
Chapter 666 Rescue 6 Secret Door

Chapter 666 Rescue Six Secret Doors
After coming down from the hillside, Yi Tian found that the shark monster in the pool water behind him hadn't followed him, and now that there was no one around, he unscrupulously let go and searched the situation in this space one by one.

After a while, Yi Tian's face became cloudy and uncertain. There seemed to be no turning back in this big formation. The light gate channel that he walked through the banyan tree hole just now was obviously a one-way teleportation formation.

In addition to that, there is only a light gate at the bottom of the Tianchi Lake on the top of the mountain. At this time, under the guard of the shark monster, it is not easy to open it again.

Apart from this, there are no traces of other formation gates near this barren mountain. Yi Tian couldn't help but frown. According to what he had learned, these formation methods would definitely leave formation pattern nodes, but he couldn't do it in haste. Couldn't check it out.

After careful consideration, Yi Tiancai came back to his senses, and thought to himself: "This relic seems to be the inheritance left by the ancestors of the Lihuo Sect to the younger generations, and it will definitely not be the end of the road. Maybe there are some unknown things in it. detail."

Wanting to come to Yitian to extend his spiritual consciousness again and search up and down the barren mountain again, he later found that except for the Tianchi on the top of the mountain and the pool where the waterfall falls at the foot of the mountain, other places have been searched with spiritual consciousness. Probe over.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian turned around and ran down the mountain. After a while, he returned from the original road and came down to the vicinity of the water pool.

After having the experience of Tianchi, Yi Tian didn't dare to push too much, first he slowly extended his spiritual consciousness to check around the pool.After the waterfall falls, it only gathers into a pool of ten feet in size, and it shouldn't be that deep, but when the divine sense reaches into the pool, it can't reach the bottom.

So Yi Tian couldn't see any joy or anger on his face, he just took out the spirit sword and slashed down on the edge of the pool, and suddenly he saw a hole in the pool, and the water stored in it rushed out of the hole. flow out.Not long after, most of the spring water flowed out of it, and a golden flash appeared from the pool in an instant. Yi Tian took a closer look and saw that it turned out to be a pile of spiritual stones piled up.

Looking up, I saw that the water of the waterfall fell directly on the pile of spirit stones, and the spirit stones mixed in it were preserved and piled up.With a look of disappointment on Yi Tian's face, he thought to himself: "This place should be formed by the accumulation of spiritual stones in the waterfall, so there is no formation gate here." '

Just as he was thinking, suddenly a white light appeared faintly in the pool of water, but it was too weak and was covered by the light of the spirit stone.

A flash of inspiration flashed through Yi Tian's mind, and Yi Tian's face showed a little joy, and the spirit sword in his hand swung out again and slashed towards the surrounding banks again, cutting the original gap three feet deep.

The water left in the pool slowly flowed out along the gap, and after a while, the bottom of the pool was revealed.At this time, Yi Tian used his spiritual sense to scan and found that there were too many fragments of spirit stones backlogged here, covering the bottom of the pool.

Controlling the spirit sword in his hand, he cleared away the pile of spirit stones in the center, and after a while, a white light flashed to reveal a light gate.Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw this, and he continued to use the repelling technique to remove all the stones at the bottom of the pool.

Not long after, a half-open white light gate appeared in front of him, and Yi Tian had a faint joy on his face after looking at it, as if he had seen the patterns around this light gate before.

After quickly going through the formation patterns he had learned in his mind, Yi Tiancai found that the formation patterns on the light gate were like "Boundary Breaking Patterns", but this formation pattern was the dark part of the Xumi Space Barrier of the Great Five Elements Spirit Formation Where the door is, but I don't know where the passage behind the light door leads to.

After looking at it for a while, Yi Tian had no other choice but to find a way from the ready-made Guangmen passage, and after cleaning up all the surrounding spirit stone fragments, a three-foot-sized passage entrance was revealed.After examining it carefully, I found that this passage seems to be not very stable, and the surrounding spiritual power fluctuates from time to time, so it cannot be used directly.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian took out a large number of spirit stones, rune pens, inscription liquid and a few formation-breaking cones. Since the spiritual power fluctuations in the channel are unstable, it can only be used after strengthening it first, or else enter the channel by yourself If it collapses, I don't know what the consequences will be.

Fortunately, he knew the inscription mark on it a long time ago, so he picked up the rune pen and dipped some inscription liquid on it, and began to repair the original pattern.

After the pattern pattern around the light gate was painted completely again, the fluctuation of spiritual power in it gradually stabilized.A quarter of an hour later, after repairing the surrounding formation patterns, Yi Tian slowly raised four formation-breaking awls, and after three breaths of spiritual power infusion, several colorful streamers appeared on the breaking formation awls.

Hearing the sound of "go," the four broken awls flew out and hit the four corners of the light gate, forcing the light gate open for a while.Only now did Yi Tian show a little joy on his face, so he also had a way to get out, so he was very happy at the moment.

Later, he packed up his props and walked towards the closed door with big strides. Just as he was about to step into the closed door, his eyelids twitched suddenly. Yi Tian's consciousness realized that there seemed to be something rushing down from the top of his head towards the bottom of the waterfall. .

When I probed with my spiritual sense, I found that it turned out to be the monster shark in the pond that day. At this time, it actually fell from the top of the waterfall along the current, and the target was exactly where I was standing.

Yi Tian had already suffered a lot when he was on the top of the mountain before, but he didn't expect that he would dare to leave Tianchi on the top of the mountain instead.After a stern look flashed across his face, Yi Tian pulled away without saying a word, and then took out the Sun Moon Tong Huilun, made seals on both hands, and quickly injected spiritual power into the spiritual energy.

After a while, Yi Tian said softly: "Combined," the two wheels of the sun and the moon merged into one, mixed with real fire and spiritual power, and struck towards the shark monster with lightning speed.

Originally, the presence of Lao Er Xiahou and Flying Mouse was just Yi Tian's scruples, but now he can let go of his hands and make moves under one-on-one.

For a moment, he let go of all the originally restrained spiritual power and restored his cultivation base to the strongest state. Yi Tian manipulated the sun, moon and brilliance wheel to aim at the shark monster's chest and hit hard.

The shark monster was stunned at first when he saw the attacking spiritual weapon, his face became extremely solemn, and he held a harpoon and steel knife in both hands to sacrifice and then shielded himself in front of him.

"Dang, clang, clang" several loud bangs, the four spiritual weapons made a deafening sound under the violent attack in the air, and the fluctuation of spiritual pressure exploded in mid-air instantly, directly smashing all the spiritual stones within a radius of more than ten miles around. Shattered.

Slightly underestimating the opponent's strength, the shark monster suffered a dark loss as soon as it came up, its body was directly pushed up by several feet by the spiritual pressure fluctuation, and it lost its target as soon as it turned around.

After it came back to its senses, it found that Yi Tian had already teleported into the air at some point, holding a spirit sword in his hand, and the flashing blue lights turned into filaments and attacked quietly.

The cyan sword wire gathered in the air to wrap the shark monster in the middle, and when the sword wire tightened suddenly, it instantly dismembered the wrapped fish into pieces of fish.

(End of this chapter)

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