
Chapter 664 Rescue 4 Tianchi

Chapter 664 Rescue Four Heavens Pool
After the halo flashed, Yi Tian stabilized his mind and looked around for a while. At this time, the three of them passed through the light gate and came to the foot of a barren mountain. Ready-made Lingshi.

There are scattered and broken spirit stones all over the mountain, and it is roughly estimated that there are at least hundreds of millions of them.Yi Tian walked a few steps and found that what he was stepping on were also fragments of spirit stones.However, with the previous experience and lessons, the three of them dare not take these spirit stones casually.

Yi Tian calmed down and listened carefully and found that there was still the sound of water flowing not far away. After greeting the two of them, he hurried over to check the situation.After turning a few turns, he turned around and came to the side of the barren mountain. At this time, Yi Tian showed some inconceivable expressions on his face, and pointed to the waterfall in front of him.

Xiahou Cangqiong and Flying Mouse also looked at it with their spiritual thoughts, and after three breaths, their faces were also very wonderful.The spring water in that waterfall is actually mixed with a very high content of spiritual power. If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that there are a lot of spiritual stones mixed in the water and slowly flowing down from the top of the cliff.

Later, the three of them walked slowly along the path up the mountain. During this period, the flying mouse tried to collect the fragments of the spirit stone on the hillside more than once, but it was useless under Xiahou Cangqiong's spiritual consciousness.He even heard Xiahou Cangqiong's sound transmission warning when he just moved a little bit.

After walking for a while, Yi Tian stopped halfway up the mountain, then pointed to the spirit stones on the hillside and said, "Some of these things come from illusion," and then he stretched out his hand and popped out a few spells to hit the hillside. After the mud was stirred up, a series of black mud popped up, and the spirit stones that were originally on it disappeared in an instant.

Flying Mouse shuddered when he saw it, and then asked, "Then are all the things we see here illusioned?"

"I can't tell whether it's true or not." Yi Tian thought for a while before replying: "Just a little judgment can tell the truth. Don't be fooled by the interests in front of you. I don't think it's easy here, but There must be something unexpected."

Xiahou Cangqiong also nodded and agreed: "I agree with Daoyou Yi, this place is very weird, and it's all created by formations, so don't be careless."

Then the three of them continued to move towards the top of the mountain regardless of the surrounding situation. As they walked, Yi Tian felt his body getting heavier and heavier. He smiled at the corner of his mouth and thought to himself: "Sure enough, there is a way, but these gravity blessings are also old-fashioned tricks." '

Afterwards, the spiritual power in his body slowly lifted his footsteps, but he continued to walk towards the top of the mountain without stopping at all.The two people who followed also noticed the abnormality, and everyone tacitly practiced their kung fu silently and began to resist the effect of the gravity array.

After walking for three or four miles, Yi Tian obviously found that Xiahou Cangqiong, who was following behind him, had obviously slowed down a lot, while the flying squirrel could still maintain its original state.After thinking about it, he turned around and said to the two of them: "This barren mountain should be a giant gravity array. The higher you go, the greater the resistance, and you can also distinguish your cultivation. In my opinion, Fellow Daoist Xiahou, why don't we rest for a while. "

Xiahou Cangqiong, who was walking behind, changed his expression slightly, but later shook his head and said, "It's okay, fellow Daoist Yi, let's continue walking, the right way is to fight for an early battle."

Finding that the other party didn't appreciate it, Yi Tian twitched his lips and replied, and then continued to lead the way forward. Anyway, these gravitational forces can be offset by a little luck for him.As for what Xiahou Cangqiong was thinking, that was beyond his knowledge, the most important thing now was to lead them to the top of the mountain to see how to fight.

The three of them continued to walk for four or five hours before they finally climbed to the top of the mountain. After stepping on the top of the mountain, the pressure of gravity all over their bodies disappeared immediately.

Yi Tian conservatively estimated that these gravitational forces were also increased based on his cultivation, and he and Xiahou Cangqiong should have endured nearly a hundred times the gravitational force.As for the Flying Squirrel in the Golden Core Stage, it is at most twenty or thirty times the size, so now the two seem to be in a better condition than the Flying Squirrel.

Xiahou Cangqiong took out a few elixirs and put them in his mouth, chewed them lightly for a few times, and then swallowed them, his complexion improved slightly after a while.

In order not to make the other party suspicious, Yi Tian imitated the example and took out some middle-grade spirit stones and put them in his palm to quickly absorb and replenish the spirit power.After a moment, he turned back and called the two of them to continue exploring.

The top of the mountain is much larger than I imagined, and it has a radius of more than ten miles, and there is a pool of lake water in the depression.From a distance, it looks like a Tianchi Lake, and the waterfall flows out slowly from the gap not far from the bank of Tianchi Lake.

Yi Tian swept the pool of water with his spiritual sense and found that his divine sense could not reach the depth of about ten feet.Later, he turned his head and said to the two of them: "This pool of water is weird, maybe the key for us to break the formation is at the bottom of this pool of water, so we didn't know it."

After hearing this, Xiahou Cangqiong also had an unusually dignified expression on his face. He tried to extend his spiritual consciousness to explore, but he shook his head and said, "This pool of water can block the exploration of spiritual consciousness. I don't know if there will be anything under here."

The flying squirrel on the side picked up a big rock by the lake and threw it far into the lake, splashing a wave three or four feet high.After ten breaths, the water surface of the pool trembled slightly that day, and Yi Tian's sharp eyes suddenly felt a little doubtful when he saw it, and after a while, he clearly felt something in the lake swimming towards the position of the three of them. Come.

There was a loud cry: "Get out of the way," and then the figure moved and the whole person flew a hundred feet away in a teleport.Xiahou Cangqiong is also an old Jianghu. When he heard something bad, he hurriedly dodged and grabbed the flying mouse, and the two hurriedly flew away from their original positions.

A blue ray of light flew out of Tianchi and hit the position where the three of them were standing just now. After Yi Tian came back to his senses, he found that the blue halo turned into several ice picks nailing the place where he had been before. place.

And suddenly a three-foot-large shadow appeared in the lake water, but the shadow didn't surface the water, it only continued to attack the people on the shore in the water.

Yi Tian's forehead wrinkled slightly after probing with his spiritual sense, it turned out to be a fish monster in the water, but it was different from the ones he had seen before, the strange fish actually had two thick arms, and the fingers were holding There are bone forks and knives.

Xiahou Cangqiong also found the other party at this time, and after probing, he shouted loudly: "Where is the fish monster, quickly die," then sacrificed his spiritual weapon and attacked the head of the fish monster in the water.

At this time, Yi Tian didn't show weakness and directly greeted him with the spirit sword in his hand, and cooperated with Xiahou Cangqiong to pinch the fish head monster back and forth.

After the fish monster in the Tianchi water leaped high, it threw out the spiritual weapons in its hands one after another, and there were a few 'bang bang' sounds, and the two flames radiated in the air. Looking from a distance, it seemed like two fireworks appeared in the sky.

When the fish-head monster jumped out of the water, Yi Tian glanced over and found that the opponent turned out to be an adult tiger shark, more than two feet long, and the fins on both sides had evolved into arms as thick as the mouth of a bowl.

The big mouth opened to reveal a row of sharp steel teeth, and the most terrible thing was that he spit out blue water arrows from his mouth, which instantly condensed into ice cones when they hit the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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