
656 Dragon Hunting 2

Chapter 656: Dragon Hunting II

Several flames flashed together in the valley, and then there were bursts of resounding sounds, and then violent spiritual pressure fluctuations spread in all directions.

After the light arc of the spiritual pressure spread to the edge of the formation, it was blocked by a layer of transparent halo without leaking out at all, and the howling sound of Kuilong was also completely drowned out afterwards.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the air, could see it clearly, but his hands kept forming seals to control the big formation. The surrounding environment in the trapped formation changed rapidly, and Na Kuilong felt a little dizzy all of a sudden. Under the cover of the formation, the three Nascent Soul cultivators used the cover of the formation to wait for an opportunity to attack.

Mao Budong was the first to strike. He was holding a celestial silkworm spider web and muttering something, and then the spider web stretched against the wind and turned into a size of six feet and covered Na Kuilong's head.After a dragon chant, I saw that Kuilong was entangled by a white spider web. At the same time, its limbs were also encircled by the net and could not struggle for a while. The fireball sprayed towards the surroundings desperately.

It's a pity that the three of Mao differently hid their aura very cleverly, and with the help of the cover of the large formation, Kuilong couldn't find the exact target of attack at all.

On the contrary, Yi Tian, ​​who was in the air, kept injecting spiritual power into the formation plate to maintain the effect of the formation. All of Kuilong's attacks hit the halo barrier of the formation, and suddenly it was in the light film. A dazzling spark flashed.

There are too many discrepancies between the hunt and the idea this time, and Yi Tian didn't spend a long time in fear of sudden changes, so he locked the positions of the three of them with his spiritual sense and sent them a voice transmission: "Several fellow Taoists, let's make a quick decision." , We are making too much noise here, I am afraid that another Kuilong will come from time to time, and we will be caught in a hard fight by then."

After hearing that, Mao Dongtong's relaxed expression immediately changed, and after three breaths, he sank into his dantian and yelled to inform the other two: "Yi Daoyou is right, let's do it quickly and don't delay any longer." He took out a five-inch-long jasper ruler, put it in his hand, held it up, and turned it into a green glow, hitting Na Kuilong's weak abdomen.

The other two didn't dare to delay any longer when they saw it, and they raised their piercing nails one after another and attacked Kuilong's back scales and tail.

The Kuilong, the killer of the three, fell into a disadvantage in an instant, and after the movement was restricted, its huge body was frequently hit hard like a living target.

Yi Tian only saw that the three of them were constantly switching attack positions, but the Kuilong was tired of defending.It's a pity that if you defend for a long time, you will lose, and the goals of the three are all to greet the weak defense of the scale armor on Kuilong's body.

It didn't take a moment to injure it, especially after the soft scales on the abdomen were cut open by the spirit weapon, blood swords splashed out and splashed the surrounding mud.

The Kuilong was also in danger under the siege, suddenly it struggled forcefully, then raised its head, and a dragon roar resounded through the entire valley from its mouth, and at the same time, the sound wave went directly to the Kuilong's lair through the defensive range of the trapping array. The direction passed.

Not long after, the same dragon chant sounded from the valley fifty miles away, but Yi Tian found that the voice was three points stronger than that of Kuilong below.After thinking silently in his heart, he immediately sent a voice transmission to the three of them: "Quick battle, quick decision, the information is wrong. The other Kuilong is probably already at the peak of the sixth level. If it is a shape-changing monster, I'm afraid we won't be able to escape unscathed." gone."

Mao BuTong was startled when he heard this, and then became even more anxious in his manipulation. As for Hua Renxiong and Fei Qingjie, they each took out their natal spiritual weapons and attacked the Kuilong.The three of them were also red-eyed, and if they were forced to retreat at this time, anyone would feel unwilling.

Although Yi Tian in the air was watching the movement below, most of his consciousness still extended to the Dragon's Nest fifty miles away to monitor the movement there all the time.But seeing the sound of dragon chant coming from the dragon nest, there was no sign of Kuilong coming out of the cave.

Such a thought flashed into his mind, it seemed that Kuilong was avoiding the catastrophe of transformation in the cave, only this kind of explanation fits the current situation.It's a pity that the three people below can't be distracted to distinguish carefully, so it's fine, and it's easier to take the opportunity to kill the four of them.

Sure enough, under Yi Tian's urging, the three of them didn't stop at all, and after bombarding them indiscriminately, they directly smashed the Kuilong to the ground. The divine light in Kui Long's eyes disappeared, replaced by a gloomy look.

When Mao Budong saw it, his face was overjoyed and he shouted at the two of them: "It's done, let's go first after packing up, this time there is a mistake in the information, let's save the other one for later."

The other two looked at each other and nodded in agreement, and then Mao Budong took out a large storage bracelet and put Kuilong's body on the ground directly into it.Then he yelled towards Yi Tian in the sky: "Friend Yi Daoist, we're done, let's retreat as soon as we start the big formation."

Hearing this, Yi Tian lightly punched a tactic towards the top of the array, and suddenly a three-foot-wide gap appeared on the edge of the array below.Seeing this, the three rushed out of it one after another, and Yi Tian also followed the three of them and quickly evacuated from the dry land Kuilong's territory.

Half a day later, the four of them disassembled the dry land Kuilong's body on the top of a barren mountain. Although Yi Tian didn't make a move, the array he set up really helped a lot, so the three of them were unharmed after hunting.

In the end, Mao Budong divided Kuilong's body into four parts and Yi Tian got some dragon skins and a large bottle of dragon blood, which could be used to make runes and prepare inscription liquid.As for the dragon head and four claws were taken away by Mao differently, as a craftsman, he must have taken these things as precious materials for refining spiritual weapons, Yi Tian just laughed and passed them by himself It is inconvenient to compete with him if the body of a more advanced monster dragon is available.

As for the most useful demon pill, it was given to Fei Qingjie, and he was happy to see it succeed, as it was most useful to him.As for the keel and tendons, Hua Renxiong owned them, but Mao Bubu agreed to refine two sixth-level spiritual weapons for him on the spot, and the leftovers would be considered as the reward for the refining.

As for the dragon meat, it was divided into four parts, and each person got one point.In the end, Yi Tian directly spent a lot of spiritual stones on the pretext of raising spiritual pets, and then put on two sets of arrays to replace them from Hua Renxiong and Fei Qingjie.After the transaction, the two left before leaving with a hasty farewell. As for Mao Budong, he stayed where he was and watched Yi Tian put away the Kuilong meat. Does what you said count?"

"What kind of thing is Taoist Mao referring to?" Yi Tian replied.

"The purchase of silkworm larvae," Mao Butong said.

I brought this up first, but I didn't expect that the other party would still remember it. Immediately, Yi Tian took out a magic talisman and a storage bracelet and handed them to the other party, saying: "Friend Mao, please take a look first. If there are not enough spirit stones, we can do it." Let's talk."

After Mao Budong took it, he just inspected it briefly, then put away the amulet, and then returned the storage bracelet and said, "Yi Daoyou is highly skilled in formations, do you have any experience in breaking formations?"

(End of this chapter)

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