
655 Dragon Hunting 1

Chapter 655: Hunting Dragon One
A group of people flew towards the western border of Zhongzhou for nearly five days before arriving at the edge of the territory controlled by the western demon king Jin Maohou.At this point, Mao Budong, who took the lead, slowed down his flight speed a little, then lowered his altitude and led everyone to continue flying towards the west from mid-air.

Yi Tian just curled his lips when he saw it in the back. Such a thing could have been expected a long time ago. It is almost impossible for those high-level monsters to step into the land of Zhongzhou, and some of them refuse to obey the orders of the Four Great Monster Kings. So the commander took up a hilltop and painted land in some remote areas to be the king.

This time, the two dry land kuilongs wanted to come and go in the same way, but they were unlucky. After the old dragon fell, they were targeted by human monks.

But if you want to hunt them down and get rid of the whole body, in addition to having a high-level spiritual stage, you need to deploy a large formation to assist, so Yi Tian is very confident about this. He only needs to find the Kuilong Cave and clean up the two Kuilong. You can go directly into the cave and get out the spine of the fallen old dragon.

Not long after, the four of them flew at low altitude among the mountains and ridges, and flew around the mountains for an hour before finally landing on a cliff.

Later, Mao Budong pointed to a dangerous peak fifty miles ahead and said, "That's the lair of Kuilong in the dry land. We can't get any closer, or they will be alarmed directly."

Yi Tian squinted his eyes and stared ahead, only to see a soaring black air condensing in the mid-air in the valley fifty miles away.Needless to say, this must be the demonic aura of the two Kuilongs. According to the trend, the cultivation of the two demonic dragons seems to be slightly stronger than what was mentioned before.

Then I saw Mao BuTong turned around and said: "Friend Yi Daoist, look around where is suitable for formation."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian cautiously rose into the air, then circled a small circle over the surrounding valleys, and finally settled his gaze on the valley ten miles away.Then he slowly lowered his finger and pointed at the lower position and said, "Let's choose it in that mountain depression. There is plenty of aura around it and it is suitable for formation."

The three of them looked forward in the direction of Yi Tian's finger, looked at the valley carefully, and then nodded their heads.Immediately, Yi Tian didn't say much, directly took out two sets of array disks and Luogeng locator from the storage ring, flew over the valley, and measured the azimuths of the sun, moon and stars.

Half a moment later, I followed the underground spiritual veins to find a converging node, then quickly made a seal with both hands on the chest, and lightly tapped on the formation disk, and saw a blue light directly pouring into the formation disk along the fingertips Up, and then stretched out his right hand and directly drove the array plate in his hand into a part of the mountain below.

After three breaths, the entire valley vibrated slightly, and the aura in the entire valley was instantly pulled by the array and rippled in the void.After the fluctuation of spiritual power subsided a little, the whole valley returned to calm as before.

But Mao Budong and the other three carefully stared at the place where the formation was set up, scanned back and forth with their spiritual sense, and then showed some understanding on their faces in unison.

Then I saw Yi Tian slowly fly to the bottom of the valley, ignite a bunch of ambergris mixed with demon-attracting grass, and then directly insert it on the mud in the center.After doing this, he slowly flew into the mid-air and said to the other three people: "I have already arranged the formation properly, and the demon-attracting grass has also been ignited. I believe that the two Kuilong will be dispatched in a short time. You should do it early." Prepare."

Mao BuTong nodded and replied, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist Yi, we'll start preparing now. Fellow Daoist Lao will control the formation in the air. After Kuilong enters the urn, seal the exit so we can do it." Distributed the spirit weapons in their hands to Hua Renxiong and Fei Qingjie in turn, and then they sneaked into the forest, while Mao Budong dived directly into the air with a silkworm spider web in hand.

After they were in their positions, Yi Tian slowly flew up into the sky, holding the array with his left hand and pinching the magic formula with his right hand, and he was ready.

Not long after that, a sound of dragon chant was heard in the valley where the Kuilong's lair was located, and then a gust of wind and sand rose up in the distant valley.Yi Tian hid behind the high-altitude clouds and used his clear eyes to look into the depths of the wind and sand. He saw a three-foot-long dry land Kuilong waving four claws and rushing towards the direction where Yin Yaoxiang was.

Speaking of this dry-land Kuilong, Yi Tian went through his mind to find its information. This Kuilong is actually a kind of sub-dragon, which belongs to the branch of the dragon clan.They don't like the water like the giant dragons in the sea, on the contrary they prefer to stay in the dry plains and mountains.

Therefore, the cut head of the general Kuilong is not as big as that of Hailong. The adult Kuilong is only two or three feet long. Except for the dragon's head, tail and four claws, the rest of the body is more like a unicorn.

Taking a closer look at Yi Tian in the air, he found that this Kuilong should be an adult, about the strength of a sixth-level intermediate, which cannot be underestimated.But it should be a sure thing for the four of them to deal with it without mental arithmetic and intentions.

It's just that I don't know where the other Kuilong is at this time. If it is not attracted by Yin Yaoxiang, the four of them will be in trouble afterwards.First of all, Yi Tian would never take the initiative to make a move if he didn't want to expose his strength, but it was unknown whether the three of them could be subdued.

After thinking about it for a while, the Kuilong was already close at hand, and after rushing through the mountains and forests, he came out of the valley.But after all, that Kuilong is also a high-level monster with enlightened intelligence. It opened its nose and sniffed the air a few times, and then looked around as if checking the surrounding environment.

After a while, finally confirming that there was nothing abnormal for the time being, Kui Long slowly walked towards the middle of the valley, and saw a bunch of cooking smoke rising from the valley after walking for a while.Suddenly, Kui Long's body trembled and he began to run faster towards the place where the smoke rose.

Not long after, he came to the area where the incense was inserted. At this time, Kui Long lowered his head and glanced at the incense on the ground, and then opened his mouth and yelled. At the same time, there was a dragon's chant in the depths of the lair fifty miles away, echoing it from a distance.

Immediately, the Kuilong turned around and quickly faded away towards the long distance. It seemed that it had sensed a slight crisis.At this moment, Yi Tian, ​​who was in the sky, had a serious look on his face, and he didn't expect to miss one after paying such a high price.If you don't do anything at this time and wait until Kuilong leaves the range of the big formation, it will be even more worth the loss.

Afterwards, without waiting for the three people to call their right hands, they directly connected the seal to activate the formation, and suddenly a white film halo appeared faintly within a radius of ten miles around the valley, directly isolating the inside from the outside world.

Before the Kuilong could react, three figures sprang out from the side of the mountain. Mao Budong and the others were also thrown into disarray by this sudden change, but they had no choice but to shoot their arrows, one at a time. Not good.

So the three of them couldn't wait to get out of the ambush point after the big formation was activated, and rushed out of the ambush point to get ready to go and greeted Kui Long directly.

(End of this chapter)

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