the backyard of the Tianli Sect, the four of them were thinking about how to round up the dry land Kuilong. After Mao Budong took out the animal trap, Yi Tian did not hesitate to show his identity directly, and by the way, took out the beast trap. Two arrays.

Fei Qingjie, who was sitting on the side, glanced at it with his spiritual sense and then asked suspiciously: "I've never seen the shape of the formation plate in Yi Daoyou's hand, but I don't know how effective and powerful it is?"

Hua Renxiong and Mao Budong also looked over suspiciously, although there was some hope in their eyes, there was still some suspicion in them.

Yi Tian knew at the moment that he couldn't control the scene without showing his hands, and then he slowly got up and pushed open the door, glanced at the courtyard outside with his spiritual sense, and then took out a sleepy handicap, muttering something in his mouth, and then knotted his hands After printing, put a few formulas on it.

After the formation plate was activated a little later, he directly cast a spell to drive it into the courtyard outside, and within ten breaths, he saw that the original midsummer scene in the garden instantly changed to a severe winter scene.

Then Yi Tian turned his head and said lightly: "If you don't believe the method below, you can enter the formation and try it. I just set up a magic formation. If you can't get out of the formation by your own strength, you can directly crush the jade. Talisman," after speaking, he raised his left hand and three jade talismans appeared on the table in the middle.

The three of them looked at each other with strange expressions frequently in their eyes. Later, they saw Hua Renxiong reach out to take out a jade talisman, and then his figure flashed and disappeared into the enchanting formation.

After he fully stepped into the formation, Yi Tianbian began to control the formation disk with his hands sealed together, but he saw that the formation disk floating in mid-air shook from time to time, but every time Yi Tian just made a move, he could stabilize it again live.

As the shaking frequency of the formation disk became faster and faster, the frequency of Yi Tian's hand seal casting became more and more frequent. After half an hour, the whole formation disk was considered to be completely calm again.

At this time, Yi Tian showed a knowing smile on his face and shouted towards the plate: "Fellow Daoist Hua is still crushing the jade talisman and jumping out of the formation, don't you still want to spend the night in it?"

As soon as the words fell, a golden light flew out of it, and later it fell directly to the center of the VIP room, and Hua Renxiong's figure appeared after the halo cleared.But at this time, he looked at Yi Tian with an unnatural expression. After moving his lips a few times, he walked straight to his seat, and stopped talking after sitting down.

Seeing that he was deflated, Yi Tian didn't chase after him and beat him hard, but he turned his head and said to the other two: "I wonder if you two want to test the illusion of my mind?"

In this way, the suspicious expressions on the faces of the two people also subsided, and then I saw Fei Qingjie gently put away a jade talisman and asked: "I don't know if there are any restrictions on the location and location of the formation that you Daoyou laid down. If we directly set up formations at the entrance of the Kuilong cave in the dry land, I’m afraid we’ll startle the snakes in the morning.”

"Fei Daoyou is right, so I am going to set up an array three miles away from its lair. This distance is not too far, and it is just right to use the sixth-level ambergris mixed with the demon-attracting grass to seduce the two Kuilong." Yi Tian Convincingly, for this reason, he also added the ambergris that he had collected with great difficulty, thinking that these people who spent a lot of money this time will not embarrass themselves again.

When Mao Budong heard that there was a sixth-grade ambergris, his eyes lit up and he said: "It's unexpected that you have such a good thing, fellow daoist, how about asking fellow daoist Yi to take out the ambergris and let me have a look? "

At this point, Yi Tian didn't need to veto it any more. He flipped his right hand and took out an ambergris that was one inch thick and half a foot long from the storage ring, and handed it to Mao Budong.

After the latter took the hand, he scanned it with his spiritual sense a few times and praised it full of praise: "Sure enough, it is a high-quality ambergris. It looks like the raw material is at least made from the ambergris in the mouth of the sixth-level top-ranking dragons. Cooperating with Yin Yaocao, I'm not afraid that the two dry land Kuilong won't take the bait."

Yi Tian struck while the iron was hot and directly determined his role in the action: "In this way, I will be responsible for the formation and maintenance of the operation of the formation. Then I will ask the three of you to contribute more to the animal hunting."

After hearing this, the three of them showed some different expressions on their faces, and then moved their lips slightly in front of Yi Tian to transmit the sound in private.After a conversation that lasted for about half an hour, Hou Mao Budong said, "Well then, according to fellow Daoists, you don't need to take action this time around, you just need to be responsible for setting up and maintaining the formation. As for the encirclement and suppression of the two Leave everything about Tiao Kuilong to us."

"But I don't know how to distribute it after it is done?" Yi Tian asked again.

The distribution of the spoils was the most troublesome thing, and the person in charge would offend others if he did not do well, so Hua Renxiong and Fei Qingjie also turned their heads to look at Mao Budong after hearing the words, meaning to wait for him to speak.

After three breaths, Mao Budong thought for a while before replying: "We will divide the materials we need into four equal shares. If you have planned in advance what you need, you can tell them in person. I am making a proper distribution. If the two If every fellow daoist wants a certain precious material, we can make a price on the spot and convert it with spirit stones or other medicinal medicinal materials."

Now the three people present all nodded in agreement, and everyone had no objection to this.Afterwards, Mao Budong divided up the work of the siege. After the two Kuilong entered the formation, he was in charge of chasing and intercepting them, while Fei Qingjie and Hua Renxiong were in charge of dealing with the monsters.

Then Mao Budong directly handed over the two spiritual weapons to the two of them and informed them of the manipulation formula together. In this way, the two of them would have saved a lot of effort to deal with the monster dragon with an extra sixth-level basic spiritual tool.

After the discussion was settled, Mao Budong got up directly and said, "It's not too late. Let's go now. The dry land Kuilong's lair is still a little far away from Jundu City. It will take us five days to get there day and night."

Seeing this, Yi Tian just responded lightly and stood up. After the four of them left the courtyard together, they immediately used escape and flew towards the western border of Zhongzhou.Yi Tian looked behind Mao Budong's eyes up and down, and he felt that even if this person's weapon refining skills were not as strong as his own, it was not much worse.

After flying for a while, he asked quietly through a voice transmission: "Your Daoist Mao's crafting skills are more than that. I am quite attracted to your silkworm spider web. I don't know if you can give up your love. As for the price, just ask, I will definitely give it to you." A satisfactory answer."

Mao Budong, who was flying at the head, frowned slightly, and then carefully replied through voice transmission: "To be honest, fellow Daoist Yi, this celestial silkworm spider web is not easy to come by. It is only after raising celestial silkworms that we have collected silk for 200 years to gather the raw materials." , this is by no means something that can be refined overnight.”

After hearing this, Yi Tian showed a bit of displeasure on his face, but he couldn't attack it. He paused for a moment and then asked via voice transmission: "I am willing to buy the silkworm larvae from fellow daoists. As for the reward, besides the spirit stone, can I also add it A stand-in."

After hearing that, Mao Budong frowned and moved his mouth lightly, and then there was a reply, "Deal."

(End of this chapter)

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