
Chapter 660

Chapter 660
Originally, Yi Tian wanted to directly try to break into the Zhengxingmeng to find out what happened. After all, Zhengyuandao made a fortune by finding several Lihuozong treasure house relics in recent years, which is not good news for himself.

Moreover, Yi Tian has doubts about this in his heart. It is reasonable to say that he is very lucky to find one or two, but it seems that Zhengxingmeng's behavior seems to have discovered a lot.This makes people wonder whether the Zhengxingmeng and the Lihuozong are secretly uniting. After all, only the original sect master of the Zhongzhou Lihuozong will have a large amount of information about the treasure house of relics.

Yi Tian also seemed to notice that some relics had been unearthed in the hands of Tianli Sect when he met with Namao before, but he was temporarily blocked by the ban and was not allowed to enter.

This time I received the call from the other party, and I think it is most likely because I was stuck visiting the ruins, so I thought of asking myself for help.In this way, Yitian is going to raise the price on the ground, and it is okay to collect all the things in the treasure house for a while, so you have to put forward a condition and choose first.

Originally, after the fair ended, Yi Tian could meet directly when he was free, but thinking about it, since the other party wanted something from him, he might as well put on airs, since he was more anxious than himself anyway.

At noon on the next day of the trade fair, Yi Tiancai slowly set off from Jundu City and flew towards the agreed ten-mile slope in the south of the city. Along the way, his spiritual consciousness opened up and scanned the hundred-mile radius in front of him several times.Later, his face changed a few times, and he sensed a faint wave of spiritual pressure in front of the ten mile slope in his consciousness, but it was definitely not Mao Bufei himself.

So he paused in the air for a while and thought about it from time to time. Although he used the Thousand Faces Technique to change his face to see people, it was hard to guarantee that there would be no monks who practiced the secret method and supernatural powers and could directly see through it.

Many thoughts suddenly flashed in his mind, showing hesitation, and he didn't know how to advance or retreat for a while.At this moment, the spiritual consciousness felt that there seemed to be a reaction on the communication jade talisman again, so he took it out and took a look, only to see that it said, "I have been waiting for you, please come quickly, fellow daoist, to discuss something." '

Curling his lips, Yi Tian made a decision in an instant, he should go and see what happened, no matter how bad his cultivation was, the opponent might have a chance even if he wanted to sneak attack.

After ten breaths, a blue light flew to the sky above Shilipo, and after a few circles, it slowly descended.After the figure appeared, Yi Tian shouted in a deep voice: "Your fellow Daoist Mao has arrived, why don't you come out and meet us quickly."

As soon as the words were finished, the spiritual power within a radius of one mile fluctuated violently, isolating this place from the outside world, and a white halo flashed across the entire ten-mile slope.

With such a formation, it seemed that he stepped into the formation that others had set up long ago, Yi Tian twitched his mouth and showed a little sneer on his face.The formation here seems to have been mobilized rapidly to trap oneself, but after careful observation, it is not difficult to find that the person who controls this large formation should be a half-assed person.

Moreover, the pattern pattern on the light film looks very familiar, and the smile on his face is even worse if he stares carefully at it. Isn't this the pattern plate he exchanged at the trade fair yesterday.

The communication talisman in his hand made a buzzing vibration again. He looked down and saw that it said 'Break out and let's talk in detail. 'Suddenly a figure flew by from a distance and stayed in mid-air, and when he looked up, he was sure that it was not Mao Bufei himself.

In this way, the identity of that person in the sky is about to be revealed. A thought flashed in my mind, thinking that Mao Budong and Xiahou Cangqiong are both Nascent Soul monks of Tianli Sect. This time Xiahou Cangqiong seems to be testing himself deliberately. There are below.

It's better to wait until you break out of the formation before you can continue talking. As for what you want to talk about, it is probably related to the way of the formation.

But the message in the hand-uploaded message talisman should indeed be sent by this person, it's useless to think too much, then Yi Tian took out a formation-breaking awl to slowly inject spiritual power into it, and then a radiance flashed on it.Then he stretched out his right hand and took out the sundial Luogeng pan to scan the weak nodes against the trapped array.

Not long after, he found three nodes through the Luogeng disk, so he could start to crack it. In fact, Yi Tian also wanted to see whether the array disk and the array breaking cone he refined were stronger or weaker.

After confirming the forbidden point, muttering something in his mouth, he lifted up the formation-breaking awl in his hand and thrust it into the void, with a sound of 'swish', the three-inch-sized formation-breaking awl flew out and hit there directly. layer of white light film.

Immediately, the entire restriction outside the formation became extremely unstable, and a large amount of spiritual power was drawn from the ground veins to strengthen the formation.Shaoqing saw that the broken formation awl disappeared without a trace after directly sinking into the halo.

The person in mid-air seemed to be stunned when he saw it, and then his face showed deep disappointment, and he couldn't help muttering: "Why is this person not good enough? Could it be that he really has to go to Tiandaozong to ask Du Ziheng to make a move."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a spot of light suddenly appear out of thin air at the place hit by the broken awl, and in less than ten breaths, the spot of light continued to expand into a gap of one foot.

Then he saw Yi Tian who was standing on the ground incarnated with a cyan aura coming out of it, and after he came out of the battle, the gap was slowly closed again until it disappeared without a trace, as if it was intact before.

After getting out of the big formation, Yi Tian didn't rush forward, but stopped in mid-air and stretched out his hand to write a message on the message talisman and send it out.After three breaths, I saw the man slowly flying towards the front, and after looking at him for a while, he said: "You Daoist Yi, is it in person? The old man Xiahou Tianqiong is very polite."

Yi Tian couldn't see any joy or anger on his face, but just replied lightly: "Fellow Daoist Xia Hou met in such a way, it seems that he has lost the face of heavenly teachings."

Xiahou Cangqiong is also an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, and his face is not usually thick.In the face of Yi Tian's cynicism, he didn't care at all, he just looked at it again and asked: "Yi Daoyou's formation skills really opened my eyes, no wonder Brother Budong recommends you to me."

"Then can I think that what happened just now is that Fellow Daoist Xiahou is testing the strength of the subordinate?" Yi Tian said with a little anger on his face.

"Fellow daoist, calm down, what is called hearing is believing, seeing is believing," Xiahou Cangqiong said without changing his expression, "I just want to see if fellow daoist has the strength to participate in the next rescue."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was taken aback, and asked with suspicion in his eyes: "Could it be that Fellow Daoist Mao is trapped and needs someone to help?"

Xiahou Cangqiong nodded and explained the reasons in detail, which made Yi Tian speechless for a while.It turns out that the Tianli Sect found a relic of the Lihuo Sect decades ago, and after making preparations a few years ago, they cooperated with the Zhengxingmeng to investigate.

It's just that Mao Bu and the others have been gone for several years without hearing from them. Only recently did Xiahou Cangqiong receive a message that they were trapped in the formation of the ruins and needed to be rescued.

Fortunately, before leaving, Mao BuTong left the Jade Talisman of Communication in case of emergencies, that's why Xiahou Cangqiong came to him.

(End of this chapter)

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