
Chapter 665 Rescue 5 Fish Monster

Chapter 665 Rescue the Five Fish Monsters

After encountering the fish-head monster in Tianchi, Yi Tian and Xiahou Cangqiong fell into a hard fight.

This shark monster looks ordinary, but it has grown two humanoid arms. In terms of strength, it is similar to that of Xiahou Cangqiong, but with the advantage of Tianchi's location, it can hold the opponent's head steadily.

It was also inconvenient for Yi Tian to show his true strength, so he just raised his spirit sword and attacked the shark monster.But the whole person's attention was still fixed on the Tianchi water, and suddenly he found that the divine sense could only probe to a depth of ten feet, but after the shark monster skimmed out of the water, Yi Tian discovered that the divine sense could continue to extend.

After a fight, Yi Tian quickly searched the entire Tianchi with his spiritual sense, but his brows became more and more wrinkled.This Tianchi is only twenty or thirty feet deep, and the bottom is a sunken basin.

But in the very center of Tianchi Lake, there is actually some faint light shining through. Before the spiritual consciousness was shielded, they didn't notice it, but now they found a light door that seemed to be embedded in the bottom of the lake.

I was startled in my heart and secretly thought that the way out of the battle is at the bottom of the lake, and the water is the territory of the shark monster. It is not so difficult to slip away from under his nose.

But it seems that there is no second way out these four weeks, and it seems that this is the only way out.

At that moment, Yi Tian hurriedly sent voice transmission to inform Xiahou Cangqiong of these situations while casting a spell against the shark monster.

The latter also had a bitter expression on his face when he heard this, the opponent was at loggerheads in the water and he was at a stalemate on the shore, if he jumped off Tianchi and let the opponent take advantage of the geographical advantage, he might lose to himself, even if the two of them shot at the same time, there would be no benefit .

Yi Tian glanced at the Flying Mouse on the side with the corner of his eye, and then hurriedly said: "Boy, go down first, the light gate of the array is at the bottom of the lake, and I will try to entangle that shark monster."

After hearing this, Flying Mouse showed embarrassment, but was forced by Yi Tian's power to dare not make a sound.At this time, Xiahou Cangqiong also sent a voice transmission to urge him to go into the water, and he also saw that there are only two ways to break the formation as soon as possible, one is to deal with the opponent, and the other is to hold back and leave calmly.

Now that there is a burden by my side, I can't do my best. It would be easier to let the flying mouse evacuate in advance.

Under the urging of the two with serious faces, the Flying Mouse also gritted its teeth and opened the light shield to protect itself, then jumped headfirst into the water and swam towards the bottom of the lake.With Yi Tian's direction guidance, he quickly found the direction of the light gate and dived desperately.

They didn't encounter any obstacles along the way, but Yi Tian and Xiahou Cangqiong had exchanged views behind them, and the two approached step by step, entered the water together, and started fighting with the shark monster underwater.

On the one hand, Yi Tian protected the back of the Flying Mouse so that it could escape smoothly. On the other hand, Xiahou Cangqiong also tried his best. Although the power of the moves and spells in the water will be slightly reduced, the two of them can still kill each other when they attack at the same time. Forced to retreat steadily.

After a short while, Yi Tian's consciousness found that the flying squirrel could not be found at the bottom of the lake, and then he sent a sound transmission underwater to Xiahou Cangqiong and said, "Okay, I will wait for the opportunity to enter the gate now, fellow Daoist Xiahou, see you!" Just take it and follow."

Without waiting for Xiahou Cangqiong to reply, the shark monster seemed to understand the plan of the two of them, and even swam directly to the outer circle, which seemed to be going around in a circle to hold the guard and get it to the light gate again.

Seeing this, Yi Tian put away the spells in his hand and swam straight towards the position of the light gate, and arrived at a position ten feet above the light gate in a short time.But before he had time to dive, he saw a flash of spiritual light at the bottom of the Tianchi Lake, and the water in the pool began to spin rapidly from the exit of the formation.

Suddenly, the two found that there seemed to be a gate above the light gate, which seemed to be slowly falling down, as if it was about to close it.

Now Xiahou Cangqiong burst into anger, turned around and took out a red jade ring to sacrifice, then divided it into three parts, split the vortex water column and hit the shark monster.

The red spiritual weapon split the tumbling water into four petals in an instant as if it had entered no one's land in the pool, locked the shark monster and surrounded it continuously from three directions, left, right, top, and top.

Hearing the three sounds of 'Boom, Boom, Boom', the jade ring was respectively resisted by the spiritual weapon in the hands of the shark monster and the ice spear protruding from its mouth, and it became evenly matched for a while.

Yi Tian didn't care about the fight between the two, the formation gate in front of him was closing at a high speed, and with a glance, he took out four broken formation cones from his hands, poured spiritual power into them, and shot them out towards the four corners of the light gate in turn.

After ten breaths, four streaks of cyan aura instantly broke through the pool of water and nailed it accurately around the light gate. At the same time, the gate that seemed to be falling slowly was stuck for a while, and the entrance of the light gate could hardly be narrowed by half an inch.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted via voice transmission: "It's done, I've blocked the entrance to the main entrance. Fellow Daoist Xiahou, let's go out quickly," he said without turning his head, and directly dived towards the light gate.

The shark monster also realized that something was wrong. After abandoning Xiahou Cangqiong, he rushed directly to the entrance of the light gate, and shot out water arrows one after another from his mouth. After the blue water splashed out of the air, the surrounding lake water instantly condensed into Bing attacked Yi Tian's position.

Facing the shark monster's all-out attack, Yi Tian couldn't take it hard, so he had to choose to avoid the sharp edge temporarily, and only avoided the opponent's violent attack after retreating a distance of several tens of feet.

At this time, Xiahou Cangqiong on the other side's eyes flashed brightly, and after connecting his hands on his chest, he pointed at the jade ring and shouted: "Combined", the three palm-sized jade rings merged into one and rolled up their spiritual power He split the water column and greeted the shark monster.

The fish monster had just cast a spell, and before he could turn his spiritual power, he saw a hot move, and swam away with a flick of his tail without even thinking about it.

At the same time, Xiahou Cangqiong's figure flashed and sneaked straight towards the light gate, and he was already above the light gate in less than ten breaths.Glancing at the shark monster, its teeth were gritted at this time, and the water column in its mouth was spitting towards him desperately, Xiahou Cangqiong quickly said through voice transmission: "I'll go down first, thank you Daoist Yi for this, just accept it when you see it , "After speaking, the figure flashed and directly disappeared into the gate of the formation.

The corner of his eyes twitched, Yi Tian didn't expect the other party to slip away like this, and then the shark monster swam directly to the vicinity of the light gate, and after a while of seals, he cast several spells on it.Then there was a 'swish' sound, and the broken formation cones that had been driven into the formation gate bounced out in unison, and then the formation gate at the bottom of the lake was closed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yi Tian couldn't help but turn around and go upstream in a hurry. For the time being, he couldn't take advantage of the geographical advantage. It would be absolutely disadvantageous for him to fight resolutely. It's better to leave Tianchi and go ashore before thinking of a way.

After ten breaths, a cyan figure jumped out of the lake, and then landed on one side of the bank.Yi Tian landed and hurriedly flew towards the other side of the hillside, for the current plan, he could only find a way out.

(End of this chapter)

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