
Chapter 663 Rescue 3

Chapter 663
In the Great Five Elements Illusionary Formation, Yi Tian made two requests, but Xiahou Cangqiong agreed without hesitation.After looking at the other party taking back the piece of Ning Xin Pei, Yi Tian said again: "The third time breaking the formation is estimated to be expensive. The price you offered before, Fellow Daoist Xiahou, seems to be far from enough, at least double it." OK."

This time, the fat on Xiahou Cangqiong's face trembled a few times after hearing this, and his complexion instantly became unattractive. For a while, his eyes kept sweeping over Yi Tian, ​​and after a while, he slowly replied: "Yi Dao It’s not the behavior of a gentleman to sit on the ground and raise prices like this.”

"That's because Fellow Daoist Xiahou thought things too simply. You must know that the grand formation here should be set up by the ancestors of the Lihuo Sect. It is unpredictable and it is not easy to break the formation to save people. And since I beat myself After entering the battle, I obviously feel that this place is not easy, and it will cost a lot of money to get out of the body." Yi Tian didn't take Xiahou Cangqiong's words to heart at all, instead he kept emphasizing the situation here again and again. .

So the old man Xiahou took out a storage bag after some consideration and allocated a batch of spirit stones, filled it up and threw it directly to Yi Tiandao: "Fellow Daoist, look at the number of spirit stones in here, the old rule is to pay [-]% first For the time being, the rest will go out and make knots. But if you fail to break the formation and leave junior fellow Daoist, then you have to think carefully about it."

Yi Tian took the storage bag, scanned it with his spiritual sense, counted the number, and then replied lightly: "Since Fellow Daoist Xiahou is so straightforward, then I will be responsible for opening the way ahead. You two can follow me for ten minutes." After a distance of ten feet, it’s good.”

Xiahou Cangqiong felt angry and just snorted coldly in his nose and replied unhurriedly: "That's fine."

As for the flying squirrel, it didn't speak much, and after nodding, it followed behind Xiahou Cangqiong.

After hearing this, Yi Tian took out the Luo Geng pan and put it on his left palm, and then slowly opened the way with a spirit sword in his hand.When the three of them were not long, the path under their feet disappeared, and there was a lush forest in front of them, with weeds and intertwined vines all over the ground.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian took out a few nanmu seeds, put them in his hands and slowly sacrificed them. After these seeds germinated and extended vine veins more than three feet long, he tapped the soil on the ground with his right index finger.

In an instant, a half-foot-deep pit burst out at the spot that had been touched. He took one of the sacrificial spiritual plants from his hand and buried it directly in the pit, and poured the entire bottle of spiritual plant culture solution into it.

After finishing all these, Yi Tian stopped his figure and made seals with one hand, and then made several spells on the nanmuzi seedling. For a while, a large piece of soil suddenly rose up from the ground, and some new ones appeared later. The branches and vines broke out from the mud and covered the interlaced vines on the ground.

After a while, Yi Tian showed some joy on his face and said, "It's done, let's move on."

"Fellow Daoist, is this?" Xiahou Cangqiong asked in confusion.

Yi Tian slowly replied: "I'm casting a spell skillfully to wrap the wood around the wood. Originally, the vines on the ground might touch some kind of formation, but I laid another layer on it to make the original possible touch possible. The hidden dangers of stimulating the formation are temporarily covered up. So let us pass here quickly."

Said that the whole person set up the escape technique and floated at a height of three feet above the ground, and quickly swept forward. Xiahou Cangqiong and Flying Squirrel also kept a distance and followed behind.

After flying for a few miles, Yi Tian saw what seemed to be a huge banyan tree in the distance, and there was a ten-foot-high tree hole under the tree. Immediately, he glanced at the Qingling Famu and shouted: "Find the wood spirit!" The exit of the formation is over, everyone be careful not to know if there are any traps near this exit."

Xiahou Cangqiong and Fei Tianshu both nodded after hearing this, and then took out the spiritual weapon and held it in their palms, always paying attention to the changes in front of them.

When flying within a hundred feet of the banyan tree, suddenly the area around the bushy ground began to change a bit, and then clusters of vines gathered rapidly and sprang out from the ground and entangled the three of them.

With a sneer on Yi Tian's face, he held up the spirit sword in his hand and crushed the vines that were thrown towards him one by one, and the two people behind him also shot to protect their bodies.They were about to reach the entrance of the banyan tree, suddenly three five-foot-sized giant flower buds stood up on the ground in front of them, blocking the way forward for the three of them.

"Bang bang bang" After a few sounds, the buds opened and became about two feet in size, and the stamens in the center were sawtoothed and inverted.

"I'll deal with the one on the left, and the rest will belong to you," Yi Tian turned his head and shouted towards Xiahou Cangqiong.

After hearing this, the latter hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and nodded his head. At this point, there was nothing he could do. Whoever called Xiahou Cangqiong was the strongest on the bright side, he couldn't justify it if he didn't make a move.

After Yi Tian flashed to the left, he raised the spirit sword in his hand and aimed at the pistil of the piranha and slashed down fiercely.A flash of sword light flew away, and the buds were suddenly gathered together, protecting the pistils layer by layer.

The sharp sword light only made two marks several feet wide and one foot deep on the petals of the buds. After the piranha opened the buds again, streaks of dark green juice were suddenly ejected from the stamens.

Yi Tian flicked left and right, and found in his divine sense that the green juice was extremely poisonous, and everything sticking to the ground would corrode the vines into big holes.

Reaching out his hand to take out a few flower seeds of the ghost face flower, Yi Tian cast a spell again and sacrificed them with spiritual energy, and then flicked towards the wound of the petal of the cannibal flower one after another.

After the seeds sank into the petals, they seemed to take root, and after ten breaths, some branches grew from the broken parts of the wounds.The ghost-faced flower seeds continuously absorb the spiritual power in the piranha's body, and are entangled with it like tarsal maggots.

On the side, Yi Tian made a seal again on the ghost-faced flower and hit the ghost-faced flower again and again. After three breaths, the ghost-faced flower grew crazily and continuously accelerated to absorb the nutrients from the parasitic host.

Not long after, the three one-foot-sized flower buds that grew from the end of the branch of the ghost face flower turned back and gnawed the petals on the host flower buds.

Xiahou Cangqiong on the other side did not have Yi Tian's method, and had no choice but to break the formation with force.He took out a flying shuttle from his hand, raised it, and then hit the roots of the two piranha flower buds.

After the same several rounds of attacks, dark green venom began to spray out from the flower buds, one of which even brushed against the shuttle and splashed some onto the spirit weapon, and the aura on the shuttle immediately dimmed for three At the end of the day, seeing Xiahou Cangqiong also made my heart ache.

Not long after seeing Yi Tian dealt with the plant on the left, Xiahou Cangqiong rushed over to help.After a little relief, Yi Tian didn't hesitate and directly manipulated the ghost face flower to wrap around a piranha again.

After about an hour, the two of them took a look to solve the obstacles in front of them, and then under the leadership of Yi Tian, ​​they got into the cave of the banyan tree.

Unexpectedly, there was another light door inside, and when entering, Yi Tian glanced at the light door from the corner of his eyes, and white and blue halos flashed one after another.After a burst of dizziness, he didn't know where he was teleported.

(End of this chapter)

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