
Chapter 662 Rescue 2 Ruins

Chapter 662 Rescue II Ruins
The three of them walked along the path down the mountain and walked through the exposed house wreckage. Yi Tian roughly scanned it with his spiritual sense, and found that the building coefficient with a radius of about three miles had been shaken into the ground by someone using a supernatural power.

If it hadn't been for the earthquake many years ago, the wreckage would never see the light of day again.

A small road wading out of the woods was led west by Xiahou Cangqiong, and the three of them walked around the foot of the mountain for half an hour before arriving at a hidden cave entrance.At this time, the treasure hunting mouse jumped out of the flying mouse, looked at the entrance of the cave, and then made some creaking sounds.

After Xiahou Cangqiong saw it, his face beamed with joy and he hurriedly asked, "How is it? What did the treasure hunter find?"

Flying Mouse said with a smile: "My spiritual pet found that there seemed to be some rare treasures in this cave, but the induction was a little weak, as if it was blocked by something."

"That's right," Xiahou Cangqiong said: "It should be because of the formation outside the ruins, Junior Brother Mao and the three of them are trapped in the formation restriction, let's hurry up and save them."

After talking about Xiahou Cangqiong leading the way and poking into the cave, Yi Tian glanced at the treasure hunting mouse again, and then followed with a smile on his face.

The Flying Mouse was at the end, but at this time his face was a little cloudy and uncertain, and he wanted to say something but found it impossible to say it.

After following Xiahou Cangqiong along the way, he came to an empty stone room not long after, and a row of honeycomb-shaped passages greeted his eyes.Yi Tian carefully counted more than a dozen roads in front of him, but he didn't know which road to take was the one Mao Butong and the other three had walked.

Xiahou Cangqiong just swept it with his divine sense, and then flew towards the third passage in the upper row, but said in his mouth: "Follow me should be here."

Seeing this, Yi Tian had no choice but to follow behind him and perform evasion techniques to catch up. As for the Flying Mouse behind him, he showed a little hesitation on his face, while the Treasure Hunting Mouse in his arms squeaked and screamed a few times. A bit timid, but after a little hesitation, Flying Mouse gritted his teeth and followed directly.

From which passage to go in, along the way Xiahou Cangqiong held the night pearl in front of him, illuminating the area of ​​ten feet behind him, Yi Tian followed closely behind and flew for a while, suddenly found that the surrounding air was slightly dark green, exposed outside There was a faint tingling sensation when his skin touched it.

With a frown, he secretly managed to force the air around him five inches away, and then followed in a hurry.

Not long after, they came to an empty stone room, and saw that the scene was a mess, as if a fierce battle had taken place.Xiahou Cangqiong in front stretched out his finger and said in a deep voice: "I can feel the aura of my junior brother, it's a little weak, and it should be after the prohibition here."

Following the direction Xiahou Cangqiong pointed at, Yi Tian saw a white light door appearing behind the stone room, which should be the forbidden entrance.

Then he glanced around and said lightly: "Fellow Daoist Xiahou, please lead the way. I think we should pass through this gate of light and enter the forbidden magic circle. We must pay more attention, especially the flying squirrel, so don't lose it. Who knows what will be in that prohibition."

The Flying Mouse not far behind was trembling after hearing this, and then replied respectfully: "The junior is following behind the two seniors, please take care of it, thank you very much."

Yi Tian was in a trance for a while and felt that he had passed through the light gate and his feet could stand on the ground. After opening his eyes, he glanced around and found that he was already in a dense jungle.

Surrounded by the vegetation, some rare spiritual plants seemed to appear, and suddenly the flying squirrel at the side shouted in surprise: "It is a mature baby-feeding grass of the sixth level. This thing can be used as an auxiliary material for the baby-forming pill. , Wait two, I'll be back later."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Yi Tian's reaction and walked straight towards a purple-red grass. After a short while, he came to the nearby spiritual plant, and then stretched out his hand to break the halo around the spiritual plant. Grab that plant of Fuyingcao.

Suddenly, a spiritual light flashed behind him and directly swept him back, and the Flying Mouse shouted anxiously: "Senior, please keep your hands. This junior just wants to pick a spiritual plant."

Before he finished speaking, Yi Tian yelled sharply with a serious face: "You don't want to die, everything we see in the formation is like a dream, it may not be real." With a flick of the baby-supporting grass in front, a magic spell flew straight towards the spiritual grass, breaking through the surrounding spiritual light and hitting the spiritual plant.

In less than three breaths, the purple-red spiritual plant withered in an instant, and then a piranha vine with the thickness of a bowl sprang out from its root, and after a while, the three-foot surrounding area of ​​the Fuyingcao closed up Get up, and a bud of a piranha emerges.

This sudden change made Flying Squirrel dripping with cold sweat on his forehead. The baby-raising grass actually grew in the pistil of the man-eating flower, so if he went forward to pick the spiritual plant, it would be like sending a sheep into a tiger's mouth.

On the side, Xiahou Cangqiong also showed a little disgust on his face, and even looked at the Flying Mouse became unkind, and said in a deep voice: "You boy, don't make any more trouble, everything in this formation is not good. You can’t take it, if you touch the formation to restrict the old man, I will send you to feed the human flower as soon as possible.”

After speaking, he turned his head and gestured towards Yi Tian: "Friend Daoist, how do you think this matter will be resolved?"

Yi Tian reached out and took out a spirit sword and swiped at the flower bud of the piranha with a sword move. After three breaths, he chopped it into several pieces.Then he said slowly: "Fellow Daoist Xiahou looks extremely dangerous here, and the further you go, the more uncertain factors will become. I want to make three chapters in the future, and I will continue walking only if Fellow Daoist is willing to nod in agreement."

After hearing this, Xiahou Cangqiong couldn't help showing a bit of hesitation on his face. After three breaths, his expression changed and he nodded and replied: "Okay, please tell me, Fellow Daoist Yi, I will listen with all my ears."

"Firstly, the formation here is like the Great Five Elements Phantom Formation. We have only reached the range of the Wood Spirit Formation, so you can't touch the surrounding things at will without my permission," Yi Tian said.

"This matter is no problem, and the matter of breaking the formation is still to be followed by fellow daoists," Xiahou Cangqiong nodded in agreement.

"Secondly, since this is a phantom formation, the place we may pass by next will arouse our inner fear or greed. You two must be prepared for this, it is no less difficult than the heart demon tribulation ,” Yi Tian continued.

"This old man has already expected this matter, and this time he brought some spiritual weapons to deal with the confusing formation," said Xiahou Cangqiong, who took out three white jade tablets from the storage ring, and handed two of them to Yi Tianhe The Flying Mouse said: "This is 'Ning Xinpei' which can help people keep their minds steady, and has a certain effect on breaking illusions."

As soon as the Flying Mouse reached out to catch it and put it on his neck, Yi Tian just glanced at it, then raised his finger and sent the jade card back to Xiahou Cangqiong's hand, but said in his mouth: "I have my own way to keep it safe." Mind, this thing is unnecessary.”

(End of this chapter)

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