
Chapter 657

Chapter 657
Yi Tian was not surprised that Mao Budong could stay, but when trading the silkworm larvae, the other party must have left a double talisman and returned the spirit stone. This behavior made Yi Tian absolutely not easy.It wasn't until he asked about his formation method again that Yi Tian realized in his heart that the other party definitely wanted something from him to show such favor.

At the moment, he just said indifferently: "Friend Daoist Mao, can we discuss other matters after trading the silkworm larvae first?"

Mao Budong showed a knowing smile and slowly took out a beast sac to take out about twenty silkworm larvae and put them in, then gently handed it over and said: "You Daoist Yi, as long as these larvae are carefully cultivated, I believe that after two or three hundred years It can produce enough silk for many days."

Yi Tian took the storage bag and checked it with his mind, and then his face showed a little joy. Before he could open his mouth, Mao Budong took out a jade slip and handed it over: "This is the method of raising silkworms. Insects are different from ordinary spiritual pets, and fellow Taoists need to take good care of them."

Picking up the jade slip and putting it on his forehead, Yi Tiancai found out that raising silkworms is not as easy as he imagined. It seems that this matter has to be put on hold for the time being, and he will wait until he returns to the sect. You can choose a blessed place in Dongfu with abundant aura as the place to raise it.

After putting away these things, Yi Tian asked: "I don't know what is the purpose of breaking the formation mentioned by fellow Daoist Mao before. You must know that breaking the formation and setting up the formation are not at the same level of difficulty along the way."

After hearing this, Mao BuTong showed a little disappointment on his face, and then asked: "I don't know if Daoyou Yi has any research on breaking the formation?"

"As a formation mage, you must be proficient in setting up formations and breaking formations. I dare not speak nonsense, but all existing formation coefficients on Tianlan Continent can be deciphered," Yi Tian replied.

"Then what if it's a formation from the Middle Ages?"

"This requires on-the-spot investigation. You must know that it is not that simple to decipher the formations in the Middle Ages, and sometimes it will involve some powerful killing formations, so you must check on the spot before making a decision," Yi said. The sky is not full of the meeting, anyway, leave some room for myself so that we can meet each other in the future.

After hearing this, Mao Budong showed some agreement on his face, and then took out a communication talisman and handed it over: "Fellow Daoist Yi, please keep this thing, if there is a need in the future, I will use this to contact fellow daoist. Don't say no."

I already knew that what he said was not so simple, but the Tianli Sect is trying to win over the formation masters. Looking at this posture, they seem to have found some relics left by the predecessors, but they were unable to get them out due to the prohibition of formations. .

Since Mao is not willing to make friends, it means that he is still valuable to be used. Yi Tian also kept an eye on this. It is not easy to directly mix into Zhengxingmeng, but if he becomes famous in Tianli Sect, it is a different story up.With the endorsement of Tianli Sect, I am afraid that my identity as a formation master can be confirmed.

After thinking about it, they put away the jade amulet of communication, and then the two of them avoided talking about it and turned the topic to the matter of the dragon hunting.In the end, Yi Tian and Mao Budong reached an agreement to exchange two sets of formation disks for his share of dragon meat. After the exchange, the two of them directly used the escape technique and flew in the direction of Jundu City.

A few days later, when he returned to Jundu City, Yi Tian directly rejected Mao Dongtong's invitation on the pretext of having something to do. Anyway, he left a communication method to contact and inform him.

After returning to the cave, Yi Tian directly chose a side room with abundant spiritual power, and according to the feeding method described in the jade slip, arranged the cave into an environment suitable for the celestial silkworms, and then took all the celestial silkworm larvae that were exchanged. I took it out and put it into it to raise it.

Then he went back to the main hall and sat down slowly, and then took out the spoils this time and counted them one by one.

During this trip, I just showed some skills of dot matrix technique, which made Tianlijiao think about it, but Yi Tian had another thought in his mind.Both Zhengxingmeng and Tianlijiao are so fancy that the formation mage has discovered some remarkable relics, but they will be blocked by the blocking formation for a while.

Judging from the close cooperation between the two elders, this possibility really exists, but I don't know where they have gone.

In addition, his own news is relatively closed, and none of the famous formation masters in Zhongzhou, except Tiandaozong's Du Ziheng, has ever known.Going on like this is really detrimental to your future actions.

However, this time Mao Budong saw his own methods when catching the dragon and manipulating the formation. After thinking about it, he is also a knowledgeable person. Maybe there will be news in a short time.

After putting away his thoughts, Yi Tian took out some treasure materials, and then began to refine the materials needed to break the formation.I have used formation-breaking awls and formation-breaking disks before, but unfortunately these are only effective for low-level and mid-level formations, and the effect on high-level formations is unknown.

On the contrary, it was the seven-needle technique of breaking the prohibition of gods that specifically looked for the weak points of the restriction, which made me try it repeatedly for so many years.

Those tools in the past were all made of level [-] materials, which may not be suitable for dealing with high-level formations. Thinking of this, Yi Tian took out a piece of Hai Lan Gold and a few pieces of Meteorite Iron and tried to refine a set of "Breaking the Forbidden God" pin' come.

In the past few years like this, Yi Tian has never stepped out of the cave door, and the ban on the door has been open all the time.It wasn't until many years later that aura suddenly flew out from the city lord's mansion at noon, and one of them flew straight to the area where the cave was leased, and then flew to the blessed land of the high-level cave.

Not long after, he flew outside Yi Tian's cave gate, and after a few circles, the cave barrier opened a little, and the aura quietly flashed in from the gap.At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the cave, woke up from the samadhi and slowly opened his eyes, and saw a palm-sized jade tablet floating in front of him.

After reaching down and reading the above message carefully, he smiled at the corner of his mouth and said to himself: "The time is almost right, but I don't know if there will be any news from Mao Budong from Lijiao that day."

Then he took out the communication jade talisman left by the other party and saw that there was no change in it. Immediately, Yi Tian frowned and said inwardly: "Could it be that the other party has found other formation masters to help, so I will be passive .”

It's useless to think too much. Yi Tian immediately got up and went to the room where the silkworms were raised to check. After a few years, these little things haven't changed much. It will take at least 30 to [-] years for them to cocoon.It will be more than ten years before they break out of the cocoon.It is roughly estimated that it will take at least three times for this batch of celestial silkworms to gather a considerable number of celestial worms.

After the divine sense passed by, a helpless wry smile appeared on Yi Tian's face, and then he closed the cave door, packed up his luggage, and walked out of the cave.The Nascent Soul Gathering in Jundu City this time, Yi Tian not only wanted to make a name for himself but also attracted the attention of the major forces, so the things that were traded and exchanged were mainly array disks and banned spirit weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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