
Chapter 658 Party 1

Chapter 658 Party One
The Nascent Soul Cultivator Gathering in Jundu City was held as scheduled, and Yi Tian hurried over after receiving the token.After arriving at the side hall of the City Lord's Mansion, Jindan disciples led them through a long corridor to a small room.

Glancing over the decorations in the room, Yi Tian only saw a small one-way teleportation array. Under the signal of the Jindan disciple, he put the jade token in his hand into the groove of the teleportation array, and instantly activated the array up.

Before Yi Tian stepped forward, he just heard the Jindan disciple gently hand over a mask and said: "Senior, please put on the mask, so that the other party can't find out your true face."

"Oh, does the Nascent Soul Party in Jundu City have to be so mysterious?" Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"No, it's just that there will be more or less disputes in every exchange meeting, so the Tianli Sect also made this arrangement in order to avoid unnecessary entanglements among the Nascent Soul cultivators."

After taking the mask, Yi Tian just swept it lightly with his divine sense and put it on his face. When he stepped into the teleportation formation, he was surrounded by several golden lights, and then the formation was activated. The force quickly put on the original face, and the whole person disappeared in the room in an instant.

After ten breaths, when the spiritual pressure fluctuations around him stabilized, Yi Tiancai settled down, opened his eyes, scanned around and found himself at the end of a corridor.Looking forward, some light came through at the other end of the corridor, and after walking slowly forward, he exited the passage.

There is an empty space connected to the outside of this passage, and several Nascent Soul cultivators have already arrived, and each of them found a seat there to start a private transaction before the fair started.

Most of the people present were wearing masks like himself, only a few people with strange figures showed their true colors.In this regard, we can only rely on observing the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure to guess the identity of the other party. Yi Tian restrained his spiritual pressure in time. It is better to be cautious in such a mysterious gathering.

After a while, monks arrived at the meeting place one after another. After more than 20 people gathered, they saw a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul walking slowly to the center and said, "It's really a blessing to me, fellow Taoists, to come here! I have lost face, the old man Xiahou Qiongcang greeted all my colleagues."

From time to time, some people around replied: "City Lord Xiahou is serious." So Yi Tian re-sized the old man in front of him. This person should be the city lord of Jundu City. His cultivation base is in the middle stage of Yuanying, but his bone age should not be young At least four or five hundred years older than himself.

Then I heard Xiahou Qiongcang continue saying: "The old man is not wasting everyone's time anymore, so let's come one by one, and take out what you want and the spiritual weapon pills that can be exchanged, and each person is limited to two. pieces, the exchange is not subject to this restriction.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a well-dressed monk slowly walked forward from the left side of the crowd, told what he needed to exchange, and took out the spiritual weapon pills he could provide.

Yi Tian listened intently to the exchange requests made by the previous people who went up, and only half of the monks who turned it down successfully exchanged for the things they wanted, and the rest were either missing or not eye-catching.

There was even a monk who needed to exchange some 'Guying Pill', Yi Tian paid attention to this matter after hearing this.

This kind of elixir is not common, and only those monks who have just broken the elixir into a baby will use it to stabilize the nascent baby.

Usually, most of the people who can use it are those who survived the thunder calamity when they were conceived, but they failed to resolve the sequelae that they failed to leave behind, so they need this kind of elixir.

When it was his turn, Yi Tian walked to the center without hesitation and said in a deep voice: "I intend to obtain 'Star Crystal Essence' and 'Forged Dragon Bone', any treasure can be exchanged for two sixth-level spiritual weapons Or a high-level spirit array disk."

After speaking, he took out a white bone sword and a pair of yellow dragon skin armor. This ancient sword was originally taken from the bones of Nakui dragon.Mao Budong just took away the spine, and Yi Tian remelted the remaining ribs into bone pulp and then reshaped them into a spirit sword. Although it was not refined from a whole piece, this ancient sword also incorporated enough In terms of material, the keel is no worse than similar spirit swords.

And as soon as it was taken out, the dragon power on the bone sword unreservedly radiated, and the dragon skin armor next to it instantly aroused the interest of everyone present.

It's just that the few people who came forward shook their heads and pushed aside after communicating with Yi Tian. After ten breaths, no one came forward to inquire about the price, because Yi Tian obviously did not accept the spirit stone discount, and could only use Treasures to exchange.

It's just that this 'forged keel' has been seen before, and the 'star crystal essence' has only appeared three times in Tianlan Continent as reported by Qibaozhai.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was not discouraged. Anyway, this matter will not be settled in a short while. Just as he was about to put away the spiritual weapon and retreat, a female cultivator rushed forward to speak with Yi Tian in private.

At the beginning, Yi Tian listened for a while, not knowing what the other party meant, and then obviously stopped his movements and began to look at the conditions proposed by the other party.

In fact, the request made by the other party was to exchange an ancient scroll secret technique in his hand for the bone sword and dragon skin armor in his hand.It sounds like he has suffered a disadvantage, but Yi Tian understands the effectiveness of these ancient scroll secret arts, as long as the content is really useful, he will definitely take advantage of it.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian moved his lips lightly a few times, and transmitted the sound transmission to the other party, wanting to see the contents of the jade slip.The other party also thought about it, took out a jade slip and copied down the general outline on the ancient scroll, and then handed the jade slip over to indicate that he could look it up.

After Yi Tian put the jade slip on his forehead and scanned it with his divine sense, his heart trembled. It was written on the method of cultivating spiritual grass, but what made him interested was the general outline of this ancient scroll. The various spiritual plants mentioned are planted in their own spiritual plant pots.

What's more, it also mentioned the preparation method and some magical effects of white jade lotus root and purple gold gourd.This made Yi Tian more certain that this ancient scroll must be a ganoderma cultivation classic preserved in the Middle Ages, and it would be a missed opportunity if he couldn't keep it in his bag.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian didn't want to be too conspicuous, and then he directly negotiated with the female cultivator through sound transmission.Generally speaking, my meaning is very clear and I can accept the other party's request, but since the treasures of my spiritual weapon are not easy to come by, I have to deal with subsidizing a large number of spiritual stones.

The two chatted for more than a quarter of an hour, and finally the female cultivator made a concession. In addition to the secret art of the ancient scrolls, it is necessary to subsidize several million spirit stones to meet Yi Tian's request.

It's just right for the monks around to see it like this.Then the two put the things in their hands into the storage bags and exchanged them for inspection. After confirming that they were correct, the transaction was considered to be completed.

(End of this chapter)

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