
Chapter 661 Rescue 1 Foreign Aid

Chapter 661
After listening to Xiahou Cangqiong's words in mid-air, Yi Tian already had some calculations in his heart, which was similar to what he had imagined, but what kind of ruins did they find and how they were trapped in it and could not get out.

From Xiahou Cangqiong's mouth, I learned that this time they were traveling with three people. As for the other two people, they could guess without thinking that they must be Fei Qingjie and Sanxiu Hua Renxiong of the Zhengxing League.

The thing that made me feel the most uncomfortable was that the three of them ate meat without thinking of myself, and now they have stabbed Lou Zi to find someone to wipe their ass.And Xiahou Cangqiong's intention is also very simple to rescue them and then search the ruins to see if there is any gain. As for the things found in the ruins in the future, they will roughly be divided equally.

Yi Tian sneered at this point, their Tianli Sect has a large number of people, and it is possible to overwhelm others or even fight if they disagree with each other.

But I am not afraid in my heart, anyway, sooner or later the things of the Lihuo Sect should be my own, as long as I make good use of the formation in the ruins, maybe there will be unexpected gains.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian didn't show any joy on his face, he just promised Xiahou Cangqiong to try to find and rescue Mao Buddy and the others.As for the remuneration, he directly charged a sky-high price, and he didn't want to continue exploring afterward. The implication was to leave after saving people, and I won't play with you anymore.

Even though Xiahou Cangqiong was an old man, the fat on his face trembled a few times after hearing the quotation, and he agreed directly after a little consideration.Moreover, at Yi Tian's request, he directly took out the storage bag and collected 300 million spirit stones and handed it over to Yi Tian as the first installment.

After collecting the money, you have to do things. Yi Tian counted the spirit stones in the storage bag and put them away directly, and then said lightly: "Okay, let's go."

Xiahou Cangqiong replied: "Fellow Daoist Yi, please be safe and don't be impatient, there is still a helper waiting for him on the road to set off together."

"Oh, it seems that Tianli Sect has also made sufficient preparations this time. I wonder who else has invited besides the formation master?" Yi Tian asked.

"He's a treasure hunter," Xiahou Cangqiong replied slowly: "This person specializes in treasure hunting. With his help this time, the follow-up work will definitely be easier."

After Xiahou Cangqiong finished speaking, he kept silent, but his eyes were looking towards the direction of Jundu City, waiting eagerly.After Yi Tian saw it, he couldn't ask any more questions, so he had to stop and accompany him and continue to wait.

After a while, I saw Youdao Dunguang flying directly towards the two people's positions, and I knew without asking that it must be the treasure hunter.

A moment later, Dao Dunguang flew close to him before stopping, and when the halo dissipated, a middle-aged man in his 30s saluted Xiahou Cangqiong and Yi Tian and said, "You two seniors have been waiting for a long time, junior The Squirrel is polite."

As soon as I heard the name, I knew it was a flower name. Xiahou Cangqiong on the side introduced: "This person's original name is Fei Tianqing, but he raised a treasure-hunting mouse and became famous for it, so he got the nickname 'Flying Mouse'. Fellow Daoists can just call him by his nickname."

Such Yi Tiantian glanced over the Flying Mouse's body up and down. This person's cultivation base looks like in the late stage of Golden Core.But the thing that interests him the most is the spirit beast pouch pinned to his waist. Needless to say, his treasure hunting mouse should be hidden there.

I have seen in some Tianlan Continent's strange beasts before that this treasure hunter is born with a sense of some natural treasures, relying on them can find high-level spiritual treasures that are usually neglected by monks.

It's just that the treasure hunting mouse has a characteristic that it can only recognize its owner once in a lifetime, so Xiahou Cangqiong came to Fei Tianqing to rely on his treasure hunting mouse to find the treasure in the ruins.

Looking back, Yi Tian glanced at Xiahou's old man, and his heart was also a little jiujiu. Since even the treasure hunters were called to help, it is estimated that there should be many good things in the relic cave.

Immediately Yi Tian asked: "I don't know what this treasure hunting mouse looks like, but I want to see it today."

After hearing that, the Flying Mouse's eyes showed a bit of complacency, and he patted his waist pocket casually, a gray aura burst out from it and stayed directly in his palm.

The two of them fixed their eyes and saw that it was a little gray mouse, about three inches long. After looking at the two Nascent Soul cultivators in a daze, they jumped into the arms of the flying mouse, and their whole bodies began to tremble slightly.

The Flying Mouse calmed down for a while, then opened its mouth as if talking to the Treasure Mouse, and said, "Please, the two seniors, restrain the spiritual pressure. This little thing is very sensitive to this. If it makes it feel a little bit uncomfortable, I'm afraid it won't happen afterwards." will work together.”

A smile on Xiahou Cangqiong's face immediately suppressed the spiritual power in his body, while Yi Tian glanced at the treasure hunting mouse and then restrained all the fluctuations in his spiritual power.

Then he actually saw the Flying Mouse's eyes flickering towards him, but he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

Later I heard Xiahou Cangqiong say: "Since everyone is here, let's go. There is still some distance to go to the ruins, and it will take about ten days to get there."

"I don't know how the current situation of Mao Taoist friends is?" Yi Tian asked. He once teamed up to catch the dragon, but he has a good feeling for Mao Budong. It would be a pity if this person really fell into the ruins.

After hearing the words, Xiahou Cangqiong thought for a while before replying: "It's been about two months since Junior Brother Mao and I sent the last message. I hope we can rescue them in time." The look of helplessness came.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't want to mention this matter any more, and then signaled Xiahou Cangqiong to lead the way and the three of them set up the escape light and flew towards the ruins.

Along the way, Yi Tian found that the Flying Mouse seemed to be avoiding himself intentionally or unintentionally, and it was inconvenient to speak out directly if he had any doubts in his heart.The escape speed of the Golden Core cultivator was not one or two points worse than that of the Nascent Soul cultivator, so Xiahou Cangqiong directly used the escape light to roll up the flying squirrel and followed him.

The two rays of light wrapped the three of them and flew towards the depths of Zhongzhou for more than ten days before landing on a cliff. Yi Tian looked around and found that the three of them were in a barren mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there seemed to be a few damaged roofs exposed. These damaged houses were covered with thorns, and the surrounding area was overgrown with weeds.Judging from the remaining traces of these buildings, it is at least a thousand years ago.

Xiahou Cangqiong glanced at it and said slowly: "This is a separate courtyard of the Li Huo Sect 3000 years ago. It was originally buried, but it was because of the earthquake that it gradually revealed some clues. This is where Master Mao's night market came into being. I found that there is a cave behind the mountain not far from here, but there are layers of forbidden protection outside."

(End of this chapter)

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